You are also good enough.

  ps: Ben Yi Xiaochuan has been on fire recently, so push your own Yi Xiaochuan.

  [Myth of I am not Yi Xiaochuan].

Chapter 417

  Chairman's Office.

  But the acting director of Yuecheng had a serious face.

  "So, are you trying to unload the burden?"

  "You want to disobey me and that lord's orders? Do you know the consequences?"

  He was sitting in his seat with his hands on his chin, making a deep expression.

  But the expression is really deep.

  Because the best student in the white room he found...disobedient.

  A plan for him to assist Kiyotaka Ayanokouji to drop out of school has been communicated, but this guy is completely uninvolved.

  And the rebellious mind is very strong.

  "I will use my own way, at a specific time, when I want to make a move, I will make a move."

  "Fundamentally, essentially, defeating him from what Kiyotaka Ayanokouji is good at."

  This excellent-talent in the white room said so.

  And the reason why Ayanokouji is good at it is mainly Ayanokouji Kiyotaka, who was born in a white house, and there is nothing that he is not good at.

  After thinking about this, Yuecheng will become depressed.


  The student in front of him was borrowed from Mr. Ayanokouji.

  Known as the strongest existence in the White House.

  It's just that after the success of the white room is determined by Kiyotaka Ayanokoji, it is difficult to say whether this student is still so good.

  And still very paranoid.

  Facing Yuecheng, the outstanding talent who was wearing the uniform of the nurturing high school went straight out.

  "It seems that Ayanokouji Kiyotaka's influence is still too great."

  Yuecheng watched the White House Assassin leave like this, but did not get angry.

  Because he himself had the experience of fighting against Ayanokouji, and now his body has recovered, but the thing that he was beaten in the past is not fake.

  The pain is still in my heart.

  and so.

  This assassin has always been educated to surpass Ayanokuji Kiyotaka as the subject, but that's it, Ayanokuji Kiyotaka is the ceiling, and then let the people below... hate it.


  Today is the day for the new students to enter the school, and it also represents the day when everyone goes up one level.

  The classroom did not change, only the class card was changed, and the uniform was set every three years, so it was the knowledge of each other that could show a little growth.

  The students in Class C of the second grade don't need to go to class today. They looked at all kinds of new faces and expressed their own thoughts.

  "That's great—"

  "We're in second grade now."

  "Those freshmen are so stupid."

  "As soon as I entered school, I started to buy things at high prices."

  "They're about to experience hell."

· · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · ·???????????

  "These idiots."

  Sudou also joined in, "I'm about to experience the pain in a month."


  At the corner, a girl with blond medium and long hair wearing the [Student Guild] logo suddenly spoke to the boy she met by chance.

  "What do you think?"

  "So many new arrivals to do."


  Kiyotaka turned around and stared at the blond girl's beautiful straight hair.

  Although this girl often looks stupid, she seems to be very stubborn.She said during spring break that she would not bump her hair with Horikita Suzune, so she chose to keep it long.

  And now.

  Straight hair can already be shawl.

  "Kushida is cute today?"

  "Although I am really cute...but definitely not this!"


  Kushida's eyes flickered at the various first-year students ahead, "If I'm in danger—"

  But not finished.

  But her words can be guessed by Qinglong.

  By convention, these freshmen must have students from the same junior high school as Kushida Horikita.

  This means that this student... also knows the dark history of Kushida Kikyo.three.

Chapter 418

  Everyone gathered in the classroom. The class was not as simple as changing the class card, but also the equipment.

  The level of the desk was instantly upgraded, and each student was assigned a large-screen iPad.

  It seems that the future lectures can be used in conjunction with the ipad.

  It's not as simple as just relying on books.

  It's just that the data in the ipad is not allowed to stay in the dormitory, but it can be connected to the mobile phone.

  The students looked at and tested the new equipment curiously.

  "Schools are really willing to spend money."

  Suzine Horikita, who was sitting on the right seat of Kiyotaka, suddenly said.

  She seems to have insisted on short hair. She did not renew her hair during a spring break, but would cut it regularly.

  This made Qinglong a little disappointed.

  But on the contrary, he found that Kushida Kikyo began to grow long hair, so he did not go to persuade Horikita.


  Kiyotaka suddenly turned to look at Horikita.


  Horikita Suzine was sitting on the side seriously, Ling Lie's eyes were originally focused on the front, and after he turned around, it was directly printed on him.

  "What's on my face?"

  She found Qinglong looking at her.


  Kiyotaka smiled lightly, then waved at Sakura Airi on the right side of Horikita.


  Airi hurriedly lowered her head.

  His cheeks suddenly turned red.

  His relationship with Itagyu didn't explain it to anyone during spring break.

  Whether it's Ichinose, Airi, or even Sato.

  In other words, act as if it never happened.

  Then deal with them as usual.

  Of course, some people will choose to ignore him, thinking that he is a scumbag, such as Ichinose, who has blocked his number.

  But there are also cuties like Airi who cooperate with him as if nothing happened.

  This really helped a lot.



  Suzune looked at Qinglong with a look of garbage.

  Qinglong hurriedly sat back.

  The scumbag behavior he just mentioned is probably not acceptable, because this Horikita Suzune classmate, single, believes that she is dating him.

  So the move just now is on the verge of derailment.

  "In the end, haven't you achieved your goal yet?" Horikita said.

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