"Surprise? Don't you want to say that you broke [-]?" Long Yuan almost laughed miserably.

  "Yeah." But Qinglong nodded. "If you have direct explosive power, you can achieve it, but if you want to continue to break through [-], you can only last for more than ten minutes."

  Ten minutes is also perverted!


  Longyuan almost wanted to vomit blood.

  Because I couldn't see how Kiyotaka's slender arms exerted such strength.

  It's just a scam.

  Because if you know that this guy is so powerful, and his motor nerves are explosive, then he will never fight him directly.


  And he had doubts about whether Qinglong was really coming for a fight. .

Chapter 180

  "Since your motor nerves are very good, and your strength is outrageous." Long Yuanxiang said, "then you specially arranged those recording pens to be—"

  "Oh those." Qinglong said, "It's for you to shoot me without any scruples."


  Longyuan felt like he was about to cough up blood.

  It's just not that the injury is so serious, but that he is about to be pissed off.


  If he knew Kiyotaka's grip strength was like this, then he would choose to give up when it was not Karuizawa Megumi but Kiyotaka who appeared on the roof, instead of really fighting the opponent.

  So it's not whether he wants to fight with the opponent or not, but the initiative is always in the opponent's hands.

  It was the other party who predicted his heart~ and wanted to hit him.


  How can you do this.


  "What you said before is right. I think the strong are not only strong physically, but also strong in heart." Long Yuan suddenly stood up.

  At this time, his image has completely changed, "You are very strong, I admit that, but you can still be so strong tomorrow? The day after tomorrow?"

  "What kind of eyes are you looking at, I can do it, I will attack you when you are urinating, even when you are shitting! No more!"

  Qinglong turned to look at Albert, who was in a daze. Albert's expression was strange, but this also proved that Longyuan did indeed do this.

  It really was the horseshoe bug that bugged him when he was going to the toilet.

  Longyuan is really a younger brother.

  And just now, it was my brother who spoke.

  But Long Yuan laughed, and then his body rushed up like a vicious dog. Qinglong easily kicked his waist, but his hands spread out and grabbed Qinglong's legs, and then he didn't hesitate like a dog. bit down.


  This is Qinglong's first injury today.

  In the face of Albert Qinglong, who is much stronger than Longyuan, he was unscathed.

  But now it is-

  Foot was bitten.


  There really is no way of fighting in Longyuan.Isn't this like a wild dog?

  "I don't care whether I can win or not, I just want to take revenge, and I will do it no matter how inferior the means of revenge!" Longyuan said sullenly while biting Qinglong's right leg.

  "For me, I have no fear!"

  Longyuan said.

  Yes, he has no fear.

  When he was 10 years old, he killed a snake by himself. At that time, he was scared when other people looked at the scary things, but after killing the snake, his mood was different.

  Because he found that he had no fear in the process.


  He has no fear.

  In junior high school, he was a real bad guy, a gangster, and he lived in that kind of garbage-like place. He had many, many enemies. If there was any fear, he would have died long ago.

  death in the true sense.

  So now he... is invincible!

  As long as a person is shameless and tough in his heart, then he will not lose!

  Qinglong looked at him.

  Then Longyuan heard Qinglong's voice, "Actually, I only got into martial arts in the last few days."

  "...Are you trying to surprise me? Hmm...but I won't be surprised by anything about you!" Longyuan still didn't let go

  "It's a pity, I don't want to surprise you, I just agree with your statement." Qinglong said.


  "The toughness of the heart you just said is correct." Qinglong said, "Do you think my physical fitness is good? That's just what you are looking at now.

  When I was young, I was the last in the class in sports, and I couldn't even run faster than girls. "


  Ryuuen let go because he was surprised, but he soon found that his mind was shaken, if Qinglong just let him let go then he succeeded.

  What surprised Longyuan was that Qinglong had no interest in it, even if Longyuan bit him again, he was indifferent.

  "It's true." Qinglong said, "So my physical fitness is completely acquired. Do you know how I grew up?"

  "My house is a shrine, with a total of more than [-] steps. And I just climb three times a day to slowly keep up with ordinary people." Qinglong said.

  "Are you crazy? Thirty thousand steps—" Long Yuan knew how terrifying this consumption was. "And every day."

  "Because I'm weaker than ordinary people, I don't pay more, so how do I keep up with them? Not to mention surpass them!"


  This sentence touched Longyuan!

  "So...what do you want to do?" Long Yuan felt that he was the kind of person who worked harder than ordinary people.

  So what will Qinglong do?

  "Your heart is stronger than ordinary people, so I have to give more patience to disintegrate your heart." Qinglong said, "And if you don't open your mouth now, I will hit you."

  Is it a few punches?Long Yuan felt that he was not afraid at all.

  "I will hit you 1 punches." Qinglong said.

  "Are you crazy?" Long Yuan was about to let go.


  But a fist has come down.

  At the same time, it was accompanied by Qinglong's voice.

  "The fight is only a momentary thing. I don't have time to accompany you to the toilet or eat and I have to guard against you. So it's best for you to give up."

· · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · ·???????????

  "And I won't beat you fatally," Kiyotaka said. "Just hammer down with the same amount of force, and the angle will be the same."

  Isn't that like a blacksmith making iron?Even the skull will crack in the same position.

  It's just that Ryuuen is fearless.

  Because he doesn't know what fear is.

  And Qinglong's blow has come down.


  Longyuan almost wanted to cough, but he held it back.

  Because my face hurts like it's about to split.

  Isn't it the same strength?This strength is stronger than just now!

  But without giving Long Yuan too much time to react, Qinglong's second punch also came down.


  Longyuan felt the pain.


  is the same strength.

  But with the third blow, Longyuan felt like he was about to crack again.

  Because the pain increased 3 times.


  "Sorry, I didn't control it well." Qinglong seemed a little embarrassed, "And now I will let you relax first."

  "But let loose also keep hitting you. I'll finish 1 punches today."

  Ha ha.

  Is this intimidating him?

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