Next, the students just need to train and wait for the top duel to arrive.

  After school in the afternoon, Kiyotaka was directly blocked by Yukimura before he left the classroom.

  The project he has been confirmed to participate in is a cloze.

  But now he has no intention of going back to strengthen, but found Qinglong, "I have an idea."

  Yukimura had an idea.

  Yukimura-san actually has a lot of ideas.

  At the sports festival, Kiyotaka took him out as a shield, and he said that he was promoted.

  During the exam in the forest, because of his poor physical fitness, he felt inadequate.

  But for Qinglong, Yukimura is a very unique existence, because Yukimura is a scholar, but he is also the one who is really in Class C, and then wants to join the others and look forward to going to Class A.

  That is to say, people who are indigenous, responsible, and want to go up.

  So what does he want to say now?


  Kiyotaka told Horikita to go first, so he stayed with Yukimura.

  Yukimura said, "Do you still remember Katsuragi? He seems to have lost his power now. So maybe... we can split Class A."

  Oh hoo, are you coming too?

  For a moment, Qinglong felt that he saw Longyuan. .

Chapter 326

  Split Class A.

  "The atmosphere in Class A is very strange now. The boy named Yahiko who was next to Katsuragi was expelled from school." Yukimura Barabara said, "Then, the Itayagi Arisu in his class became a The vice president of the student union, completely pressured him as the secretary."

  "In other words, Katsuragi is completely out of power, and he who once held power is likely to be dissatisfied with Itagyu.

  It is said that he was selected as a dropout in the last dropout exam, but Banliu lied to him and sent his valet away, so he must have hatred for Banliu. "

  It turned out to be the case.

  Hearing a word and knowing everything, Kiyotaka understood when Yukimura said that.

  "Do you want to turn against Katsuragi and make him a spy?"

  "Yeah." Yukimura nodded unabashedly, "The project I'm participating in is cloze, and if Katsuragi participates, I want him to release water. Of course, it is also possible that he was not selected to participate in the competition, but as long as he participates in the project , then we all ask Katsuragi to release the water, right?"

  "Then, maybe one more win," he said. "In this way, basketball wins, then swimming wins, plus Katsuragi's water release, and another victory, we can even get class evaluation points from Class A!"

  This is true, the best-of-seven system.

  If you win a game, you can get 30 points from the opponent.Then the class that wins four or more rounds will receive an additional 100 points reward.

  And if Kiyotaka's class can maintain 3 victories, it is true that if they win one more game, they may be able to win class A.

  Is it just luck?

  The final competition event is 5 from each class, and then 10 out of 7 are randomly selected. Maybe the luck is so bad that 7 of the final 5 events are the opponent's class, so isn't it bad?

  There is too much uncertainty.

  However, if you can collude with people in the opponent's class and cheat in advance, then the winning rate will indeed increase.

  Yukimura said it well.


  He is still too young.

  Where is Class A?The environment is even worse than the current Class C. Yukimura is going to turn against Katsuragi. Let's not talk about whether Katsuragi will agree to have a team spirit. As long as Yukimura passes, he may be discovered by various spies in Class A.

  Then report to Banliu.

  Then turn back the hair.

  "As for Katsuragi, I don't think he's the kind of person who would ignore the overall evaluation of Class A. After all, if they lose in this class confrontation, Katsuragi himself will fall too' 々."

  "But if you hate or hate someone, you will remember it for a long time." Yukimura was still insisting.

  "...I still don't participate in this kind of thing."

  Qinglong chose to retreat.

  "...Then I'll think about it." Seeing Kiyotaka looking like he was about to leave, Yukimura didn't stop him.

  But he himself made up his mind.

  It is really possible to do so.I have to talk to Katsuragi Kangping.

  Then you really do it.

  Qinglong raised his foot and walked out of the classroom.

  He didn't sternly reject Yukimura or analyze to him how likely it was that he would fail to win Katsuragi. In fact, he hoped Yukimura would do such a thing.


  If you don't do something, you won't know the result, right?Although Yukimura's plan is bad, even if it is bad, it can be a little bit to provoke Katsuragi's sense of resistance to Itagyu, right?

  From a holistic point of view, this is reasonable, so he does not reject it.Although there is no emotion for the class, there are still his points in it. If the class evaluation score is deducted to 0, then his score will be gone, so if you can pull a little, you can pull a little to ensure your own interests.

  So what is he going to do?


  Qinglong is a very noble person.

  I wouldn't do such a dirty thing.

  He didn't want to get his feathers dirty.

  So fooling Yukimura to do it won't contaminate yourself.


  "¨ˇ Have you waited for a long time?"

  Below the teaching building, Kiyotaka found Horikita Suzine, who was leaning against the wall, with his arms crossed around his chest, and then standing alone.

  In the winter atmosphere, she seemed to be a little cold. After maintaining this posture, she pulled the blue scarf around her neck.

  It cannot be denied.

  As she discovered when she was entering school, Suzune Horikita is a true beauty.

  Under the setting sun, she shrank slightly, but her perfect body curve made people stunned again.

 (Norde Zhao) As a classmate of Qinglong who is a face control, I feel great satisfaction.

  "What are you thinking?" Lingyin noticed that Qinglong suddenly stopped moving.

  "No, I just think you're the same as when you entered school."

  Qinglong Road.

  "...I'm an idiot like i. Yes, I was very stupid when I entered the school, and I was directly deceived by you for all the points." Horikita said.

  "No." Qinglong shook his head gently, "I just think you're still as beautiful as you were when you entered school, Kai."


  Horikita looked at him in surprise, because she didn't understand why he was complimenting her at all.

  What is the purpose of this?

  "Speaking of which, although I feel it, can I kiss you here?".

Chapter 327

  "Speaking of which, can I kiss you?" Qinglong said suddenly.

  "Eh? Here?" Ringtone was stunned for a moment.

  Because this is not very sudden, during the summer vacation, Qinglong kissed her and was beaten.

  She was quite resistant to this rude behavior.

  "If you still want to be beaten. Then I don't care." Horikita Suzune said.

  "This probably won't work." However, a male voice broke into them. "Although it's not a good thing to disturb you, I think it's better to pay attention to the atmosphere in the school."

  Horikita was startled when she saw where the sound came from.

  Because there stood a man with glasses.Unsmiling, but somewhat similar to her appearance.

  This is her older brother, Horikita Gakuen.The student council president of this school.A man with a class of men.

  At the same time, he is also the older brother of Horikita Suzune.

  "elder brother--"

  However, Horikita-san was so frightened that she didn't even say the word brother.

  Horikita-gaku didn't seem to care either.

  "I want to ask Ayanokouji-san about something, can I borrow him?"

  Horikita said, pushing up the cgad glasses.

  It is impossible to determine how long Horikita looked at that position, or whether he is angry now.Or he shouldn't be angry, after all, things haven't happened in front of him, right?

  "I-I see." Suzune was still afraid of her brother.


  It would make her feel even more ashamed to be seen by her family in such a humiliating gesture.

  Horikita Suzune is not cheeky.

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