This is abiding.

  So he didn't make the last step.

  "The tie is crooked here." Mrs. Yubihama said, and then suddenly noticed Kiyotaka's expression.

  "Obviously, you were taken to the hotel by you last night, and you vented so much on me, but you still blushed slightly."

  "Are you shy?"

  "so cute--"

  "Do I need to serve you again?"

  "Actually, I don't have the memory of last night, so I don't know what it feels like, so if I want to review's not impossible-"

  As she spoke, Mrs. Yubihama's soft body seemed to be approaching directly.

  No, no.

  Qinglong quickly avoided.

  "I still have work today."


  The wife's interest was suppressed again.

  Then he put on his clothes seriously.

  Because she remembered again that she was only a staff member, and then she needed to work.

  There is no freedom as a social animal.

  The two did not check out immediately, but went downstairs to the surrounding clothing stores first, and in the eyes of the waiter Aimi, they chose each other's clothes.And then directly changed out of last night's clothes.

  The wife chose a white shirt with a black skirt and black stockings.

  "what happened?"

  After she changed her clothes, she found Qinglong staring blankly at her.

  "how to say--"

  Mrs. Mingming is just a very ordinary office lady, but she feels very sexy.


  The wife looked in the mirror for a while, then took another silk scarf.

  Because there are strawberries made by Kiyotaka on the neck.

  As a male, Qinglong is relatively simple.

  There are only two strawberries around his neck.

  So I put two band-aids on.

  simple and clear.

  But changing clothes in the store is a bit of a problem.

  Mrs. Yubihama's clothes were chosen by herself, while Kiyotaka's was her taste.

  The suits Kiyotaka had chosen before were intentionally old-fashioned, but Mrs. Yubihama chose clothes that fit his age.

  In other words, it makes him look younger than he faces.

  Hey hey hey, this seems to be the standard for a little white face.

  Qinglong wanted to refuse, but seeing the happy look in her brows, it was difficult to refuse.


  "Then, is it a credit card or cash?"

  "Swipe your card."

  Qinglong directly preemptively extended his bank card.

  Then, after the clerk entered the data, he quickly entered the password, giving Mrs. Yubihama no chance at all.

  "Qinglong-kun is very reliable~"

  Looking at Qinglong's actions, his wife did not refuse, but Qinglong felt that she would definitely return the money to him in other ways.


  So the two walked towards the hotel.

  Gotta go back to the hotel.

  Qinglong found that his wife kept a distance of two fists from him when walking, and then did not hug his hand like when he was in the hotel.

  Probably because it is on the street, so you need to be careful about the distance.

  As soon as Qinglong thought about it, he found that his hand was being hugged, and immediately fell into a very soft and warm position.

  "Hey, will others think that we are siblings in love?"

  She said with a smile.

  It doesn't care about distance at all.

  It seems that they really recognized their relationship last night.

  Qinglong's head suddenly became big.

  If the wife likes Mr. Fujii, then he will say that a lot happened last night, then make her hesitate, and then find an opportunity to eliminate Mr. Fujii from the city.

  But now it turns out that he was wrong.

  The wife likes him.

  Therefore, his set of operations has no meaning other than pitting himself in it.

  blood loss.

  Because he doesn't like wives yet.

  All he cares about is the safety and happiness of his little group.


  Qinglong felt that he needed to clarify, because if it is not clear now, when he pursues the dumplings in the future, then the wife has a 99% probability of preventing him from being with the dumplings.

  And how could he give up dumplings for his wife.

  This is putting the cart before the horse.

  So, when he was less than 200 meters away from the hotel, he finally spoke.

  "Miss Caizi, there is actually something I want to say."

  "Is it about my family? I have a daughter..."

  "Although we had a relationship, I hope to delay it a little longer, because my daughter's ability to accept may be relatively low, so I hope that our affairs will not be rushed."

  "Then, I want us to have a secret relationship first."


  This statement seems to be a good one.


  If his pursuit of danzi is finally exposed, he will still be rejected by Miss Caizi.

  Qinglong decided to speak out.

  "Miss Caizi, in fact, I'm not talking about this, but..."

  But just as he said it, the woman pressed her lips with soft fingers, "Don't worry, I'm in the safe period now, so I won't get pregnant."



  That's not what he meant to say!


  While the two were talking, they had already arrived at the hotel.

  "Are you going to retire?"


  Qinglong nodded.

  At this time, the waiter looked at him in surprise, probably because he didn't realize that Qinglong was so young yesterday.

  It's just that the wife is also very young, at most... Well, it looks like Qinglong's sister.

  So is this a sibling relationship?

  The waiter was gossiping in his heart, and went through the check-out procedures for them directly, and Qinglong also took back the deposit for the reservation.

  While the wife seemed to be in a better mood, she began to say something about her.

  "It's a pity to say, I have no memory of last night."

  "I still don't know how comfortable it is between men and women."

  "Huh?" Qinglong thought this was a bit strange. "Ma'am, when you experienced this before, did you get drunk and do it with people?"

  "No, it's not like that." Caizi didn't want Qinglong to misunderstand that she was a bad woman.

  She hurriedly shook her hand and said, "How do you say it, you may not believe it, but it's true."

  "I was pregnant with Yui when I was in high school."

  "But it's not that I made a boyfriend, but I don't know why, and suddenly I became pregnant."

  "The doctors who examined me said it was a very strange thing."

  "Is it possible to get pregnant just without having sex? It's very strange."

  "Or what happened to me by some strange boy?"

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