

  Is that the case?

  its not right.

  "Banliu." Shen Shi was about to vomit blood.

  Because she already understood.

  Did Banliu think she and Ayanokouji Kiyotaka got together? And did she sacrifice her body?

  It's just a school, why did she take that step?

  "I just didn't want to make you laugh at my stupid exposure, so I deliberately injured my knee. It's definitely not a betrayal of my body." Shenshi vomited blood.

  "Really." Ban Liu suddenly smiled, like a little devil. "Then you can tell the truth."

  "God's room, have you been lying since you came in, or are you trying to betray me?"


  Day by day.

  It was only then that Masumi Kamuro found out, so Banryu sent her out of Kiyotaka Ayanokouji's mission because she didn't trust her to complete it at all.

  Instead, she had long expected that she would be overshadowed by the other party, and then deliberately used words to force her to confess.

  Banliu is really the same as always... I can't like it.

  Therefore, Kamuro had to say that she was threatened after being recorded by Qinglong, and then she exposed the news that Nagumo was the mastermind.

  "Well, everything is normal." Banliu said in his heart, "You have successfully passed the news of Nagumo."


  Didn't you just ask her to go to Kiyotaka Ayanokuji to rescue Ichinose?In the end, the purpose was to let her expose the news of Nagumo?

  God room still felt disgusting.

  So Banliu just expected that she would be played by Ayanokouji because of her lack of intelligence.

  So she is just a pawn of Banliu.

  "But today I went to see Nagumo," Banryu said. "In two days, that is, the day before this month's exam, we will hit Class B again."

  "And on that day, Hobami Ichinose will most likely be in Class B."

  Is it.

  Although it was only a pawn sent by Itagyu, as one of the perpetrators, Kamuro sincerely hoped that Ichinose could be rescued.

  It's just that this hope is probably... not good. .

Chapter 222

  Chapter 073 Crimes cannot be forgiven!superior! (for full order)

  Nagumo recalled meeting Ichinose at the end of last semester.Ichinose offered to join the student council, but was rejected by Horikita Gakuen.

  Nagumo was with him, but he suddenly got a piece of news about Ichinose's dark history.

  Someone told him this.So he asked Ichinose out.

  "I've read your profile. I've been the student council president since I was a junior high school student, and your class advisor was full of praise for you when you entered the school." Nan Yunya spoke very officially, but he was not a newcomer, so a freshman In his eyes, it was just a plaything.Still so simple.

  And Ichinose is also related to him, they came out of the same junior high school.So he is her senior.

  "However. I don't understand why you, 26, who are so excellent, are assigned to Class B. I also think it's unfair that President Horikita rejects you like this."

  Ichinose was in a state of being rejected by President Horikita to join the student council, and now Nagumo said that and could only smile awkwardly.

  And she is talking to Nagumo here now, not only because she is frustrated, but also because... Vice President Nagumo he and she are still from the same high school. He didn't work in the student union in the past, but he was very active in school. He is popular and a very capable person.

  He is her senior and has such a heavy relationship, so she will meet him.

  And Nagumo also knew that he had not gained the trust of the other party.

  "I am the accountant of the student union, but I was the vice president of the student union before. Even if I lose this position, President Horikita will graduate soon, and I can still get it back, and now if I don't start training first-year students , then it will be very troublesome when I become the president.

  Unlike President Horikita, I don't agree with his vision.He just looked at the class boundaries and felt that to enter the student union, he had to be a class A person. "Nagumo said again.

  "Horikita...Is that the kind of person the president is?" Nagumo Ya's remarks made Ichinose puzzled.

  She doesn't know the people of the student council, but is President Horikita such a person?

  The only two times I've seen him was when he was stern at the entrance ceremony, and the second time was in the meeting just now.But... I can't tell that he's the kind of person who only cares about class rankings.

  "I was also promoted from class B to the student council." Na Yunya laughed.

  "Eh...then senior—"

  "Yes, we have a lot of fate. We were junior high schools in the same school, and we were both assigned to Class B, but I don't believe that my strength was only assigned to Class B. I think it was the school's system underestimating, so , now leading the class into Class A.

