Although they also took pictures, they hadn't taken them out yet, but Koenji was already prepared, and they directly characterized it to others.


  There is a problem with Koenji Temple.

  Of course there is a problem with Koenji.

  When announcing the rules of the dropout vote, he directly rejected the way the whole class was indebted, unwilling to spend money for others, then what?Get off topic, turn a surprise dropout exam into one that weeds out the useless, and let him get his own safe place.

  But this is not safe. It is the safest to send someone directly to drop out of school.

  So he found Kushida and joined forces with Kushida to make a play in the mountains.

  If this news is leaked again, let Kiyotaka and Horikita know, and then it will develop into such a situation, face Yamauchi, turn the wind direction of the class, and then all vote for Yamauchi.

  And Yamauchi is confirmed to have a character problem or a betrayal, so dropping out of school is a sure thing.

  And Koenji is completely safe.

  This is his plan.



  Horikita glanced at Koenji, and now she also noticed that something was wrong. Koenji's behavior was very different from the previous indifference to the class, and it was a little unusual.

  But since he said so, she can also use the way to go downhill.

  It can be directly qualitative to eliminate the mountain.

  "No, it's not! Please forgive me, I really didn't... and, even if what you just said was true, why did you only scold me? If you really join forces with other classes, in order to protect Isn't this a legitimate defense? I don't want to be expelled from school!"

  Yamauchi was about to collapse, he said while holding his head.

  But when he said that, he was speechless.


  There is something wrong with his statement. It seems to be denying it, but it is more like a sophistry.


  In fact, he is really united with Class A.


  Qinglong probably knew the direction of the whole process. It might be that Koenji made a plan to contact the girl from Class A to get in the mountains, and then maybe the leaders of Class A, such as Katsuragi and Sakayanagi, also put a foot in their backs. Promise something to Yamauchi.

  Otherwise, the fool Yamauchi wouldn't be able to take the bait so easily and ask Kushida, whom Koenji had asked for a long time ago, to contact the people in the class and then criticize Kiyotaka.

  "Clearly colluded with other classes to attack the same classmates, and then confidently felt that he was not wrong. I think Yamauchi was the one who was expelled in this exam. After all."

  Horikita paused, "I can betray my classmate once, but I don't know how many times he will betray him."

  "I have no objection. I judge that the proposal of the Horikita girl is the most pleasant. There is really no way to go to school with the betrayal. That's the decision!"

  The Koenji side did not hesitate to take the opportunity to attack Yamauchi...  

  Drive the class trend again.

  "Wait a minute, everyone!"

  Yamauchi collapsed a little, "Didn't we make an appointment before? Let's vote for Ayanokouji together, isn't this an appointment? We are all people who keep our promises!"

  But he still tried his best to save himself, trying to suppress the tragic ending that Horikita announced.

  Before Horikita spoke, a crying girl with short hair suddenly spoke up. It was Kushida Kikyo.

  She successfully completed the transaction with Koenji and threw all the pots to Yamauchi.

  Naturally, it is impossible to continue helping Yamauchi.

  So she spoke. "I, I really didn't think that my kindness would be used by the people of Yamauchi and Class A."

  She unilaterally rescinded the previous agreement to contact the classmates to vote for Qinglong together.

  "So I'm sorry, everyone, please treat it as the previous agreement doesn't exist."

  It's like being taken advantage of and getting lost and redressing it right away.

  And the soon-to-be 30-member Ayanokouji Alliance is also linked to her, not Yamauchi.

  So after she spoke, almost no one paid attention to Yamauchi.

  Horikita nodded, and just as she was about to finalize the decision to isolate Yamauchi together, someone suddenly spoke up.

  "Although I heard the end without interrupting you, I am firmly opposed to your opinion!"

  Hirata suddenly stood up, "Inducing his companions to hurt each other in this way and forcing one person to drop out of school is simply wrong!"

  Unsurprisingly, the person who should be bombed the most was bombed.

  Yosuke Hirata exploded!

  ps: Push a friend's book.

  Conan: I don't want to work hard anymore.

Chapter 292

  When the class is openly discussing the matter of isolating a certain student, refuse the class as a good person

  Of course, Yosuke Hirata, who was not united, was bombed.

  "Horikita-san, you are so wrong!"

  Hirata got angry when he stood up.


  However, Horikita ignored him.

  Very simple.

  There is no need to enumerate the loopholes in Hirata's words, everyone present is very clear.

  Inducing peers to hurt each other?

  Horikita is hurting Yamauchi now?

  But after the others were contacted by Kushida, they did not hesitate to choose to join the large group that participated in the Ayanokouji critique vote.


  Only Hirata didn't know about it.

  All are hurting their comrades.

  And now.

  Yamauchi, who has attracted most of the 26 hatred and the blame index, is the one who needs to be eliminated the most.

  The news that they participated in the big group and wanted to give Ayanokouji a critical vote has been exposed, so in order to prevent his retaliation, first put the

  Yamauchi's sacrifice is actually the most correct.

  and so.

  It can be said.

  Now, even for their own safety, there is no one who doesn't want Yamauchi to be expelled from school.

  Therefore, it is safest for Yamauchi to be dropped out of school.



  Suddenly, there was a loud, heart-wrenching sound in the classroom.

  It was the desk that was knocked out by a powerful force.

  And the direction of the sound is actually Hirata.

  The faces of the girl groups who were attracted by the voice and paid attention to them all had expressions of disbelief.

  Even Chabashira, who had been eating melons on the side, showed a stunned look.


  It was Hirata who kicked the table.

  Is this the gentle, gentle man who makes people feel trustworthy on weekdays?

  "Shut up, Horikita! I want you to stop this stupid behavior!" Hirata was completely broken. "The rights of class members are equal

  Wait, we are not qualified to judge other people, it's all your fault that people are panicking now! "


  Hirata's image suddenly collapsed, and he was madly attacked by the other party. Cold sweat appeared on Horikita's forehead, but he was like Kushida.

  After her angel was a black experience, she can barely calm down now.

  And it has to be calm.

  Now, no matter how Hirata targets her here, what she has to do now will not change.

  "Hirata, you are just talking big words!"

  Horikita calmly went to Hirata. "The class is now split into groups and over 30 people have joined

  In order to cast a critical vote for Ayanokouji, is this unity?The presence of Ayanokoji is a must for Class C.

  And even if you don't decide to drop out of school here now, you will have to face the result the day after tomorrow.

  And hope that no one will leave this naive idea, it will only hurt the class!And Hirata, if you want to maintain your current status

  Hypocritical face, then..."

  Horikita held it with one hand, as if it would give her strength, "Then there is nothing to be done against each other."

  Horikita officially declared to the kind leader of the class.

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