Isn't this cheating again!So his strength was not consumed at all!

  Hearing these words, Ibuki immediately lost consciousness.

  And the other side. .

Chapter 179

  the other side.

  Several people who intercepted Shiina Hiyori and forced out Ryuuen's plan came to the first floor of the special teaching building.

  They found that the stairs were blocked by a fence.

  Just thought it would be blocked but found that the fence is not locked.

  It takes a lot of effort just to push the fence open.

  "As expected, it would be easier if I brought Hiyori classmates over and asked her to help." Karuizawa said.

  "By the way, is it really okay that we robbed Hiyaka Shiina's phone just now?"

  But Sato-san has a different idea.

  Because he stole other people's things and asked them to help, can they still be considered human when they do such things?

  "That's to prevent the other party from reporting a letter." Karuizawa said, "And if Qinglong was bullied by Ryuuen, then we would use Rihe's cell phone to send a message, and Ryuuen would feel that the plan was a failure, then Ryuuen might stop immediately. ."

  "Qinglong?" Sato-san turned his head.

  "I'm talking about Kiyotaka Ayanokouji." Karuizawa quickly changed her tune, but she knew that the student Sato in front of her had a crush on that guy and failed to [publicly] confess.

  And the girl said that I don't like him anymore, that I can't be together or something, don't believe a single punctuation mark, because it's obviously something that has nothing to do with her, but Sato-san is tinkering to come together.

  So don't trust Sato-san even a single word.

  But what's going on right now is really weird.

  Her mobile phone was borrowed by Qinglong, and now Longyuan offers Qinglong to come out.

  What the hell happened.

  Yes, Hiyawa didn't tell Horikita and Sato that the person Ryuen really wanted was Megumi Karuizawa, and he also wanted to use Karuizawa as a spy.

  So now they all just feel that Longyuan is taking revenge.

  Sato and the others thought that Ryuuen's side was revenge for the sports festival being exposed by Kiyotaka for cheating.

  On the other hand, Horikita knows more, and knows that Ryuuen must be a new hatred and an old hatred, not just one thing.


  Hiyori just said that Ryuuen wanted to threaten Qinglong for ordinary intelligence like Qinglong.

  Then, in order to be realistic, she also told about the fact that a few of them wanted to let Qinglong meet in the special teaching building today.

  It's just that Hiyori didn't expect that even after she said so much, Karuizawa and the others took her cell phone directly.

  "Really—" However, Karuizawa seemed to be very dissatisfied with Hiyori's mobile phone. "Shina Hiyori didn't write down Ryuuen's number at all. It should be said that she didn't have one of her communications."

  So there is no way to contact Longyuan at all.

  "Perhaps he didn't come to answer Ryuen's appointment? Or maybe Hiyori was lying to us from the beginning?" Sato said.

  "It's too complicated," Karuizawa said. "By the way, Sato, your attitude is wrong, aren't you... You haven't interacted with Ayanokouji recently. You don't participate in the activities of the Ayanokouji group."

  "I just can't afford him." Sato-san said, "But if something really happened, then I would have to contact the other boys in the class. It's just that I can only find Miyake."

  Karuizawa found (cgad) Sato looking at her and seemed to want her to contact him.

  "Don't look at me, I have a tense relationship with other boys. But if I ask Hirata-kun there should be no problem."

  "Ah, I can also contact Hirata, let me come." Sato said.

  "So you're not coming yet!" Horikita Suzine felt that the two were really dragging their feet.

  By this time the fence had been pushed open.

  "And find those people." Horikita-san said, "It doesn't have any effect at all, it's probably still dragging the oil bottle."

  "Could it be that Horikita-san, you are very good?" Sato has never seen Horikita take a shot.

  But Karuizawa had followed, and knew that Horikita had packed up the three of Manabe at once.

  "I learned martial arts when I was very young, and I have never left." Horikita said.

  oh oh oh.

  This made Sato-san put away the phone.

  It's just that if Big Brother Horikita was here, three people in a row would definitely shake their heads.

