Karuizawa was a little dissatisfied.

  Only her phone vibrated.

  The ringtone was also special, and she knew that it was set by Kiyotaka Ayanokouji.

  And the mobile phone of Qianqiu's classmate, who has been paying attention to, also came with information.


  Xiaohui knew that these people were all Qinglong's cheating objects.


  Ringtone also took out her phone.


  Hui immediately said, "Did you also receive the message?"

  "...It was Chabashira-sensei who asked me to go to the office."

  Horikita said, then stood up.


  Horikita-san is safe.

  This is the voice of the people involved.

  So the group of men who united aggressively to resist Banliu, when they went to the student union to report the next day, were told that if they didn't cooperate, they would all go to pick up the garbage and clean it.

  And Kushida also found that she herself was treated the same.


  Then the small fire that resisted the team went out immediately. .

Chapter 414

  "Next, let the student council president speak."

  The entrance ceremony of the first-year freshmen was held in the gymnasium.

  It's just that the freshmen feel a little strange.

  Neither the principal nor many teachers were seen at the scene. On the summit platform, there were only student council members wearing the sign with the words [Students].

  And after a beautiful girl with orange long hair who looked like Zhou Zheng who was the secretary of the student council spoke, a silver-haired girl with a black cane appeared there.

  The girl is quite beautiful, with beautiful short silver hair and snow-white skin, like a delicate porcelain doll.

  She has a smile on her cheeks 26 .

  Then he flicked the microphone lightly.

  "Di--" The sudden noise made the student who was whispering quickly regain his senses.

  "I'm Itagyu Arisu, the student council president of this school." The silver-haired girl introduced herself succinctly.

  Obviously super cute, but after speaking, but with a stern aura, his eyes are calm, "Our school is famous for its combination of civil and military as well as high enrollment rate and high employment rate.

  As everyone knows, these are the results of the continuous efforts of graduates and current students, and they are the pride of our school.

  I hope all new students can carry on the tradition..."

  "at last."

  As Sakayanagi Arisu said, he paused slightly, "This school implements an absolute power supremacy system.

  The above is what I want to say. The entrance ceremony is officially over. Your head teacher will tell you the specific details.

  Then, each class exits in the order of ABCD. "

  Although the student council president is quite cute, he also has a cold temperament. The noise of the microphone was startling for a moment, but he came back to his senses.

  For the first-year freshmen, the student union is too far away from them. Some students have been in junior high school for three years, and the student union president does not know them. There is no way. The student union will only appear during some important programs.

  But some of them have their mouths open, because.

  Surprisingly, the student council ended with these few words?

  Is this the end of the entrance ceremony?

  It's just that President Itaryu has also left the summit platform.

  The opening ceremony for freshmen held today is just a passing scene.

  "Looking at the first-year students, it still makes people feel like they are separated from each other. We are already second-year students."

  The one who spoke softly was Hobami Ichinose, the representative of Class B of the second year with beautiful long hair.

  One of the secretary of the student union.

  Because in her eyes, the gym was empty in less than 10 minutes.

  "Ichinose, you'll feel better if you're a little nervous."

  Another student council secretary spoke up.

  "Don't Hiyawa-san think President Itanyagi's speech is a little familiar? I remember President Horikita said the same when we were enrolled."

  "Well, probably exactly the same."

  Or maybe they just changed their names, and they all copied the speeches given by the previous student council president Horikita Gakuen when they were still first-year students.

  This shows that President Itanyagi has handled some official affairs in a very official manner, which also shows that many materials left by the previous student council president Horikita Gakuen can be used.

  For the secretary, the workload has been reduced a lot.

  Hiyori feels very satisfied.

  She joined the student union, but she didn't really like it. She didn't like to be in the limelight, and she didn't want to do so many things.

  Especially after comparing the list, I found that this is a rival party.

  So it's going to be a hassle to get involved.

  Hiyori always wanted to quit.

  It's just that Longyuan and the others have always stated that the advantages of joining the student union still outweigh the disadvantages, so she can only agree.

  "But is it necessary for the president to leave in such a hurry?" Angel Ichinose found that Itanagi was no longer on the summit platform and had already left the gym.

  The sunshine outside is a little bright, and her classmates in the dog god room are holding an umbrella for her.

  "No, she made an appointment." Rihe said.

  "Could it be that……"

  "Is that the one—"

  ps: Banliu chapter is really happy.

  ps: Push a friend's book. [Comprehensive: Adopt Qiongmei at the beginning].It's well written, you can check it out. .

Chapter 415

  Qinglong came to the student council.

  He'd been there a few times during spring break, but there was still a subtle sense of it every time he came.

  Because the meeting room looks very girly.

  All the walls are covered with kawaii wallpaper, and plush toys are everywhere.

  So every time a boy comes here, it will be very shocking.

  But knowing that this is Banliu's cute idea, Qinglong has no opinion.


  Student Union.

  The student council president has great authority. For example, the arrangement of the entire department can be changed according to his interests.

  Horikita, the student council president of the previous term, was a rather cold type and didn’t like waste, so basically only a few tables were added, which was very formulaic.

  But this time is different.

  President Banliu will be more concerned about the working environment.

  Considering that the majority of the student council is made up of girls, Itanayu directly ignored the wishes of the male members and turned the student council into this.


  "Ayanokouji-kun, good morning—"

  "It's an entrance ceremony, but Hashimoto-san and Katsuragi-kun are very busy—"

  "The president said that there is no need for so many people to participate' 々."

  "It's Ayanokouji-kun, I'm here today..."

  "Banliu asked me to come over."

  "Is it."

  "The president's words, she has come back."

  "But what about the others?"

  Kiyotaka came to the student council, but only Hashimoto and Katsuragi were there.

  And it was the two who talked to him.

  Oh, there is also a ghost-headed Hayato who doesn't like to talk and is more introverted.

  But the familiar faces, Airi, Matsushita, Sato, Horikita, and Kushida were not there.

  It was Hinwa, Ichinose, and Ibuki from other classes, but they were nowhere to be seen.

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