So she wanted to join the student council, hoping that someone as good as the student council president Horikita, who was rumored to be quite good, could guide her.


  Sure enough, criminals cannot be forgiven.In the end, she was still nothing.

  Trusting others will only invite betrayal or.

  Losing her trust in others, she can only leave silently.

  [Ichinose Hobami is a criminal]

  Therefore, after discovering that her secret was exposed, Ichinose Hobami chose to quit silently by herself. .

Chapter 224

  Two more days have passed, and the quiz exam that has to study hard has arrived. For the students of Class B, they are happier than the learning atmosphere. On the day of the exam, their little angel Ichinose will be there. .

  Many classmates hadn't seen Ichinose for many days and could only talk to her through the door.And as long as Ichinose is willing to come to school, it means things will end.

  Their class B is still the same as before.

  Say so.

  The climate is not good these days.

  All classes have been busy targeting Class A these two days.

  the reason is simple.

  After Ichinose was rumored, there were all kinds of rumors like Class D and Class C.

  [Ayanokouji Kiyotaka was taken care of by a rich woman, and agreed to get married after graduation.It is a famous grass. ]

  [Chi Kuanji is only interested in fat girls]

  [Shinohara Satsuki sells the spring. ]

  [Class C Ishizaki's ex-girlfriend was snatched by George from Class A. ]

  [Ibuki Mio has sold her body*]

  [Ryuji Kanzaki from Class B killed someone. ]

  [Ichinose Hobami is a criminal]

  These are all false rumors.

  These rumors came from the forum, but recently the forum has changed a bit. For example, some people have uploaded a lot of color maps. Although this kind of content was quickly deleted, it still caused a very bad atmosphere.

  But these are first grade rumors, not senior grades.

  Just even so.The rumors that suddenly popped up still confuse both Class D and Class C.

  Especially in Class C, Ryuuen's follower Ishizaki was said to be directly bombed.

  And Ryuuen's second hardcore Ibuki was also accused of betrayal of his body, and he was also bombed.Yesterday they wanted to fight with the people from Class A.

  And here in Class D.

  "Fat boy pool~"

  For example, Ike Kanji was given a new nickname by his companions because of the rumors that suddenly appeared. When such rumors appeared, he denied it on the spot, and said that he liked Kushida Little Angel.

  But these words are useless, because everyone likes Kushida-san, right?

  So he is still the object of everyone's fun.

  As for Qinglong's rumors, and the rich woman or something, it didn't cause any trouble.Because he himself receives nursing points every month, everyone knows it, so he doesn't even question the authenticity of the matter.

  And now the worst one is Satsuki-san.

  Because it was her who was rumored to be the most extreme.

  Selling spring or something.

  How is this possible.

  And Satsuki is usually affiliated with the Karuizawa group, and she is often the number two in the group, so when she was rumored to have this kind of rumors, her companions began to refute the rumors.

  "It looks a bit lively."

  After Kiyotaka arrived in the class, he looked at his classmate who was talking about the rumors and then turned to Horikita beside him.

  In a situation where rumors were spread about the most inconspicuous people in the class, Horikita-san was not attacked by rumors again, and although the rumors of others were not as fierce as her previous ones, it was still clear that rumors had been spread. people are quite annoyed.

  "You have the nerve to say it."

  Horikita-san felt speechless.

  Because Kiyotaka was reading a book in her dormitory last night, but Horikita found that this guy was desperately looking at his hair color after reading a book for a while.

  So a forum with 1000 color maps, he is also powerful enough.

  But she also knew that the purpose of Qinglong (cgad) was that this guy took so many color pictures and it was still too perverted.

  "Hey Shinohara—"

  And in such a situation that most people were bombarded, one student went directly to Satsuki Shinohara, who was one of the rumors.


  Shinohara was rumored to be too much, and the girls were intimidated that she was a member of the Karuizawa team, so no one would discuss it without a long eye.

  But there was one exception in the class.

  That's Yamauchi-san.He's arrogant and carefree, and he doesn't even understand the atmosphere.

  "I heard that you sold spring when you were in middle school? Don't be angry, show me the evidence."

  Maybe it's just a joke.

  Not even deliberately defaming.

  But is this guy speaking human words to his classmates?

  What he said not only made Shinohara-san at the center of the incident, but also the boys and girls next to him were a little dumbfounded.

  At this time, the girls became angry and began to scold Yamauchi for not believing the rumors.

  "Yamanuchi!" And among the boys, Ike and Sudou, who played with him better, also hurriedly grabbed him.


  Ike and Sudou knew that Yamauchi was just talking without going through his brain, so he just had to hold him.

  "What are you doing—" Yamauchi was a little impatient when his arm was suddenly grabbed, "Didn't you say that you thought Shinohara was pretty good two days ago? I just asked you if she had any help."

  "I'm helping you, aren't I?"

  Yamauchi looked indignant.

  He was helping Ike but confirming Shinohara's purity.

  Is that the case?

  Such nonsense.

  Immediately, someone turned their attention to Chi.Chi himself is also the source of rumors, and is rumored to like fat girls.

  And now.

  Shinohara-san is not fat.

  But this is only the news revealed by Yamauchi, and the credibility... should be credible.

  Yamauchi couldn't hide things very well.

  So maybe Ike Kanji really thinks Shinohara is good.

  And class D is like this, so what about class B?

  Ichinose Hobami returned to the class.

  At this time, the students of Class B were about to celebrate seeing Ichinose again, but three uninvited guests entered the door of the classroom.

  It was almost the moment I saw them, and it was obviously the end of get out of class, but the students in Class B spontaneously gathered around.

  Because the visitors are the students of first-year class A, Sakayanagi Arisu, Kamuro Masumi, Hashimoto Masayoshi.

  They are the enemies of all the students in Class B. .

Chapter 225

  Two weeks later, on November 11, Ichinose-san finally came to the classroom.

  The classmates surrounded her.

  I want to be warm.

  I even wanted to celebrate Ichinose-san's return.

  But looking at the three class A students who walked into the classroom, they suddenly became solemn.

  Ichinose was attacked by Class A.

  This has been recognized by Class B, and the culprit is very likely to be Sakayanagi Arisu-san, who seems harmless to humans and animals, and even went shopping with Ichinose-san.

  People can't be seen.

  And even now.

  The students in Class B held their breath and looked at the three students who entered their class.

  Sakayanagi Arisu-san, leaning on a cane, looked so weak.

  There are rumors that Hashimoto Masayoshi was caught, and the purple-haired girl who always acts with Itanagi Arisu - Kanmuro Masumi-kun.

  There were only three of them in class A.

  But that doesn't mean that they can't mobilize so many people, but Sakayanagi Arisu is confident that only three people will enter someone else's class without fear.

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