Or, it's just a fake fake, as the real self that has never been shown to people.

  "Looking back on it, I've been playing a false self in my life until now."

  Whether it's appearance, personality, or grades, I want to imitate my brother, be as good as my brother, and want my brother to recognize me.

  "but failed."

  "I didn't prove myself until my brother was leaving this school."

  "So, isn't this very sad, Ayanokouji-kun."

  Suzune hugged her head.

  Her imitation is completely worthless, it can be said that it is meaningless, and even her own life is messed up.

  "It's really sad." Qinglong listened to her confession expressionlessly. "But one thing, I think, not only you, but also your older brother Horikita Gakuen got it wrong."

  "You two brothers and sisters have the same character."


  Ringtone looked up.

  "It's you two brothers and sisters who are always going too far... Self-righteous!"


  "Let's send our final blessings to the third graders."

  "Congratulations to them on graduation."

  It was a second-year senior who presided over the graduation ceremony, but for some reason, when I said this, when the seniors of the third-year were really about to leave this school, their tears suddenly rose.

  Although this school is yours to compete for, and strength is supreme, it cannot be denied that seniors are always seniors, and they will upgrade like seniors, then graduate, and finally leave this school.

  And the third graders really graduated on this day.

  As if to meet the occasion, the peach blossoms that were deliberately blooming for a long time also bloomed quietly in the early morning.

  The fragrant scent wafted across the campus.


  Horikita Gakuen was suddenly stopped when he slowed down and walked towards the school gate along the alley of the campus.

  He turned around, "I thought you weren't coming, Ayanokouji."

  "So, what about Ringtone?"

  Because the person who came to see him was only Qinglong and not his sister, Suzune.

  "She's a little late, and before that, I have something to say to you."


  Horikita-gaku could hear the seriousness in Kiyotaka's tone. .

Chapter 395

  "Is it about the reward for the task of getting Suzune back?"

  "No, I'm not the kind of person who will act only by looking at money." Qinglong said.


  This reaction made Horikita push his glasses.


  This is not at all like what Ayanokouji Aiqian said.

  Even Secretary Tachibana Akira, who was following behind him, looked like a ghost.

  "Originally, I took your mission, but I found that your mission could not be achieved."


  "Because you... don't know your sister at all."



  The air seemed to freeze.

  "...Ayanokouji, are you kidding me?" Big Brother Horikita asked. "I'm her real brother."

  "Then let me ask you, how old is the younger sister you know? Kindergarten or elementary school?"

  "How old did you find her imitating you?"


  This point made Horikita Gakuen confused.

  But he quickly reacted, "Probably the third grade of elementary school."

  "Then that's your problem."

  Qinglong said, "The gentle, coquettish little sister you're talking about is in the third grade, right?"

  "Perhaps, at that time or earlier, Horikita would have been that type of person, but President Horikita, I think you need to understand that people change. It's like I didn't like money when I was a kid, And now I like money the most.

  Therefore, it is completely your mind set. The younger sister you know is actually not the current younger sister. "

  "And the current sister is actually your real sister. It's just that you didn't discover it yourself."


  This made Horikita go silent again.

  On the other hand, Secretary Tachibana couldn't breathe.

  Although Qinglong's so-called theory that he didn't like money when he was a child has no credibility, he cannot deny what he said.

  The younger sister that the president knows is his younger sister, and people really grow up and change.

  It cannot be static.

  "No, you were wrong." But after thinking about it, Horikita decided to give Kiyotaka another lesson. "My sister is unique and she's still imitating me the same way she was in third grade.

  She is still acting as a false self. "

  This calm tone made Secretary Tachibana feel that the president was right.

  But Qinglong sighed.


  "So, Brother Horikita, you are very similar to Suzune. If you say that Suzune doesn't understand people's hearts, you are actually similar."

  "It's like when Suzune entered the school, you knew how dangerous this school was, so you asked your sister who was just imitating yourself to drop out. You even went to the trouble of doing it."

  "Because you found out that your sister is still learning from herself, even chasing her own pace, you think this is a very big sin. You want to stop her, but you can't find a good way."

  "However, these are all your unilateral understandings, Brother Horikita. You don't understand at all. You don't understand that Suzune is not imitating you. What she is showing now is the real her."

  "……What's the meaning?"

  Horikita-gaku's brows furrowed.

  "¨ˇBecause you haven't found it yet, you think Suzune is imitating you, but."

  "She... is actually lacking in ability at all."

  "She doesn't imitate at all!"

  "So, that's not imitation at all! She wants to be as good academically as you, but she can't be absolutely excellent.

  She wants to follow you, so you have a lot of friends. It stands to reason that she should take the initiative to make friends, but she doesn't. Qinglong concluded. "So to sum it up, she is rather stupid. She thought she was imitating you, imitating you, not the real her, but it wasn't. That inferior, weak, like a chick, is the real one." she. "

 (Noori Hao) "Stupid, cowardly, and stubborn, but easily beaten. These are the real Horikita Suzune."


  Tachibana feels that these adjectives are a bit excessive.


  But Horikita-gaku's lips parted, only to find that he couldn't find an excuse to refute.

  "It's enough--"

  Just then, a new voice came from behind the three of them.

  And the three of them also met the real Horikita Suzune.

  ps: daily push books.

  [The protagonist's halo goes]

  [Comprehensive manga starts from five equal points] [Myth, I am not Yi Xiaochuan].

Chapter 396

  I could clearly feel the sound of the heartbeats of Brother Horikita and Akane Tachibana beside me.

  Because it should be said to be stimulated.

  In fact, Qinglong was also stimulated when he saw it for the first time.

  "Although I wanted to come earlier, Ayanokouji asked me to wait, so I came here at this time."

  Ringtone said.

  "I thought you would say something nice, but those adjectives really make people feel like they are deliberately slander."

  Horikita spoke a little faster.

  But everyone's attention is not on her words, but on her current state.

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