Although Chabashira spoke the official language, she quickly turned around and wrote the current evaluation scores of each class on the blackboard before the students asked questions.

  Commander Sakayanagi Arisu's Class A scored 1589 points.

  Hobami Ichinose leads Class B with 932 points

  Class C, where Qinglong is located, has a score of 661

  Class D of Dragon Garden 579 points

  Among them, Longyuan's class still scored 629 points before the exam, but was deducted 50 points for destroying the camera, and successfully finished at the bottom.

  "Although I want to directly announce the content and rules of the exam, I still want you to look at the evaluation scores. You are very close to Class D." Chabashira-sensei said.

  But such words have little meaning.

  Because it is not useful for the students to care about.

  "This special test is a selection test in which each class competes against each other based on the comprehensive ability of each class, so it is also called a duel at the top. According to the rules, the duel class will be determined and then the test will be conducted." Chabashira said. "And here, you may face Class A directly."



  Isn't this super scary.

  Looking at the frightened students, Chabashira continued, "Except for the venue and space requirements, the content of the test is not limited. It can be a written test, shogi, poker, baseball, etc., or even a trick card. And wisdom, select 10 items from various items and submit them to me. And these 10 items will be disclosed to the hostile class. On the day of the exam, you will select five of the [-] items to confirm, and then the opposing class will do the same.

  Then the system selects 10 items from a total of 5 (5+7) items prepared by both classes to compete. "

  "Seven rounds of battle. The first class to win four games can get 100 class evaluation points provided by the school.

  Not only that, each time you defeat the opponent's class, you will be able to win 30 class evaluation points from the opponent.

  And the test used is that no matter what the battle situation is, even if it is 0 to 7, then the seven rounds of the project must be completed. "

  That is to say, this time, the school almost forced each class to bet on wisdom and faith.

  Otherwise, once you respond negatively, there will be a gap of at most 30X7X2+100 points = points.

  Then there are the outlines.

  Chabashira handed out the printed paper one by one, with more detailed rules on it.

  Qinglong also got the information from the previous table.

  Read it quickly. .

Chapter 318

  Qinglong also got the information from the previous table.

  Read it quickly.


  2. Each student can only attend one program.

  3. There are no restrictions on projects, but it is important to note that each class cannot apply for the same project.Or very similar.

  4. Each class needs to pick a commander tower.The commander tower cannot directly participate in the project competition, but can guide the corresponding students through the corresponding equipment.

  The specific situation will be explained in a unified manner for the commander tower student.If you win the class duel, the commander will get a certain amount of personal points as a reward, and if you fail, you will be dropped from the school.


  The commander tower will participate in the duel at 10:[-] tomorrow morning to draw lots, ~ select the class to fight.

  In other words.

  This game is another test that forces students to drop out.

  Not to mention how awesome it can be to win, if you fail, the student who serves as the commander will be expelled. Not only that, but if you just pick a classmate to be the commander, he/she will not be able to participate in each game and give advice.And if the top person in his class is the commander, then once the class showdown fails, the top person will be expelled from school.


  Collect 2000 million points to offset the dropout penalty.


  Let the students who earned dropout protection points in the previous exam enter.

  The acting chairman of Yuecheng is still in the hospital, but according to the current situation, Yuecheng has also done a good job if he can't drop out of school once, then use this method, because the exam for the top decisive battle should be conducted by Yuecheng to be drawn up.

  Maybe Yuecheng is not as sloppy as it seems.

  Qinglong thought.

  After Qinglong read the rules, although he didn't say anything now, he had noticed it, and many classmates came to see it.


  It seems that there is no one more suitable than him to go to the commander tower.


  The people in the class "trusted" him, and the recordings that he asked Hui to deliberately disseminated were released, making everyone feel that he was a very trustworthy person, even Hirata believed him.Moreover, in the several exams, no matter how stupid he knew that he had put in a lot of effort, this time the exam will be deducted at most. If it is really deducted like this, then their class will fail.Not only that, and then the commander tower may be expelled from school. Qinglong won the first-place evaluation vote in the withdrawal test this time, and has a death-free gold medal.

