From the drawing of lots to the time the result came out, Qinglong's expression had not changed.

  Because Itagyu would definitely choose him, and Ichinose didn't want to play against him. As for Ryuuen's class, he could actually take advantage of this time against Class A and sell points.

  Yes, just like the exam in the forest, since that time, Longyuan and the others have understood that they can get real money by buying and selling water during the exam.

  The grades in their class are only over 500, which is relatively low, but this kind of rubbish exam is full of dropouts, so it is safe to have enough points.

  Therefore, in this exam that can be separated, it is very likely that they will sell the points to Class A.

  It's just that the current controller is Itagyu, not Katsuragi.If it was Katsuragi, then maybe he would propose to buy it, but Itanagi would not.

  So, taken together, this lottery is basically a decoration.

  A lottery called luck was actually decided long ago.

  And this, Banliu can still predict.

  "Then start reading the rules now."

  Mashima-sensei was as stern as he did during the exam for the privileged, and then explained the rules, "The commander tower can interfere in seven games, and you will be locked here on the day of the exam."

  He said, "Now, please look at the four tables and the computer on the table. On the day of the test, you can intervene in each game, and you can use the computer to select students from your class to participate in the game, conduct Send message.

  It can be to tell the other party the answer, or it can be to say some other miscellaneous words, but there is only one student who can point.Choose who will be summoned and use the computer.Their avatars will appear on the desktop during the game that day.

  However, it should be noted that, in order to prevent speech errors, the method you can use is actually typing mode. Entering the computer by typing, the system automatically converts it into speech, and then transmits it to the headset of the student who is wearing a helmet and selected by you. inside.And the hints that can be played in each game are also limited. "


  and so.

  This seems to be a project that most people have to participate in. In fact, it can be said that it is a performance stage for one person?

  If all are to choose the project of brain power.

  It is true that changing someone who is not very good will indeed be very bad, and even harm the class.


  Class C has decided to compete with Class A.

  Leaving the classroom of the commander tower, Kiyotaka returned to the class and told the students who had attended a class but were absent-minded about the answer.


  "As expected—what are you going to do, those guys from Class A—"

  Because I was overheard by Class A during the lunch break yesterday, the news I got today is that their class was really matched with Class A in the lottery...  

  The pressure is too great.

  "Want to drink water?"

  When Kiyotaka returned to his seat, Horikita, who was sitting next to him, actually showed his hospitality to him.

  This made Qinglong stunned for a moment.

  Then he couldn't help but touch Horikita's forehead.Horikita's forehead was cold, but it was soft with human body temperature.

  "...I'm not sick again."

  Horikita Suzune finally understood that Kiyotaka felt that her current performance was too excited.

  "I mean, do you have any other ideas for this exam?"

  What other ideas are you using? Actually, you want to ask how you want to make money in this exam, right?

  Probably her brother is about to graduate, and Horikita Suzune's total assets are only more than 900 million, so she has become a little impatient, and wants to save 2000 million before her brother graduates.

  If that's the case, then it's not a bad idea to hire her.

  "It is indeed a bit of an idea." Qinglong said.


  However, even if they knew that the class they were fighting against was Class A, the real project had to be decided this evening.

  Time is short, and not only that.This time with Class A and needing to win four or more games, it seems difficult.

  So, the goal is not to win, but to make sure that your side doesn't lose too many points is very important.

  "The project report will be carried out in the evening, and I also considered the strength of our class in this battle, so the final decision is as follows.",.

Chapter 325

  The doors and windows of the classroom have been closed, this is to prevent the students of Class A from eavesdropping again.

  And the whole class is still in the classroom.

  Because this is the end of get out of class time.They seem to have no need to go to the toilet.

  A slight exception is that Hirata Yosuke is still there.

  "We can't match the academic ability of Class A, but as long as we can not fully test the academic ability, then we can take sports such as sports, and in terms of game projects, luck is too much, unless there is no option, try not to select."

  Kiyotaka said, and then wrote the tentative project on the blackboard.

  Abacus mental arithmetic. (5-people)

  Swimming (2 people)

  Basketball (10 people)

  English cloze. (4 people)

  chess. (1 person)

  A total of 26 were selected out of 5.

  "What we submitted on game day was—"

  Qinglong used chalk to separate the chess pieces, "It's the above five. And chess is purely my preference."

  And the students looked at other projects that had been highlighted.

  Sudou's explosiveness is very good, so give him 200 meters, and Koenji's physical fitness is better, so he is prepared for swimming.


  There is also a small interlude in the personnel arrangement in this selection project.

  1 person cannot participate in 2 programs.

  Also, the number of people for each item given by the class cannot be consistent.

  In other words.

  When Koenji participated in the swimming, he couldn't participate in the cloze, and the same is true for Sudou, so there is no way?There is a way.

  A person cannot participate in two projects alone, but can participate in a group project of 10 people including 10 people.

  So Koenji and Sudou can be arranged in swimming, which can be a total win.Then arrange them in basketball. With the explosive power of the two of them, coupled with Sudou's basketball, they can also win the next game.

  It can be said that two rounds have been won.

  Use it all.

  "The above is the project we submitted this time. So we have to start training. The candidates for mental arithmetic will be assessed again." Qinglong said, "At that time, you will be given a paper, and then the participants will be determined. As for the English cloze ...the important ingredient in it, classmate Wang Meiyu, can I ask you?"

  "Ah...I." Wang Meiyu was hit by Hirata yesterday, and she was a little confused all morning.

  Suddenly being called by his name, he nodded subconsciously.

  Although she is in a daze, no one can deny that she does have this strength.

  She came from the celestial dynasty, and her English test paper was terrifying. Even the scholar Horikita Suzune said that classmate Wang Meiyu was terrible, but she could get a perfect score even though it was an English paper.

  Simply incredible.


  "Then, can Yukimura also ask you?" Qinglong looked at Xueba Yukimura.

  "I also want to do my best for the class." Yukimura said while pushing his glasses. In fact, he was worried that he would be useless just now. Since the last forest exam, he has deeply felt his powerlessness in various places. .

  "Kushida cloze is also up to you," Kiyotaka said.

  "..." Kushida, who was somewhat suspicious of life by Horikita Suzune yesterday, nodded. "it is good."

  Then Kiyotaka's eyes turned to Hirata Yosuke.

  "..." Hirata said nothing.

  "And then there's Hirata-san."

  Hirata classmate.

  Hirata-san was once again watched by the whole class.

  It's just that he just closed his eyes, didn't speak, neither agreed nor refused.

  "Then the candidate is so determined. For the last chess game, I choose Suzune Horikita." Kiyotaka said, "She is very good at chess."

  Is it.

  If you're good at it, then you can't do it.

  So this time the discussion went well.

  "..." Horikita.

  It's just that Horikita-san knows very well that Kiyotaka is lying again, because.

  She can suck at chess.

  She just reads books every day, where is there any time for leisure and entertainment.

  He didn't even understand the rules of chess.


  "Hey... Ayanokouji!"

  After no one objected to the project proposed by Qinglong, he added some projects such as classical Chinese translation, haiku writing, painting competitions, and horse-riding battles, which were reported to the teacher.

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