
  "Those boys—"

  The girls became lively.

  Just looking at Qianqiu's expression is not very good, just coaxed and then-cold.

  The girls started talking about the boys' changes.

  After all, the final exams are over, the third graders are leaving, and it's spring break, so there's a lot of time in this vacation.

  Enough to hang out with the boys and go play together.

  So everyone finally began to ease the atmosphere and talked about their own views on mate selection, that is, what kind of boys they want to associate with.

  This is a very stressful topic, but Sato-san has calmed down, so it should be fine.

  "What a surprise, I didn't expect you to like this, Kushida."

  Porcupine added.

  Because Kushida's requirements are actually very low, no matter how handsome or ugly, as long as it is pleasing to the eye, and then only a motivated and hard-working person.

  "Kushida-chan is so cute, but the requirements are so low."

  "Hehe - I think it's true that it's plain and light."

  This is a lie.

  In fact, what Kushida thought was that because she was too stupid after entering school, she had been blackmailed by Ayanokouji, and the demands were getting more and more excessive. She was going to change into the shape of the other party, so it was impossible for her to marry or not. confirmed.

  after all.

  Before she gets married, she's going to be a yl girl.

  And that's something boys don't like.


  Although it was too much, Ayanokouji didn't absolutely force her, so was it because of having a girlfriend?

  Just having a girlfriend and asking her to do something like this, is it that she is being treated as a sparring partner?

  This is not very excessive!

  Kushida's mind became a little distracted.

  "I hope that the future half will be excellent." Poruga made a brief speech.

  "Qianqiu, it's your turn."

  "Eh...Is it time for me? The concept of choosing a mate—"

  "Speaking of the concept of choosing a mate..." Qianqiu stuck for a while, because she didn't want to be called Gaoyuan Temple, "I also think that it's true."

  "Why are you all like this?"

  Classmate Wang Meiyu protested, "Everyone is so cute, but in the end they just thought it was normal."

· · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · ·???????????

  "Compared to this, it is better to think about what to do with the students tomorrow."

  Karuizawa Megumi diverted the topic.

  She was sitting next to Qianqiu.

  And Qianqiu went out for a while and came back, but she keenly found that Qianqiu had a little breath on his body.

  She was familiar with this breath.

  Because a few days ago, she herself was obsessed with this breath.



  Panasonic classmate, this Bichi.

  After going out for a while, I went to find Qinglong.

  Qinglong this bastard.

  Does he reject anyone?

  So Hui felt that he had to pull back a game first.


  The others looked at her.

  "Itagyu-san is the student council president, and is also the girlfriend of Ayanokouji-kun. Did she misunderstand us when she announced our names like that?

  So we might be bullied by her. "Xiao Hui said.


  This is true.

  people here now.

  Airi is the mascot.

  Kushida is the Chairman of the Discipline Committee.

  Horikita, Sato, Karuizawa and Chiaki were also elected to the student council.

  So what they have to face is Banliu.

  This is an unavoidable problem.

  "Trick or treat her." Karuizawa said.three.

Chapter 413

  "Trick or treat her!"

  Hui's suggestion was immediately praised.

  There is only one person here who doesn't know love, one has no courage, and one is an idiot. The rest of the people basically have emotional intelligence.

  So I probably knew that the gathering at the scene was Ayanokouji-kun's harem.

  Then, for Banliu, a genuine and very attractive girlfriend, he must resist.

  Although Kushida felt that it was useless, she felt that it was okay to join.

  And she is not hostile to Itagyu, after all, when she attacked Horikita Suzune together before, Itagyu shot.

  It stands to reason that they are still partners.

  It's just that Kushida was in a relaxed mood. She looked at Suzune Horikita, who was already flipping through the word list, and immediately called.

  "What do you think of Horikita-san?"

  After Horikita Suzune cut her hair short, she still looked expressionless, which made people feel very fresh, so everyone did not hesitate to pay attention to her.

  "How about what?"

  Horikita Suzune didn't seem to have listened to their conversation just now.

  This is very taboo for girls.

  It's just that Horikita-san was originally a boat of friendship that was overturned, so everyone forgave her.

  "It's about making trouble for Banliu."

  Because Horikita is also a member of the student council, it would be foolish for them to do things on their side without strengthening their strength.

  "This kind of thing is boring." Horikita Suzune said, "I'm not interested in participating."


  This is really the style of Horikita-san.

  So I can't be an ally.

  Lili la la!

  At this moment, the phone of Sato-san, who had been cowardly in front of Itagyu, vibrated.

  The voice of the message comes.


  As her friends, it is basically clear that this is a specially marked ringtone prompt.

  After Sato-san and Itagyu just got on, he became unhappy.

  Everyone took good care of her.

  Knowing that she is a loser, she still likes Ayanokouji-kun and feels very dissatisfied.

  Just how can this be done?

  Banliu classmates from Class A are not familiar with them, and the other party is still the student council president, what should we do?

  At most, it's just what Hui just said.

  And Sato-san was still depressed.

  But everyone found that her expression was visibly relaxed and relieved.


  "Ayanokouji-kun said that the spring break is coming soon, so you can make up for me."

  "Oh... I got it here too."

  Po Lujia also held the phone.. "Airy got it too."

  "Ah... um." Airi had always been in a low mood, but her mood seemed to have improved a bit.

  In other words, is this the benefit of the Ayanokouji team?

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