So finished a wonderful lunch.

  And because you bring your own bento box, there is another move that you don't have when you go to the cafeteria, "Do you want me to wash it before returning it to you?"

  The dishes need to be washed.

  "No." Horikita Suzine refused, "I have to wash it twice."

  Is it.Once he washes she has to wash again.How can you not believe him?He also did housework.

  But Qinglong is not concerned about this.

  "Well...then, Horikita, will you still make a bento for me?" It was rare that Horikita Suzune was not so cold now, so Kiyotaka asked again.

  It can be said that eating with a girl is not right, it should be said that eating a girl's craftsmanship is the first time for Qinglong.

  So he will try to make it happy.

  "Don't do it."

  However, even if it was not so cold, the current Horikita-san still refused.It's just that her gaze was not so calm and shifted a little, "However, based on Ayanokouji-kun's performance in the future, it's not that I can't continue to make it for you."

  "In other words, do you want to be distributed according to work?"

  "Specifically, it should be so." Horikita did not deny it.

  "Then...let's deal with Ichinose this time." Kiyotaka said, "And here you can come in handy."


  Horikita blinked at him.three.

Chapter 211

  Ichinose's popularity is very high, and her classmates are very united, but for a week, she is still rumored.

  Her approach is simple, just ignore it.It is quite Buddhist practice to believe that the person who is clear is self-clearing, and if he does not respond to the other party, he may feel bored and give up.

  But Ichinose's cold treatment is the same as Horikita's.

  She also wanted to deal with the rumors of Horikita coldly, but she didn't hold on to it, and broke out in class.

  It's just that Ichinose didn't pay attention, but it would be annoying to keep doing this all the time.

  1. Ichinose has someone she likes

  2. Ichinose has been admitted to the student council by default

  3. Ichinose Hami Misconduct

  These three are by far the most successful rumors.Distinction is also confusing.

  Point 3 will be rejected by people who are familiar with Ichinose, but point 1 is very interesting, and point 2 will also pay attention to some people, and even think it is possible.

  After all, her academic ability is very high, her brain is not stupid, and her communication and coordination ability is super strong, even better than Kushida.

  "As for the matter of Ichinose this time, in fact yours was Kushida as a stalker and then Ichinose helped. Now that Ichinose is killed, you can actually ask Kushida." Kiyotaka said.

  "Go... Please Kushida?" Horikita's hand holding the kettle stopped suddenly.

  Because she has a great opinion on Qinglong's suggestion.

  Please go to Kushida.

  Please go to Kushida.

  In the rumored incident, Kushida was said to be the ultimate behind-the-scenes by Kiyotaka, but now he is still looking for her, isn't it poisonous.

  This is too strange.


  Suzune couldn't trust Kushida-san anymore.

  In other words, Kushida-san's credibility is low.And now I want to help Ichinose, so how can I ask Kushida Kikyo, who is quite unreliable?

  "I can trust her this time. She is the person with the greatest relationship outside of Ichinose." Kiyotaka said, "At the same time, you underestimate her. Kushida-san will treat everyone fairly and equally. A friend. So she regards Ichinose as a friend in her heart, and she will try her best to help her friend. Right, Kushida-san."

  As Qinglong said that, he suddenly turned his body back.

  And Horikita Suzune noticed his expression and words and looked back.

  They were seeing a young girl with short blond hair standing behind them, looking here with a "smile".

  "I heard someone talking about my name just now, so I came over because of embarrassment," she said with a "smile".

  She had returned from the cafeteria, and she suddenly sneezed, thinking that someone might be scolding her, and she could only analyze the two people in front of her who would scold her. "The relationship between Horikita-san and Ayanokouji-kun is really good."

  Kushida is very kind.

  ! !

  But Horikita Suzune was taken aback.

  She's a fairly calm person, but now there's a panic of saying bad things about others and getting caught right away.

  "..." She didn't know how to respond for a while.

  "Then, let's help." Kiyotaka stood up and gave Kushida Kikyo his chair. "I think you must have the source of the rumors in your hands."

  "..." However, Kushida just smiled and didn't sit down or continue talking.Instead, she looked at Horikita Suzune.

