And Yamauchi was originally stunned to see Hirata's explosion, but seeing Horikita actually wanting to make a fuss about dropping him out of school,

  He held his head and asked Hirata for help again, "Hirata, Hirata, believe me, I was framed! It's all fake, I'm the one who was caught.

  Victim! "

  Yamauchi said loudly.

  "Victim?" Hirata said, "Yes, this is the end of the matter, Horikita-kun, I will write your name on the voting form the day after tomorrow.

  name.You've created a situation in this class that I don't want to see, and I won't forgive you! "

  Because he was vaccinated in advance, even in the face of the collapse to Hirata, facing the threat of Hirata, Horikita is now incapable of

  will back down.

  after all.

  She and Qinglong were on the same boat. Qinglong was attacked. As a community, she would not be much better.If he can't get angry

  She ran away before she saved 2000 million, so how did she save the 2000 million herself?

  So it's very important to keep up with him.

  "up to you."

  Horikita confronted Hirata with firm determination, and ended this boring and tricky farce


  The participants in this event were Koenji Temple and Kushida. There are also shadows of Katsuragi or Sakayanagi in Class A.

  Yamauchi was at best a tool man.

  The classmates in the class have been scolded and woke up, and now they probably know who to vote for.

  On the side of Class B, Kiyotaka chose to help Ichinose, but starting with Ichinose, all the members gathered all the points,

  became 0 points.So they're going to have a very tough month.The girls here can hardly even afford their aunt's towels.

  So what about Class C?

  Can you be so happy?

  Do you think that if you join the group, you can pass the withdrawal exam safely?And now, as long as you point the spear at Yamauchi, you can

  Is the exam over?


  and so.

  "I have something to say."

  In the case of Horikita rising, Yamauchi taking the pot, Kushida crying and Hirata frying, the situation will not end like this.

  Generally speaking, if you are being framed, it is difficult for others to believe in your own defense.

  That's why he commissioned Horikita to speak for him.

  but now.

  The situation has turned.

  Qinglong walked to the podium, and he was more dazzling than usual at this moment.

  And Hirata felt bad. .

Chapter 293

  Qinglong stood at the podium.

  All the students in the class focused their attention.

  "Everyone has thought a lot about the in-class voting this time. This is an improvement than usual." But Qinglong was only a start.

  The mouth made the classmates bow their heads in shame.

  Most of them were part of the team that voted him out.

  Casting a critical vote for classmates was originally a matter of guilt, but it turned into that as long as I didn't get expelled from school.

  After the thought of being safe, I felt at ease.

  So when they were questioned by Qinglong, they were ashamed again.

  But just ashamed.

  Because now the person to be expelled is Yamauchi.

  Not them.

  And will Qinglong make them so stable?

  "But I know that since everyone is so interested in my huge amount of points, I still have a question for this time's withdrawal test.

  proposal. "

  Qinglong wrote 2000 million on the blackboard, "2000 million private points can buy the school's dropout penalty, because

  It's understandable that you want me to pay for it because I have money.But don't you think you're going too far?ok then play

  a game. "

  Qinglong said, "The person who has been voted out can use 2000 million personal points to offset the penalty for dropping out, then I will be dismissed in ten minutes.

  Send 2000 million private points to one of you, if the true love of the class loves the collective, then you

  Just find the one lucky enough to receive 2000 million private points.Found him this time, as long as he is voted out as a student, then

  So you can not only keep your classmates, but also don't have to carry 50 debts for each of you.

  Oh sure, it's like winning the lottery, so if this guy isn't found, then the last 2000 million private

  I won't take back the person points" 々. "


  After fighting Horikita, Hirata, who was helpless, stood up again.He intuitively found that Qinglong's approach would make the class


  But this time no one went to see him.

  Everyone knows the concept of 2000 million private points.

  When the school graduates, it will be exchanged, and the exchange value according to the exchange value is also 1600 million yen.

  It is equivalent to earning the salary of others for nearly eight years of ordinary employment after graduation, and there is no need to pay taxes.such a good thing


  Most of the students come from ordinary families. Of course they know the concept of 1000 million, and they also know the concept of 1600 million. After all, they

  Before entering this school, I lived a normal life of pocket money of 2000-3000 yen per month.

  "Ayanokouji-kun, are you sure you won't take back the 2000 million private points?" A classmate suddenly stood up and said.


  Talking right away at such a time is no surprise that it will be seen as blindfolded by money.


  No one despised him.

  Because such a thing has happened.

  Kiyotaka did the same thing when choosing a class's favored person in the ship's favored test.

  Collect everyone's mobile phones and pay the favored ones.

  He did give the money.

  So the students have this trust in him.

  But now it's not as simple as the 100 million preferential treatment of the preferential treatment exam, and now it is 2000 million private individuals who appear in front of everyone.

  person points.

  According to the teachers, the 2000 million private points this time can revoke a school's withdrawal penalty, and choose

  If you choose to drop out of school... there is also a compensation of 1600 million yen.

  This is an exciting deal.

  Now even if someone in the class is to drop out, that classmate is probably willing.Choose to drop out and ask for 1600

  million compensation.

  This business is profitable.

  Want to be selected, want to be dropped out of school and return home with 1600 million, or.Being selected, not being dropped out of school, and then hiding

  This 1600 million yen!

  Ayanokouji-kun will not take back the 2000 million private points of this random person.

  Ayanokouji-kun will not take back the 2000 million private points of this random person.

  This was his own admission.

  Anyway, if you can't find a lucky person, then everyone will only vote for Yamauchi.So, this is a windfall.

  "¨ˇAyakouji!" Hirata's mentality was completely blown up. "Everyone!"

  "Ayanokouji if you want to spend 2000 million to save a certain classmate, wouldn't it be better to just say her/his name?

  Don't, don't do it this way. "

  Hirata tried hard to stop Dao.

  But now (Qian Nuozhao) really no one cares about him.

  Qinglong stood at the podium.

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