Ishizaki said loudly.


  This sentence makes sense.


  In other words, you can get 1200 million a month, which is still stable.And at this price, the idiots in Class C will definitely not agree, but the students in Longyuan class are ruled by tyrants and used to being exploited, and as long as their scores can go up, they can go to Class A, they think That's enough.


  The elevator opens.

  Qinglong found that Longyuan was sitting not far away.

  "Dragon Garden." Ishizaki greeted him.

  "Why are you and Ling Xiaolu together?" Long Yuan said.

  "I'm confirming to him whether I can win him over, that's the 2000 million plan!" Ishizaki said.


  Longyuan smacked his lips.

  But then he stopped talking.



  you don't reject it?

  Are you not a tyrant?

  Really welcome an oppressor to your class?


  I have to say that if the class evaluation score is maintained to 5000 points, and then the students are given 1000 points and Longyuan 1000 points, he can take away 3000 points, which means that he can get 1200 million points for free in a month.

  The money exchanged for spring is X5, which is 6000 million yen.


  You can buy 3 suites in a month.

  Who wants to be supported in this life?

  It is indeed very tempting.

  Qinglong's original plan was to go to Class B.

  But what about Class B?

  They probably won't be able to give up as much as the Dragon Garden class, and the composition of the class shows how exploited they are.In other words, there is no way to get a value like the Ryuyuan class from the B class.

  As Ayanokouji loves money, Qinglong admits that he is indeed tempted.

  Just a pity.

  [Class C and Class D in this school are only accompanied by the prince. ]

  The ones that are really favored by the school are Class A and Class B, while Class C and Class D will be controlled by the school when they are promoted to Class A, and they will be controlled by the school to control the test of the class evaluation scores, etc., to let them down.

  So Longyuan and their expectations may be very good, but really only the price of 2000 million per person can really go to Class A.


  This is the insistence of Chairman Itagyu's righteous words.

  And now, the hospitalized chairman Tsukijo is the chairman.

  If Chairman Itagyu definitely wouldn't let Class C or Class D fly, but Tsukushi is different. Although he will definitely be punished for not conforming to the rules in the end, so what?

  At that time, Qinglong probably had enough money for the next life.

  “…` 々…”

  and so.

  Long Yuan's proposal is still possible, but Chairman Yuecheng is currently in the hospital, otherwise, he will not be able to [talk] well with him.


  Ah owe.

  Yuecheng was sitting on the bed, because of the fracture, he had to brake.


  However, the curtains of the single-person ward were suddenly pulled open, and the dazzling degree of sunlight made him very uncomfortable.

  "Pull it up," he said.

  "You're not a mouse, so there's nothing you can't see." However, even though he said that, the man still drew all the curtains for him.

  "¨ˇ Hello." Yuecheng seemed to be dissatisfied with the other party's attitude, "How did you talk to your father?"

  He said, "Also, have you found the person I asked you to find?"

  "It's really love to call people. In fact, you can't do this job well at all. It's better to resign directly to Mr. Ling Xiaolu." Yuecheng's daughter said, "But I did find the person you asked me to find. , and he is a little different from the information given."


  "Yeah. There is a source for the information, but it is probably because of this reason that he can barely survive." Yuecheng's daughter said, "So you really want him to enroll? Do you want to continue the work of acting chairman?"

  "I was also an elite in the past, and of course I have to repay it when I get hit like this." Yuecheng said, "And next year, you will also enroll me."

  "Huh? (Nord's) I don't want to go to that kind of school." Yuecheng's daughter seemed to be very resistant.

  "There are funny people in there, and you can see the man in the white room with your own eyes. Don't you admire him a lot?"

  "..." Yuecheng's daughter. "So you asked me to force him to drop out of school."

  "But it's really boring."

  The girl said with a cell phone.

  "You have to know that your current superior life depends on your father's hard work."

  "I only saw you being beaten."

  "..." Moon City.

  "Anyway, in April, I will join Yucheng High School. I'm looking forward to playing against that [him]." It seemed that a message came from the phone, and the girl immediately chose to leave her father behind and left the hospital in a guaranteed way. .

Chapter 317

  The news that Longyuan Class wanted to invite Qinglong to join did not spread, and the students continued to spend a peaceful and stable life.

  However, Qinglong also had to deal with the small tail since he dropped out of the exam.

  He made a deal with the Ichinose class to have them vote Sakayanagi Arisu's 40 votes of appreciation, and then he paid for their class B's shortfall of 2000 million.

  This money is lent to them, not for nothing, but without interest.

  But the Virgins of Class B still felt that Qinglong helped a lot.

  It's just that they all get 0 points in order to scrape together money.

  Including Hobami Ichinose.

  Kiyotaka was trying to give Ichinose money, but Ichinose didn't turn his back on the classmates in Class B, and he still insisted on 0 points to live with everyone.

  Eating unpalatable mountain vegetables for free every day.

  And everyone in Class B is also fierce, because the quality of life has suddenly declined, but they have met many third-year students in Class C and Class D who are also eating the free meal of mountain vegetables.The distance between each other was narrowed, and because the student council president was about to resign, someone in the third grade actually suggested that they want to vote for Ichinose.

  Simply ruthless.

  You must know that these three-year 910 class C students and D class students were bought by him, and they were conquered by the personality charm of class B classmates.

  After receiving such news, Qinglong could only scratch his head.

  Kiyotaka knew from Jinshi that Yahiko Totsuka, who was expelled from Class A, also voted for her, so Ichinose's popularity was really scary.

  Wasn't it an obstacle to his plan to stand up for Banliu and elect the president?

  No, no.

  First of all, Ichinose is not a member of the student council, so he basically has no right to stand for election.

  The original plan was to wait for the election of the student council president to use the money to get the votes of Class C and Class D in the third grade, but now Ichinose's intervention can actually make the third graders trust her, and then let one of them Se was a canvassing help for Horikita, and then cheated the votes of Class C and Class D of the third grade.

  Wouldn't that just save him a lot of canvassing money?

  Qinglong has his own calculations.


  Time flies too fast, and the life of the students in Class B without money is finally over. (cgad)

  2 month 1 day.

  30 days before the third-year student council president Horikita resigns, Sabashira Sae, who has thickened her coat due to the weather, walks in.

  Chabashira-sensei was a little different today because she changed into white stockings.

  This is a very new feeling for Qinglong.

  It's just that not every student is Kiyotaka Ayanokouji.

  Most students feel nervous.

  It had only been ten days since the exam for dropping out, and then they were confronted with ripped-offs in the class, Hirata's self-destruction, etc., which made them already afraid of dropping out.

  But it is worth mentioning that after Yamauchi dropped out of school, even his desk was taken away by the workers.It's just that the seat was vacant, and the students in the back seat didn't move their seats forward, as if in this way, people felt that they could keep reminding themselves that this school was not so gentle.

  Chabashira said, "First of all, this is a routine, and I think you should know it too. But there is only one exam left until this semester. You can treat it as a final exam."

  The school system did not cease to function due to the hospitalization of Deputy Director Moon City.

  "As a special exam at the end of this semester, you will be asked to show the combined results of what you have learned so far, including intelligence, physical strength, teamwork, and perhaps luck. In short, it is necessary for you to develop what you have on your body. All kinds of potential."

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