Shiina Hiyori (3)

  Dragon Garden Xiang (1)

  Horikita School (1)


  And the phone can't get through, text messages and emails are also 99+,

  So it's best to turn off the phone at this time.

  Although it was already considered that such a situation might occur, the scene where all the students I knew exploded was still too terrifying.

  Qinglong walked to the special teaching building.

  "and many more--"

  "Ayanokouji Kiyotaka—"

  A male teacher in a gray suit ran from not far away and stopped him.

  The teacher held a mobile phone in his hand, the mobile phone was a GPS map, and the red dot was where Qinglong was.

  Obviously, the teacher secretly used the teacher's authority to find Qinglong through the mobile phone GPS.

  And this teacher is not absolutely unfamiliar. The other party was behind Yuecheng before, and it should be someone from Yuecheng.

  "The deputy director of Yuecheng wants to talk to you," said the male teacher.

  Then hand over his cell phone.

  Above is a state where the number is being dialed.

  This teacher is really boring.

  However, Qinglong still answered the call for the time being.

  "So, what else?"

  Yuecheng is still in the hospital, otherwise there is no need to contact him through the teacher's mobile phone, but he will come to Qinglong himself.

  "Don't be so hostile." Yuecheng's voice came from the mobile phone, with a faint taste of schadenfreude, "I heard that you and Sakayanagi Arisu are dating..."

  "But the phone is going to blow up."


  Therefore, Qinglong doesn't like the school's mobile phone very much. Just like the cameras that can be seen everywhere, the school will also spy on the students' mobile phones.


  Qinglong didn't speak.

  "Don't you talk? Actually, I'm telling you good news. I have passed the message with the adult. His purpose is still to make you drop out of school and come back to him."

  "But he also made concessions."


  "If you follow the path he laid down, then you can apply for a civil law correction."

  "Civil law correction?"

  "Yes, at that time, it doesn't matter whether you want to date Sakayanagi Arisu or how many girls you want to date. It will become normal and reasonable. And these, you need to reach that position." Tsukihiro said.


  Qinglong did not reply immediately.

  Because this call from Moon City is very simple.

  to tempt him.

  "Sorry, I refuse."

  Qinglong doesn't like a controlled life.


  Now that there is a solution, why follow in the footsteps of others?Wouldn't it be nice to walk on your own? .

Chapter 384

  It's three o'clock in the afternoon.

  This is a special day.

  A farewell party for the senior student council members.

  For third graders, they have been at school for less than two weeks.

  So there are two very important things to deal with.

  One is the farewell party of the student union.

  The student council of Yucheng High School also adopts the tradition of asking the student council president to nominate members of the student council, so the resignation of a student council president also means the resignation of the entire team.

  Then they do the second, more important thing.

  That is to elect a new student council president.

  The new student council president will form his own team, either by keeping the seniors in the student council to help, or by expelling them all, and then appointing the candidates themselves.

  There is a high probability that the new student council president is Arisu Sakayanagi from Class A of the first grade.

  It would be surprising to say that Katsuragi-san was an airborne student council member, but Sakayanagi Arisu was directly designated as the vice president of the student council.

  Therefore, there is a high probability that she is the successor designated by Horikita Gakuin's own 26.

  But the student council is more than just a vice president.

  The student council president of Horikita Gakuin and the vice president of Kiriyama Harajin Student Council.

  Kiriyama was a student of class A when he entered the first grade, but was defeated by Nagumo, so their class fell to class B. After that, Nagumo dominated the entire grade, and their class rank has never been higher.

  It can be said that if he can succeed the student council president this time, then their class will still have a chance to break free from Nagumo's control.

  But it's a pity.

  Nan Yunya has always been prepared for a rainy day.

  "Kiryu, think about it yourself."

  "If you reach a cooperation intention, then the second grade will be your solid backing."

  The former student council vice president and accountant Nan Yunya of the student council gently patted Kiriyama, the current vice president, and returned to his place.

  Horikita Gakuen has a high chance of making Itanagi the president.

  But Kiriyama's side is not to say that he will definitely lose.

  Nagumo assisted Class A during the top exam, so Banryu won the student council election, so he should have a place in the student council.

  On Tongshan's side, he also appeased and threatened. Tongshan won, so he could not be ignored.

  So both sides made arrangements.

  Depend on.

  Nagumo was still angry.

  Because if it wasn't for the existence of Kiyotaka Ayanokouji, would he need to do such a shameful thing?

  Also bet on both sides.

  This is very low-level grass, and there is no force at all.


  "First of all, on behalf of all members of the Student Union, I would like to express my gratitude to all students."

  "Everyone can support our work."

  The members of the student council stood at the summit platform one by one, and Horikita picked up the microphone.

  In this farewell meeting, two people were very noticeable.

  One is Horikita Suzune, the younger sister of Horikita Gakuin, the president of the student council.

  as a classmate

  This is a student of class C.

  The students of Class A, especially the Banliu faction, became a little excited.

  Because this also means that Banliu can become the student council president.

  Then, as the student council president's class, the status of their class A will become stable and cannot be loosened.

  after all.

  How can the student council president set an unruly test for his class?


  The student council president does not have the right to participate in the assessment of the students, but he has the privilege to change the value of the award of the assessed class score.

  For example, if class A is caught up to catch up, then the original school's new test class score reward is 500 points, and she can compress it into 100 points for the benefit of the class.

  Do you think it's unfair?

  Then you should also be the student council president.

  Horikita Gakuen was full of emotion at the summit platform.

  But the minds of the students are not so pure.

  That is, the third graders who are about to leave all become sentimental, and some even cry back at what happened at this school and their choices for the future.

  A sensational atmosphere permeated the entire stadium.

  But here comes the point of Horikita School.


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