
  Just like a game of chess, do the players who play chess have to go to the chessboard in person?

  So Kiyotaka suggested, "I believe in Kushida's intelligence. So, Kushida, please contact Shibata and the others. Isn't your relationship with them good? Tell them that it is Hashimoto Masayoshi who is spreading rumors."

  "Just tell Shibata they can?"

  Although he thought it couldn't be Hashimoto, Horikita obeyed Kiyotaka's judgment. ,

  But this judgment is to share the news with Shibata.

  "Shibada and the others really want to protect Ichinose, so if it's Hashimoto, they can be tested." Kiyotaka said.

  "..." Kushida remained silent.

  Because she knows best that this person wants to borrow the power of others.

  "It's been sent." Kushida announced immediately after completing the task given by the teacher, just like a primary school student.

  But she just showed that she was doing something in front of Horikita Suzune. Horikita-san is very awkward. You have done something for her secretly. As long as you don't point it out, she won't be grateful or will find out at all. .

  So even if it is a bit blatant, there is nothing that can be done to make the other party feel that she really did the real thing.

  Kushida Kikyo is clear.

  And she also understands that her own nature is very clear, so showing her ability more at once will make her more stable in this class.

  "Okay." Qinglong nodded.

  There are seven minutes left before class.

  Kushida was ready to return to her own seat.

  But after a while, the students in the same class who came back from outside exclaimed.

  It can even be said that the class suddenly became noisy.

  "The students of Class B, Shibata, went to Class A to fight aggressively—"

  "They seem to be surrounded by a man named Hashimoto."

  Someone who came back from the toilet preached to the rest of the class. And Shibata, the students of class B, were the students of Ichinose's class.

  Their class has always been very united, and it can even be said that Harmony has never deliberately provoke other classes.

  And now they have to do something illegal like this.


  Qinglong took out his phone and checked the time.

  Only 2 minutes and 38 seconds had passed since Kushida sent the message to Shibata.

  Then they immediately set off to trouble Hashimoto from Class A.

  It seemed that the students of Class B cared more about Ichinose than they thought.

  At the same time, it was also stated that only after receiving the information from Kushida Kikyo, Shibata and the others believed that they were going to trouble Hashimoto. Kushida Kikyo is really a surprising person.If he is only in the position of leading the class, then even if Kushida betrayed the class several times without having a deeper relationship with him, then considering her value, she cannot easily abandon her.

  Even Horikita looked surprised.

  It was obvious that she really understood how valuable this woman named Kushida Kikyo was.The interpersonal communication that Kushida is good at is something she is not good at or even cannot master.

  Shibata and Kanzaki also surrounded Class A with the students of Class B.

  They blocked the door of Class A's classroom. .

Chapter 213

  "Then I won't ask anymore, our request is very simple, you stop spreading rumors, and at the same time... apologize to Ichinose-san and clarify that these are just rumors." Although he wanted to stand up for Ichinose-san, Kanzaki also knew that he was Where is the bottom line.

  "I can't do it." Hashimoto refused very simply, "If you have a clear conscience, why didn't Ichinose-san not deal with the rumors head-on? It's like being investigated by the school a few days ago with a huge amount of points.

  Ichinose, why didn't she stand up by herself and let you guys come? "

  It must be said that Hashimoto is indeed cunning.

  Among the people who came out to seek justice from now on, Ichinose himself knew that Kanzaki and the others were weak.

  And even Kanzaki had no choice but to answer vaguely to such a question.

  They were not authorized by Ichinose.

  But now at least Hashimoto is forced to apologize and clear up the rumors.

  Although he has worked very hard, acting is not his specialty after all, so Hashimoto saw through it all at once, knowing that these students of Class B were really not inspired by Ichinose.

  Totally their own actions.

  But the solidarity of Class B made the students of Class A, who were not very friendly, envied.

  While talking to Kanzaki Ryuji, Hashimoto had reached into his pocket with one hand to edit the secret line of the text message to himself and asked the other party to bring Ichinose over. Flies don't bite, so how do you know that Ichinose doesn't have a dark past? Maybe you're just looking for a hypocritical being' 々."

  This sentence is to show that Ichinose is a fake person.

  "This is impossible!"

