But at that time, Ayanokouji-kun received more than [-] praise votes, in addition to the more than [-] votes in the class, which means that he also received more than [-] votes from other classes.

  And which class is this other class?

  Now it seems.

  It is very likely that it was given by Class A!

  In other words.

  Ayanokouji-kun really had a good relationship with Banryu from Class A at that time.


  "Could it be that the... person who has been taking care of Ayanokouji-kun is Itagyu-san?"

  Airi silently watched Qinglong and Banliu in front of him while guessing.

  Her voice was small, but to the shocked classmates, it was like titillation.

  The direction of their thinking immediately began to turn.


  "If it's Banryu from Class A..."

  "If it's Banryu from Class A, I'll definitely get that many points—"

  Ichinose had rumors of a huge amount of points before, but it was finally confirmed that the classmates gathered for her.

  And Banliu, as the representative of class A, is it normal that she can get other people's points?

  and so.

  Banliu is a rich woman.


  "It's just that I can't say it, I can't say it must be Italiu." Sato said. "Maybe it was just a coincidental meal."

  Sato-san is a little hurt.

  But she had a good suggestion.

  Because now Banliu and Qinglong dating is their conjecture.

  Maybe just a meeting between class heads?

  "Then just ask directly."

  Karuizawa pretended to be calm.

  Because judging from the situation at the scene, Qinglong and Banliu were sitting face to face, and there was a third person's chopsticks and spoon on the side.

  So maybe there are others out there.

  Then it's not just a private meeting.

  "Makes sense, but who's going?" Boruga took over immediately.

  Because she found that Airi's expression had been shaken.


  It's really hard to get a guy you've always liked to actually date someone else.

  But Airy.

  Ayanokouji Kiyotaka cheated on Sato very early.

  So he is not a good person.

  Poruga wanted to say so.

  It's just that for the current situation, it's better to appease Aili first.

  So she made a suggestion.

  Find someone to try.

  "Then who?"

  "Kushida-san, can I ask you to please?"


  Kushida was originally just eating melons, but he didn't expect this kind of thing to be put on his own.

  "That %... I thought of a more suitable candidate." Kushida didn't want to go, because suddenly asking "Have you dated?" This kind of thing would be very offensive.

  But she just turned her head and found a more suitable candidate. .

Chapter 381

  Kushida is the type of person who makes a lot of sacrifices to maintain his image.

  And suddenly asking Ayanokouji-kun and Itagyu-san whether they were dating was the answer most people in the class wanted to know.

  But she has to face Ayanokouji and Banryu.

  She didn't want to do that.

  But it's not good to be too direct.

  Fortunately, she turned her head from side to side and immediately found a suitable person.

  It was a short-haired girl eating alone in a corner.

  Following Kushida's gaze, everyone found the [suitable candidate].

  Ibuki Mio from Class D.

  "Will it be too much?" In the morning, the girls were in the same elevator as Ibuki-san.

  "But Ibuki-san is a classmate from an outside class, and if she asks, then it would be the best." Kushida didn't speak, and Haruka immediately said.

  This sentence made Kushida-kun suddenly give Po Lujia-kun a good impression.

  So she went to Ibuki-san.



  Ibuki Mio was eating alone.

  But Kushida is the class's socialite, and she doesn't have any ill feelings towards her either.

  Or maybe Kushida is one of the few people in other classes who can talk to her.

  "Before, didn't your class say you wanted to invite Ayanokouji-kun to Class D?" Kushida said softly.


  Ibuki Mio remembered that it was some time ago, a suggestion from that idiot Ishizaki.

  But Longyuan also agreed.

  And after thinking about it deeply, it seems to be feasible.

  Because their class has been deflated by Ayanokouji Kiyotaka's hands several times.

  But these two times are not against each other, and their class is steadily rising.

  So this made her have to think seriously.

  Consider whether Ishizaki's proposal is useful.

  Then I found out that it would be impossible to rely on Ryuuen alone, so if Ayanokouji Kiyotaka joined in.

  Then their class is probably stable.

  "He has already refused." Ibuki answered honestly.

  "It seems so, probably Ayanokouji-kun already has a class you want to go to." Kushida still said softly, but her eyes moved in one direction.

  Ibuki found this out.

  She (cgad) followed Kushida's gaze and suddenly found Kiyotaka and Sakayanagi Arisu who were eating bento together.

  And Banryu is the representative of Class A.


  So is that so?

  Ibuki became angrier the more she thought about it.

  Because if Ayanokouji Kiyotaka goes to Class A, is it necessary to fight other classes?

  It's going to be a loser.

  Ibuki immediately put down the spoon and walked towards Kiyotaka.


  "It seems okay."

  "But what did you say to Ibuki, Kushida?"

  Because they were standing far away, no one could hear what they were saying.

  "I just said I was curious about the relationship between Ayanokouji-kun and Itagyu-san, but it's not convenient to ask, so I hope Ibuki-san from the outside class can help."

  "Kushida-san is really honest."

  "Ha ha--"


  And Ibuki had come over.

  "So that's it?"

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