Ibuki's tone was questioning.

  "Rejecting our class's invitation, but you have already accepted the invitation of class A! Ayanokouji!"

  Eh, the poor kid X2.

  I just found out that most of the students in Kiyotaka's class were here, and Kushida went to Ibuki's direction again, and then Ibuki appeared here.

  Qinglong and Banliu, who understood the approximate trajectory, both sighed softly.

  Because how can this school still have such straight and simple students? .

Chapter 382

  Chapter 0243 witnessed (for subscription)

  "Ibuki Mio from Class D."

  Banyu-chan folded her hands and raised her head slightly, looking at each other with clear eyes.

  "Do, do what?"

  As Ryuuen's confidant, he often participates in Ryuuen's battle plan, and Ibuki is also ~ aware of Itagyu's identity.

  Ryuuen felt that Katsuragi was a good guy who was easy to bully, but Banliu was the kind of hedgehog with thorns, so it was not easy to deal with.

  And now, Ayanokouji Kiyotaka was actually offered by Sakayanagi Arisu - has it been recruited?

  When Ishizaki proposed to invite Ayanokouji to join their class, she thought Ishizaki was crazy, but Ryuuen also agreed, and he agreed with him.So should you think about it.

  Then think about it.

  Ibuki found that it seemed possible.

  In this case, everyone contributes points, and Ayanokouji and Ryuuen join forces, not only to have one less enemy, but also to increase their strength.

  Really great.

  But Ayanokouji Kiyotaka refused.

  The reason for the refusal has not been stated.

  And that's it now.

  "I'll call Ishizaki right away, and Ryuuen will come over." Ibuki said.

  "Why did you call them?" Xiaoban Liu said.

  "I found the reason why Ayanokouji didn't join us. I think Ryuuen and the others will solve it."

  join in?

  "In other words, you guys thought of collecting 2000 million, Qinglong invited him to his class, right?"


  Ibuki didn't answer.

  But that means that's what it is.

  "Dragon boy is not bad." Xiao Banliu had a grudge in his heart.


  "Can you hear what they're saying?"

  "Is Ibuki's fighting ability good?"

  "But Itanagi has already met Ibuki."

  "So what are they talking about?"

  On the other hand, Class C was very curious.

  It would be irrational to just ask Banliu or Qinglong all of a sudden.

  Yamauchi once said falsely in the class, saying that Banryu canvassed him for votes and found no such thing, but everyone dared not disturb the representative of Class A.

  Their class was promoted to Class B, but only when they went up did they realize how terrifying Class A was.

  And this time, the exam also used disgraceful means to win Class A.

  Therefore, most of the students in Class C are still quite cowardly.

  "Ah... Ibuki is back."

  Karuizawa said suddenly.

  "Kushida, please."

  "..." Kushida.

  "it is good."


  Kushida returned to the side of Ibuki who had been in the past. "I was worried that someone would move your seat, so I occupied it here, hehe."

  "Then thank you very much." Ibuki's expression softened slightly.

  "But you may have misunderstood." Ibuki said, "Ayanokouji has no intention of going to other classes yet."

  "He just had a relationship with Banliu Youqi, that's why they eat together."

  So this is ah.

  Kushida felt that he could explain to his classmates when he got the answer.


· · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · ·???????????


  "He's dating... Sakayanagi Arizumi...?"

  Kushida was stunned.

  In fact, Kushida, who is in the chaotic camp, also knows who some Kiyotaka is having an affair with.

  It could be Horikita Suzune, although that made her uncomfortable.But Kushida thinks this is unlikely, because Horikita-san doesn't understand love.

  Then it could be Sato-san, this little Bitchi has lied a long time ago, saying that he doesn't like Ayanokouji-kun and so on is a lie.

  It can also be just Ichinose-san. It seems that after Ichinose's rumor incident ended, her relationship with Ayanokouji-kun deepened.


  Then it could be Hiyori classmate, Kushida accidentally met her and Ayanokouji in the library.

  Hmm...it could also be Karuizawa-san.

  Kushida accidentally discovered that Karuizawa-san would look back at Ayanokouji-kun when he was in class.

  As for Airi.

  This, Kushida thinks impossible, because she is a mascot.

  in this way.Even if it is checked one by one, it cannot be Sakayanagi Arisu.


  Why is this happening?


  Ayanokouji and Sakayanagi Arisu date.

  Although most people were waiting for Kushida to get news from the [inquiry] complete Ibuki, they quickly confirmed the answer.

  Because Sakayanagi Arisu took the initiative to wipe the cake cream from the corner of Ayanokouji-kun's mouth.

  Only a couple would do this.

  Therefore, after witnessing this scene, most of the people almost dispersed.three.

Chapter 383

  "Hey, Banliu, this is too explicit."

  Qinglong watched his classmates quickly find an excuse to leave the cafeteria, and said with a bitter expression.

  Because the students who came to watch were not just ordinary classmates.

  It should be said that people like Sato, Karuizawa, Airi and Kushida have all come.

  And Banliu's actions are not so much caring, but more sovereign.

  "No, it's just exercising the right power as a girlfriend."

  Banliu said.

  See it.

  That's what she did.

  After saying goodbye to Banliu, Qinglong did not return to the class immediately, because he probably knew that many people would come to ask him about his relationship.

  The reason is that now the mobile phone is about to explode.

  Bunch of incoming calls intercepted.

  Sakura Airi (2)

  Karuizawa Megumi (11)

  Hasebe Poruga (17)

  Ichinose Hobami (3)

  Kushida Bellflower (1)

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