  But he was wrong.

  The students of Class B were supposed to take the lead in Kanzaki and then stay in the back quietly, but now they all exploded.

  All the students from Class B who came here poured into the classroom.

  Nearly [-] students squeezed into a class, and they instantly became anxious.

  "We won't believe your nonsense." Kanzaki concluded, "It's true that we didn't get Ichinose's approval for this action, but this is what all the students in our Class B want to do.

  All the members of Class B trust her unconditionally. Rather, it is because of her that we are trying our best to protect her. "

  And with his words, the students of class B are also moving towards him and are hostile to the students of class A.

  They are very united.Both men and women.

  "Even if the outside world is criticizing Ichinose, then we will do our best to protect her. Even if she chooses to suffer slander silently now, then we will not stand idly by!"

  Hobami Ichinose is such an important existence that the whole class can trust.

  And it seems that he also felt that it would turn into a brawl. Hashimoto chose to retreat, "Oh, the greater the hope, the greater the disappointment after you know the truth."

  Then, he left the circle and walked out of the classroom with a few quick steps from the safe route confirmed from the beginning.

  "He's so cunning!" A student in Class B found that Hashimoto wanted to withdraw, but when he was thinking about it, he found that Hashimoto could easily withdraw from the encirclement, so he made a surprised voice.

  "Are you still going to stay here?"

  At this moment, the bald-headed man who was sitting at the table in the third row, who had not moved since the students from Class B came in, suddenly spoke up.

  This is Katsuragi.

  For the random release of rumors, Katsuragi was sure that it must have been done by Itagyu, and Itagyu liked to use the next trick.

  And just now, I was just learning about the specific situation. Now that the news has been grasped, there is no need to let the students of Class B continue here, so Boss Katsuragi chose to chase them away.

  "That's are in Class B now, don't enter our class casually."

  Katsuragi spoke, and just now, he actually wished that Kanzaki and Shibata could fight against Hashimoto's class A member Yahiko Totsuka and immediately cooperated with Katsuragi to speak.

  He just couldn't get used to the Banliu faction.

  So it would be best if Banliu was to drop out of school if the trouble got too big.But he also knew that it was impossible, so now he just agreed with Katsuragi-kun.

  "that is!"

  "This is class A, not your class B!"

  Although Katsuragi's performance in these exams was not good, he was still influential, and he was also the secretary of the student council, so there were still many people in Class A who licked him.

  "..." The students in Class B still haven't made up their minds.

  They weren't sure whether the enemy was Hashimoto or Itagyu, and Itagyu kept silent and looked weak, and some couldn't imagine that she would be the kind of person who would throw dirty water on Ichinose-san.

 (Money? Zhao) So they are here now... Do you want to confirm with Ban Liu?

  "Kanzaki-san, and Shibata-san... Everyone, thank you."

  However, at this moment, an apologetic voice came from the door of Class A's classroom.

  That was Ichinose Hobami at the center of the rumor.

  She was bowing to the rest of Class A in a troubled manner and apologizing, "Also, sorry for disturbing the lunch break of everyone in Class A."

  "..." This act is like a parent who is dealing with the aftermath of a child who has caused trouble for others.

  Her actions made the students in Class B bow their heads deeply in guilt.

  But it also showed that the collision with Class A this time must come to an end. .

Chapter 214

  The collision incident in Class B did not yield results, and it was impossible to confirm whether there was anyone behind Hashimoto. After all, he himself performed quite well, and he could also be considered as a small leader.

  This is what the students in class B thought.

  But all these thoughts were stopped by Ichinose.

  She didn't want to see her classmates do this for her, so she stopped her classmates from inquiring about the source.

  And then adopted a fighting style that only she could use.

  remain silent.

  She has quite a high popularity, so she keeps silent and doesn't interfere, and her friends basically don't believe such rumors.

  And the person who released the rumors found that the expected effect was not achieved, so it would be meaningless to continue to spread the rumors.

  It's a pretty cool deal.

  "But it's not true at all."

  Because the students of class B went to class A to block Hashimoto, and then Ichinose actually came to apologize in person, which made it impossible for everyone to continue talking, and the source of the rumor that Horikita got from Kushida was class A The news released by Hashimoto's has no value.

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