  Because his sister has studied martial arts, but her foot injury is not completely healed, so it is purely a gift.



  Qinglong stood there and watched Long Yuanxiang.

  "Even if you see this situation, you are still calm, should you say it's really you?" Kiyotaka praised the other party.

  Because of the three people that Ryuuen brought, Ibuki had fainted, while Albert was in a daze, and Ishizaki was crying, but Ryuuen's face was not even a trace of panic.

  "You are not only smart, but you are even top-notch in violence. I really don't know Mount Tai."

  Longyuan clapped his hands as if expressing frank respect, and then walked in front of Qinglong.

  "Do you know what I would say in this situation, Ayanokouji?"

  "Who knows." Qinglong said, "But I would like to know why you can subdue Albert. His physical strength is not something that ordinary people can fight against."

  "Didn't you also beat him?" Long Yuan avoided talking.

  "But I already have the answer." Qinglong said, "Longyuan, you are that kind of person."

  "Who?" Long Yuan seemed a little interested.

  "A person who is strong enough in his heart." Qinglong said, "Maybe his physical quality is not as good as others, but he is a very vengeful person and a very ruthless person. Because he only needs to win, so it doesn't matter whether the enemy is shitting or fighting. If you go to the toilet, then you can attack and make the other party so annoying, so you give up completely, and finally bow your head."


  However, when Qinglong said this, Albert, who was in a daze, suddenly looked over.

  After confirming the other party's expression, Qinglong knew that he had guessed correctly.

  "That's why—" Qinglong suddenly turned his body to the right to avoid Longyuan's seemingly calmness, but he actually wanted a sudden attack. "I've paid special attention to abnormal performances like yours."


  Longyuan seems to feel a little disappointed.

  Because Qinglong was right.

  With his fighting ability, there is really no way to win Albert. He is the one who harassed the opponent until the opponent was about to vomit, and then subdued the opponent.

  It's just that Ryuuen also started a formal attack.

  He crouched down slightly and immediately left his fist.

  His target was not Qinglong's face, but his abdomen.

  Qinglong jumped directly and avoided the blow.

  Ryuuen immediately narrowed the distance as if chasing, and this time he hit his usual right fist.

  "I'm sorry, I didn't want to take your fist." Qinglong cheered up.

  Because either Ishizaki.Both Ibuki and Albert are just appetizers.

  The reason why he came here, apart from the fact that Longyuan wanted to target Karuizawa, Qinglong also had his own purpose.

  Ryuuen is probably the kind of very stubborn person.

  And Horikita said that only by enduring the opponent's moves can the opponent feel the difference in strength.

  But Qinglong didn't agree that people like Longyuan would lose confidence so easily.


  To deal with Ryuuen is neither to bear nor to avoid.


  Take the initiative to attack!

  And now it was his turn to strike.

  Qinglong grabbed Longyuan's outstretched right arm, but Longyuan was very agile for such a move, and he immediately used his left hand to free Qinglong.

  But such a move is very similar to Albert.

  Because Qinglong was just feinting.So in the gap between Longyuan's hands and his stomach, Qinglong started kicking.

  It hit Ryuuen's flank directly.


  However, Long Yuan suddenly took two steps back, and then instinctively bent his waist.

  This is probably because the blow he just kicked did a lot of damage to him.Then he did not continue to feel the pain, and immediately opened a distance from Qinglong.

  From this point of view, Ryuuen is actually stronger than Ishizaki.

  "Well done. Longyuan." Qinglong said.

  "Hehe-" Long Yuan revealed a miserable smile. "After all, my junior high school or elementary school came from fighting."

  "It's just that I didn't expect your strength to be so strong. What's your grip strength?"

  Long Yuan said, "Mine is 70kg."

  This is not even comparable to Sudou's 80kg, but even a strong grip is useless, because Sudou does not talk about Ryuuen alone, but Ishizaki can actually kill him.

  "You may not imagine it." Qinglong said, "Because my values ​​may surprise you a little."

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