Location love hotel.

  Qinglong was now lying on the bed, trying to count the spots on the ceiling.

  Yes, he is a little lost now.

  And his body is now out of his control, being fingered on the cheek by a grown woman.

  "What a little bastard!"

  The other party seemed to have a very frivolous tone.

  This is after Mrs. Yubihama woke up, she didn't doubt what she was doing.

  Or rather, what she thinks she has done.

  Then confirm that Qinglong did it.


  He didn't do it.

  And he's not bad, he's saving you, okay?

  She is saving her senior sister who has lost her footing.

  In the plan, the wife's spirit was frustrated, and then there was a blank period, and then he could operate to transfer Mr. Fujii away.

  But looking at his wife's unsad expression now, Qinglong felt that something went wrong with his plan.


  "Wait... Mrs. Yubihama-"


  "Is it amazing? Don't laugh at me... But this feeling is amazing. It turns out that the contact of the human body will be so comfortable."


  "And Qinglong-Jun, you don't seem to be enjoying yourself."


  No, that is a normal reaction.

  Qinglong quickly rolled up the quilt and wrapped himself up.

  But doing so, let Miss Caizi's skin appear in the air.

  He quickly sent the quilt back.


  Qinglong quickly climbed out of bed and put on his trousers. "Don't talk to anyone, and then sort out the situation at the scene. I'm very confused now."

  Mrs. Yubihama tilted her head slightly, showing a rather cute expression.

  "Is it."

  "That's right, for Qinglong-Jun, this is probably the first time."

  "Could it be, I'm Qinglong Jun's first time."


  "No." Qinglong said immediately.


  The lady's brows dropped suddenly.

  Hey, hey, don't get lost.

  Qinglong really felt that the current situation was completely beyond expectations.

  Because he seems to have found a blind spot.

  The wife's emotions seemed to follow his actions, and she unilaterally believed that it had happened last night.


  She wasn't angry about it.

  Qinglong felt that there was one thing that needed to be confirmed.

  "That...Miss Caizi."

  "I need to ask something."

  "May I ask what you think of Mr. Fujii...?"


  "Mr. Fujii? Why mention him... oh. Must be jealous of yesterday."

  "But Mr. Fujii and I are ordinary colleagues, and then the relationship between the company's seniors and juniors."

  "I can guarantee absolutely nothing else."


  So didn't you fall in love with Mr. Fujii at first sight?

  Then, he deliberately sent a message to Yui, saying that he should pursue an active pursuit.

  Qinglong suddenly shook his head.


  If the wife didn't fall in love with Fujii-kun at first sight, then...want to pursue him?

  The person Mrs. Yubihama really likes...is he?


  Qinglong noticed that the phone vibrated.

  "Qinglong-kun, your phone—"

  Qinglong's mobile phone was placed at the end of the bed, and his wife wanted to help hold it.

  "No, no need."

  Qinglong quickly took the phone away.

  Because there is no guarantee that it is the message from Hirahama Yui.

  Letting his wife know that he was in touch with her daughter, or letting Yui find out that he was in a hotel with her mother, was not a scene to smile.

  So Qinglong quickly took back his mobile phone.


  The wife winked cutely, "I won't be angry even if you say you have pictures taken last night on your phone."

  "Tell me about Qinglong-Jun H at most."

  "Big sister is very tolerant."


  Your tolerance is indeed great.

  He confirmed it last night.

  [The price of Heming sea view room is greatly reduced, and the current price is only 15 square meters——]

  It's a spam message.

  Not Yui's information.

  In order to ensure safety, Qinglong directly turned off the phone first.

  "Anyway, we still have work today, shall we all put on our clothes first?"

  Qinglong suggested.

  Although he put on his trousers, his wife remained motionless.

  "You have to put it on first, but Qinglong-kun, you'd better go out and buy a new set of clothes to replace later." Mrs. Yubihama said.

  "Why?" Qinglong was puzzled.

  "Because if you don't change your clothes that day, others will know that you went to the hotel."

  "Also remember to put on perfume when taking a shower in the hotel."

  "Why?" Qinglong said.

  The wife explained, "Because everyone is familiar with the smell of hotel shampoo, it's best to cover it up if you don't want people to find out."

  Well, is there such a thing as that?

  As expected of an adult society.

  Qinglong felt that he had learned something new.

  "Then... let's change into clothes first." Qinglong said.

  The wife has no opinion.

  But after Qinglong put on his shirt, his wife suddenly came over.

  "Ah, wait--"

  She gently pulled Qinglong's collar.

  She just put on her shirt, and something very grand suddenly touched Qinglong's arm.

  Obviously, I didn't feel very much when I looked at it last night, but today's feeling is very special.

  The gentleman Qinglong turned his eyes away slightly.

  He is a very strict person, and he will be interested in Chabashira-sensei, Horikita, and Kushida.

  But he would not be interested in other people's wives.

  Not even after a divorce.

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