This child has a very good place. As long as you talk to her about business, she will forget about private affairs.

  "For what purpose?"

  "You know. The points you have now are enough for you to go to any class..."

  "Indeed, but I want to wait a little longer. It's stupid to rely on yourself or a simple class to collect points, so freshmen are a good choice."

  "Freshman? In other words, is there a joint test for the second and first year? This kind of thing-"

  When Horikita said that, she found that Chabashira Sae walked in with stiletto high heels.

  "Everyone go back to their seats," Chabashira said. "Today is a class meeting. First of all, congratulations on your smooth promotion to the second grade."

  "Then, the announcement of the examination rules will be carried out as usual."


  The students know it.

  Chabashira ignored them.

  Continuing to announce, "This time the exam is in conjunction with the first grade."


  Almost after Chabashira finished speaking, Horikita immediately turned to look at Kiyotaka.

  "Did you...get the information beforehand?"

  "Obviously I'm a member of the student council—"

  Just because you are a member of the student union does not mean that you are well informed. The direction of the exam and the determination of the score need to be approved by the president of the student union.

  So, Banliu knew.

  And Horikita, isn't that bullshit?

  The student council president is his person, he doesn't know you know. .

Chapter 419

  "Before the rules are explained, all the staff do one thing first."

  Saji Chabashira stood on the podium, and the blackboard behind her was also replaced with a white digital display.

  The slender fingers slid on it, and an app software immediately popped up.

  "Now you all pick up your iPads."

  "Click on the school's homepage, and then download this OAA software. The full name is overallability, but after downloading, only OAA will be displayed. This software will bring many benefits to students in highly educated colleges and universities. It is a very convenient thing. Seeing is better than hearing it a hundred times, so let’s start it now.”

  "See, it's divided into first grade, second grade, and third grade 26."

  "It's like a database.

  "It contains data about the entire school's students."

  "For example, Class C of the second grade, which is our class. You can click on his entry, and he can also rank according to the evaluation."

  "It collects your data for evaluation from the four directions of academic ability, intelligence, athletic talent, and social contribution, and this part of the evaluation comes from the data collection of the previous school year."

  "According to the regulations, if the ranking is last, it may be punished, but whether this punishment is to drop out of school has not been notified."

  "Why is this-"

  This strikes some students as unbelievable.

  And it was the pool who spoke like that.

  His grades were terrible, and his physical fitness was also very poor. Contributing to the class, he found that he didn't seem to have done anything.

  Then he clicked on his own evaluation in his database.

  Academic E (44)

  Athletic Talent E-(40)

  Intelligence E (39)

  Social Contribution E-(39)

  Final Comprehensive Evaluation E (41)

  Then click on other people's, he is at the bottom!

  "At the moment, only the grades of the first grade are used as the basis, but it doesn't matter. The second grade life starting today can be supplemented. The data will be updated."

  "Its update time is the same as the class points, which are refreshed at the beginning of the month. For example, Ike Kanji, your current academic judgment is E, but if you get a perfect score in the next written test, then your grade 2 score page will be Give it an A+ rating."

  Oh oh.

  Is that the case?

  "But in the end, all the grades of the second grade need to be adopted, and then the final result." Chabashira added.

  Then Chabashira opened the blackboard screen again.

  The contents of the four directions appear above.

  Academic ability ... is mainly calculated from the scores of the written test conducted within one year.

  Athletics talent... It is calculated from evaluations in physical education classes, activity in club activities, special examinations, etc.

  Intelligence... It is calculated by judging the level of social adaptability in terms of the number of friends, the ability to communicate including one's own position, and the ability to adapt to changes.

  Contribution to society... It is calculated from various factors, starting from the attitude of class, being late and absent, to whether there is any problem behavior, whether to join the student council and contribute to the school, etc.

  The above data is updated on the 1st of every month.

  "Then teacher, what's the meaning of the test just now?"

  Kushida Kikyo, the blonde girl with medium-length hair, stood up.

  "Joint exams with first-year students or something—"

  Kushida would not have been so prominent in the class in the past, and there is only one reason why she is now taking the initiative to ask questions.

  Kiyotaka and Horikita Suzune looked at each other.


  It seemed that Kushida had already learned through her own means of communication that there were students from the same junior high school as her among the first-year students.

  ps: I haven't written for a long time, let my wife encourage me. .

Chapter 420

  Chabashira Sae placed his hand on the podium, and opened his lips with professional lipstick.

  "It's a special test."

  "Like what you've been through in the past."

  "First of all, let's look at your scores in the OAA. This time the test is a written test. The content of the assessment is the teaching content of the next month."

  "The test requirement is that second-year students and first-year students are paired to take a written test."

  "There will be 5 subjects on the test day. Each subject has 100 points, and the total score is 500 points."

  "This time, the school has prepared a class-based victory and defeat and an individual-based victory and defeat."

  "The standard of criticism is to use the average score calculated by the scores of the whole class and the scores of all partners to compete with each other.

  The first is the victory or defeat of the class. The average points are arranged from high to low. Each class can get 50 points, 30 points, 10 points and 0 points respectively. "

  "Individual wins and losses, the two students of the partner, are calculated by their total score.

  The top 5 teams will each receive a special reward—10 private points.

  The top 30% of the combinations will receive 1 private points each.

  However, if the total points are less than or equal to 500 points, first-year students will not deduct class points, but will not receive private points' 々 for 3 months. "

  "As for the two students of the partner, if the total points are less than or equal to 500, the second-year student...drops out."


  "Why, why is this-"

  "Again, I'm going to drop out of school again!"

  The rules were announced, and the second-year class C, who gathered as scumbags, was as expected.

  "Not only do we have to match up with first-year students, and then the total score of the two people is less than 500. They only have no points for 3 months, but we have to drop out."

  "It's too demanding!"

  It should be worthy to say that this is the current Class C, the original Class D, and the exam rules came out. They only thought about whether they would drop out of the school, instead of paying attention to the class confrontation and also deducting points.


  "Be quiet first!"

  Chabashira knocked on the table, "The content of the assessment this time is academic ability and communication."

  "The collocation team here is a free combination. That is to say, if you are at the bottom of the list, if you can get a first-year student with high academic ability as a partner, you will be protected if you may drop out of school."

  That is to say, even poor students can actually be taken if they meet first-year students with good grades.

  It's actually good news for the second grade C class.

  "It's just a teacher, who can be freely matched with the first-year students. How do we know their information?"

  Hirata-kun stood up at this time.

  He has been restored to the original image, and he has become the image of the good old man in the past, and the question is also the most concerned question for everyone.

  "This is the meaning of the OAA system. Not only can you see your grades, but also the grades of first-year students. Their grades are judged by the grades of the past third year."

  "There are their grades, photos and names on it, which can facilitate your communication."

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