  "... Horikita." Kiyotaka had no choice but to pat Horikita on the shoulder.

  "...Kushida-san." Horikita had to say, "This time, I hope you can help me."

  " it okay to take this time as Horikita-san owes me a favor?" Kushida's voice suddenly became cute. "Then can it be offset with the previous incident?"

  The fingers of Kushida's hands were folded together, and he seemed to be in a good mood.

  And the previous incident she mentioned here is that she assisted in Horikita's rumors.

  Then taking it over also offended Horikita.

  "..." Horikita responded after a while, "Yes."

  She still doesn't know that Kushida is an accomplice and not the principal, so the answer here is equivalent to forgiving Kushida's recognition that he is the principal...  

  It could be seen that Horikita really wanted to help Ichinose this time, so she made such a big sacrifice.

  "Okay, after all, Ichinose-san is also my friend, so how can I just sit back and watch my good friend's rumors spread? And this is the information I got." Kushida then began to share what he easily obtained. Intelligence, sources, and the real part of the news.

  The reason why rumors can be circulated is that they can’t just talk nonsense, and must hide some of the real things, so that they can’t be easily exposed or denied.

  Just like the rumors of Horikita before, from being the student council president's sister to the student council president's favoritism and so on.The real part is that Horikita is indeed the younger sister of the student council president.So as soon as the rumor came out, she couldn't immediately respond or deny it correctly.

  Then the rumors spread more and more widely.

  Kushida Kikyo is the best at doing this kind of thing.Therefore, her anti-reconnaissance means are also quite high.

  Only effective help can be obtained from her.

  And asking Kushida to help, it seems that she used her strength, and Kushida also achieved her goal, eliminating Horikita's dissatisfaction with her, which seems to be a win-win outcome for both parties.

  But no.

  In the rumored incident in Horikita, influential people like Kushida can incite others to gain great power, so there is no guarantee that she will not get involved this time.

  So with the help of her power, she cut off the possibility of her doing things.

  In other words.

  Kushida Kikyo was sealed.

  So this is the real purpose, to appease the guy who gets in the way.

  Then comes the chance to resolve the incident.

  Seeing Horikita's stern face and Kushida-san who was gradually becoming cheerful, Kiyotaka just wanted to shake his head, these two were still not smart enough.

  I really can't imagine if he is not in the class, then the two of them will be played by people like Banliu or Longyuan. .

Chapter 212

  Kushida Kikyo is quite good at communicating with people. Her source of information and her ability to grasp information are terrible.

  Although Kiyotaka can seek help from Boruga and Karuizawa, at most they are only in contact with the girls in the class, and there is no information source from other classes, so the information that can be collected is also very incomplete.

  "The source of the news is a girl from Class A, but considering the girl's emotional aspect, I guess she is not the first person to spread the rumor. It may be that Hashimoto, the person she likes, let her spread it." Kushida said.And also added her own message to summarize.

  Then a new character is pointed out - Hashimoto.

  Hashimoto's full name is Hashimoto Masayoshi.

  At the beginning of the school year, Qinglong wanted to cheat the money from Longyuan's class, and deliberately found people on the list of popular girls and popular boys 26.And being on the list shows that the other party is very popular, or at least looks good.

  And also a student of class A.

  In addition to his excellent grades, he is also handsome, and he often participates in sports training. He is very popular among girls.Naturally, she will be liked by the girls in her class.

  and so.

  It's very possible that he is behind the scenes.



  Horikita expressed doubts.

  Horikita is now at a loss for this newly acquired name.She had seen the photos and names of all grade students and the class they belonged to and other basic information prepared for her by Kiyotaka, but she had hardly any contact with Hashimoto...she.

  Therefore, it is impossible to confirm what kind of person the other party is and why he is targeting Ichinose.

  "About this... In fact, people can ask people to inquire." Qinglong was very sure that this Hashimoto was from Banryu's faction.

  Because in the summer vacation when Ryuuen was looking for Koenji, Hashimoto was by her side when Italia appeared.

  So the source is actually Ban Liu.

  So directly point out the willow?

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