  And because of this, my excellent grades were valued by the student council president of the previous term and brought into the student council. At that time, Horikita Gakuen was not the student council president, and he was the only one in the student council who opposed me. "Na Yunya said the "sad words" of the past to herself, "so I have different ideas from his, I believe you have potential, so after Horikita resigns, I will open my eyes, as long as it is Talents will be given their due treatment rather than looking at people through class rankings.

  Of course, I hope that you, who I value so much, can help me to support the operation of the student union in the coming year. "

  It was as if Hobami Ichinose had already made an unspoken decision to become a member of the student council.


  Ichinose wasn't bewitched, but she couldn't deny that she came to this school to start over.

  "...You have deep thoughts in your heart, and you can only truly be relieved after crossing over, and now I am a listener, and I promise that I will never tell anyone.

  So, Ichinose, can you tell me?The real reason you're in class B. "Looking at Ichinose's start to think about Nagumo Ya is starting to chase after the situation. It is indeed abnormal that Ichinose will be assigned to Class B, and if she knows the reason for being assigned to Class B and then tells him, then it means that She believed him.

  Nagumo likes to feel trusted.


  After being trusted, you will gain a lot of intelligence and even weaknesses on the other side.

  It wasn't the first time he had done something like this.

  "..." Ichinose didn't speak immediately.

  The memory that had closed him up for half a year suddenly flooded into his mind. .

Chapter 223

  [Fanbo, do you know that there is such a special school where you can enter for free, and after graduation, you will even be recommended for jobs or exempt from exams to enter your desired university.

  And most importantly, there are fully enclosed schools,]

  During that half year, the head teacher had told her that through the door.

  So she came here.


  She lost the trust of others in the past, but now if she wants to start to gain the trust of others, she can only trust others first.

  So, closing her eyes and thinking about the painful things in the past, she said things that she has not forgiven herself now.

  Ichinose Hobami came from a single-parent family. She has a mother and a younger sister. As for her father, she left them early and ran away with other women.

  Completely failed to fulfill the responsibility a father should pay.

  The mother is very hard and strong. She works two jobs by herself to support her two daughters to grow up.

  And Ichinose is also very sensible. She knew about scholarships when she was in junior high school, so she studied hard and finally got Hongzhi to go to school, but she did not intend to go to high school.Going to work as soon as you graduate from junior high school can lighten the burden on mothers.

  But the mother does not agree, even if she is tired, she hopes that the child can have the right to a normal education.But finally fell ill from overwork.

  And the younger sister is also very well-behaved. She knows the difficult situation at home. After her mother fell ill, she didn't say where she wanted to go to play, and she didn't go shopping with friends during the holidays.

  But it was this little sister who told her on her birthday that she definitely, very, wanted the popular hairpins worn by last year's stars that were bought at the store.

  One [-] yen.

  It was a large amount for them, and it seemed that the mother was tired of giving this gift to her sister.

  She persuaded her sister to let her give up this gift first, and she would buy it for her when she reached the age where she could work part-time.

  But it seems that repeated concessions and repeated abandonment made my sister paranoid. She cried and blamed her incapable mother.

  So, Ichinose made a decision.

  On her sister's birthday, she went into the store and stole the hairpin.

  Look, there are a lot of bad people in the world, aren't they?She is only making a mistake for her sister now.And she hopes that this is a loan, and when she has the ability to repay it, she will definitely compensate the store owner.

  And because it was stolen, she didn't wrap the hairpin, but her sister was still very happy.

  Looking at her smile, the guilt in my heart was reduced a lot for a moment.

  Ichinose asked her to promise not to take it out at will.

  But the younger sister missed the appointment, and the younger sister went to see her mother with a hairpin and showed off.

  This is the first time Fanbo has seen such an angry mother, she beat her hard and then confiscated her sister's gift.

  Then, regardless of her hospitalized body, her mother took her to the store and knelt down to admit her mistake.

  At the moment of humble kowtow, Fanbo understood what a heavy crime he had committed.

  This is an inescapable fact no matter how many excuses are made.

  Looking at the crying sister and the exhausted mother, Hobpo knew it was all his fault.

  The clerk didn't hand her over to the police, but Homami closed herself up just like that.

  She didn't leave the room or go to school for half a year. She didn't know if this was a form of self-punishment, but she had no chance of being redeemed.

  Until the head teacher told her through the door that there was such a school that did not require tuition fees and could go to work in various places after graduation.

  For her, this (Qian Li Zhao) may be her chance to redeem herself.

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