  So, if he decides to own the commander tower, then no one will refuse.


  "Is the commander tower unable to directly participate in the project?"

  Horikita Suzune who was beside Kiyotaka suddenly raised her hand and said to Chabashira.


  As an ally, Horikita-san is well aware of the importance of Kiyotaka.

  At the same time, she also knew that it would be a stupid decision to tie Kiyotaka for the sake of the class.

  "It's not allowed by the rules. You can only assist and cannot end the game in person," Chabashira said.

  At this time, Karuizawa Megumi, who was sitting in the front row, glanced at her phone, and said, "Ah... Then isn't it a pity. If the commander is going to drop out of school, it would be best for Ayanokouji-kun, who won the commendation ticket, to go there. Yes, but he's running so fast, and if he's in the running program, then we can be sure of winning the race."

· · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · ·???????????

  Karuizawa said with a sigh.

  So it seems difficult to do.

  But she also pointed out everyone's thoughts, if Qinglong but the commander tower.

  Then everyone can first be exempted from the dropout penalty after failing the class duel.

  Ordinarily, the students wouldn't be so stupid even if they had such thoughts, at least someone would stop them firmly, but the person who would stop them, Hirata Yosuke, was now sitting in his seat with a blank expression.

  It should be said that he has always behaved like this since he dropped out of Yamauchi.

  It seems that it was still driven by the idea that his classmates were dropped out of school and could not protect his companions, and his mentality exploded.

......... 0

  Coming to school is like walking dead.

  To tell the truth, although let Hui deliberately propose him to be the commander tower, but Kiyotaka still has a better player in his heart who failed the exam and dropped out of school - Hirata Yosuke.

  For Yu Gong, the current Hirata has no effect on the class, and this is another exam that fails the exam and not only loses marks but also drops out of school, so why not let him drop out of school?

  Qinglong also cherishes his gold medal of [exemption from one drop out of school].

  After all, this is something Banliu Xiaokei gave him, and it would be a pity to abolish it for the class.


  He stood up and said, "I see, then I'll be the commander tower."

  He took on this responsibility that could almost save the class.

  And after he took the initiative to undertake it, many students could be heard patting their chests with reassuring voices.

  These guys are rubbish as always.

  I'm worried that this time the commander tower will be another dropout exam, pushing the unpopular them to the stage of dropping out, but it's a pity.

  They did get a bargain.three.

Chapter 319

  The classmates really picked up the cheap.

  If it is a general exam, then Qinglong will probably cherish feathers, and he will definitely not take up such a high-risk position as the commander tower.

  Although the commander tower is not strong, it may lose to other classes and lose a lot of points.

  It's just that Qinglong is different now. He is a billionaire. He is no longer interested in the 220-point class evaluation score in the class.

  In addition, the Longyuan class is still eagerly waiting for him to pass, so it is hard to say how he chooses.

  At first I thought it was Ichinose's class B that was the safest. Her class was all silly and sweet, so she was easy to deceive.And they are also good people, and they will not target him.

   But the Dragon Garden class has become a dark horse.

  Teaming up with Longyuan, it is indeed very tempting to cheat the school's 3000-point class evaluation score every month.

  It's just that his little Banliu is in class A again, so it is possible for him to go to class A.

  So no matter how you choose, you will not sacrifice yourself for the current class.


  So why did he recommend himself, it's very simple.

  After he dropped out of the exam, he met with Xiao Itanyagi, and Sakayanagi issued a challenge letter to him, but he has never officially responded.And now may be an opportunity.Banryu should be the commander of Class A this time, so if he doesn't fight her at this time, it's really too much for her.

  "It's fine for me to be the commander tower." When everyone was looking at him one after another, Qinglong said, "And Karuizawa, are you saying that you want to propose sports events? The 200-meter race is not bad, except for me. , there are people in our class who will not lose to others in running.”

  After he said that, everyone's eyes shifted again.

  It landed on the golden retriever who was sitting in the middle of the classroom who took out a comb from time to time to comb his hair.

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