
  The current Horikita Suzune is very different.

  It should be said that she is absolutely brand new.

  In the past, Horikita-san was a pretty girl with black hair reaching her waist, but now she has cut off her long hair and turned it into short hair.

  Although the face is still the same Horikita, but there is a very different feeling.

  Even the expressionless face, as always, made people feel a little heartbeat.

  It's really weird.

  Even though she cut her long hair, Horikita Suzune's female charm seems to have improved a lot.

  "Short hair... This is indeed what the younger sister looks like in my impression."

  Horikita Gakuin was the first to express his thoughts.

  Because this is indeed the younger sister of the third grade of elementary school in my memory.


  But Horikita shook her head gently. "Actually, I'm still me. Or, there is something I want to tell my brother."

  "I did chase after my brother's shadow in the past, hoping to see the scene where my brother said he was standing.

  But Ayanokouji-kun told me that if I had such a mentality, I would never be able to catch up with my brother, and he advised me to do so—"

  "How to do it?"

  "Go where your brother can't catch up."

  "Seeing a wider landscape than what my brother saw."

  In other words, in the past, Suzune only regarded Horikita school as a goal, but now, is she trying to surpass her idol?

  Horikita-gaku immediately looked in Kiyotaka's direction.

  Qinglong showed an elegant but not rude smile.

  In other words.

  The stupid sister was deceived by Kiyotaka Ayanokouji again.

  A more terrifying goal was set. (cgad)

  "Really." Although he wanted to get angry in his heart, Horikita School knew very well that there was no repetition system in this school.

  So even if you want to protect your sister from repeating the class, it will not be allowed.

  "Ayanokouji, come here."

  Horikita school took Kiyotaka aside and threw the point card directly.

  "Sure enough, I still underestimate you."

  "I don't know how Suzune can grow in the future, but there must be an extremely thorny road in front of her."

  "When she graduates, give her this point card, and the excess after that amount is the commission fee for you."

  "Although I am very dissatisfied, but now, I can only entrust you with Suzune."

  Is it?

  Thank you so much for the care of brother Horikita.

  Kiyotaka readily accepted the point card from Horikita Gakuin.

  Horikita Xue Dao, "But don't be complacent. The current Suzune coincides with my younger sister. As my younger sister, she has endless potential. Now, with short hair, she can completely surpass me."

  "The ringtone of short hair is so powerful?"

  Qinglong seemed to be interested by the machine.

  "You will know this when you experience it slowly. Rather than saying that she wants to imitate me, it is better to say that I want to surpass her."

  Seemingly believing in his sister, Horikita School let go of Kiyotaka, and after talking to his sister for a few more words, he left the school with Secretary Tachibana and the other third graders.

  Horikita Suzune stayed where she was, watching her brother leave.

  My brother is no longer at school, so it doesn't make sense for her to follow his steps, so just like what Qinglong said, go to see the scenery that my brother has not seen.

  Kiyotaka was also watching Horikita Gakuin.

  It's just that he also has something he wants to tell Horikita Gakuen.

  For example, Horikita Gakuin probably misunderstood.

  Because the current short-haired Ringtone is not the sister of his real self in his impression.

  Now the ringtone, the reason why she cuts her hair short.

  It was purely when he was staying overnight that he felt that his hair would always be pressed, that it would hurt and feel uncomfortable, and considering that it would take a lot of time to maintain long hair, and he couldn't study with all his heart, so she went for a haircut.

  It's not that the haircut becomes very powerful by changing the mode.


  Kiyotaka checked the point card that Horikita brother had left to Horikita.


  After scanning the code, the amount on the point card immediately jumped out.

  The money Horikita older brother left to his younger sister is -[-] million.

  Ha ha--

  Should it be said that it is a sister control?

  Qinglong smiled lightly after looking at the amount.

  "Do you want to recharge the points into the point card numbered 00jdX1102?"


  "Fifty-four million points are recharged."

  Looking at the prompt on the phone, Kiyotaka handed the point card to Horikita Suzune.


  Horikita was confused.

  "This is what your brother and I say about you." Qinglong said. "You're still weak, so we're all worried about you. So give you enough chances to get back on your feet."



  What does it mean?

  Ringtone took over the credit card and swiped it with his mobile phone.

  "The balance is 1 million."


  2000 million can be exempted from dropping out once, or go directly to the class you want to go to.It is the channel that can be promoted to Class A.

  And now, 5 million means...there are [-] chances.

  Does this mean that brother and Ayanokouji think she is going to wrestle 5 times?


  Originally, I felt that the sudden close relationship might make Ayanokouji more directly express his true views on her, but now this view is too ruthless.

  Suzune decided to ignore him.

  Just walking forward, she was immediately surrounded by her classmates. .

Chapter 397

  Horikita Suzune came to see her brother Horikita Gaku.

  Before that, she did not go to the gym, nor did she appear in front of her classmates.

  According to Qinglong, it is refrigerated.

  Then give your brother a surprise.

  Although she felt that Qinglong's statement was strange and asked her to declare war on her brother Horikita, but this allowed her to leave with more peace of mind.

  It's just that this statement is expressed in the position that my brother is very concerned about and cares about her.

  However actually.

  Doesn't her brother hate her very much?

  However, if she behaves [strong enough], then she can match the status of an excellent brother and sister~.Don't embarrass your brother.

  But what about the result?

  Her brother and Ayanokouji left her with 1 million points.

  Equivalent to 5 times of exemption - school and promotion to class A.

  Isn't that super unbelieving her?

  So, Ayanokouji Kiyotaka is a liar.

  lied to her again.

  Ringtone doesn't want to see Qinglong now.

  She walked forward on her own.

  But the figure of the classmate has already appeared in front.


  "It's always a little sad."

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