Seeing that she has turned to Qinglong's desk in this row.

  ps: Well, ask for a reward.Although I don't think it's possible.

  But maybe the handsome guy in front of the screen will be rewarded if he is more handsome or handsome, please give me a reward~.

Chapter 467

  "Under the snow!"

  When Qinglong greeted her old colleagues one by one, she suddenly shouted while waiting for her to greet an uncle with 6 years of work experience on the right of Qinglong.

  Yang Nai instinctively turned his head.

  But the moment she turned her head, she knew something was wrong.

  Then she heard a boy's voice.

  "By the way, this customer named Yukinoshita is too difficult to deal with!"

  "I keep asking for returns. Since the requirements are so high, don't buy it in the first place."

  It seems that a staff member was just doing after-sales telephone service, and then complained to the people around him.

  And this is a very common phenomenon in this company.

  Hardly anyone will notice.

  "Miss Guard—"

  The uncle who was talking to Yang Nao noticed Yang Nao's distraction.

  "No, it's nothing, it would be great if I could get senior's guidance." Yang Nai showed a cute smile.

  It makes even an uncle in his thirties feel healed.


  Yono under the snow.

  The sister of the heroine Yukino Yukino.

  Qinglong's mind reviewed the character of this person.

  In the original book, she is the big boss who has been doing bad things, forcing her sister to make a choice.

  But because he looks good, there are still many fans.

  But there is one place that can make people feel at ease, and that is sister control.


  Don't look at her always fighting against her sister, but this is also a kind of sister's performance.

  Although Qinglong didn't like it very much.

  He also has a younger sister, and for Komachi, he still thinks pampering is better than the villain's way.


  Even if the purpose is to hope that the younger sister will grow up, the reason why the younger sister is the younger sister is that she is not mature enough to understand everything behind you.

  Therefore, even if she grows up, she still thinks you are a bad person.

  Then it won't be close to you.

  This is very bad for a sister-in-law.

  Therefore, from the standpoint of having a younger sister, Qinglong has a good impression of Yang Nai, but sympathizes with her.

  It's just that the current Yang is not this kind of Yang Nai?

  Qinglong thinks it can be tested.


  Yang is a desk desk familiar with the past.

  Soon came to Qinglong's table.

· · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · ·??????????

  Qinglong didn't show much expression.

  But Yang Nai's eyes changed for a moment, and this change was immediately captured by Qinglong.


  "I'm a new intern Konoe. By the way, senior is very young..."

  Her tone deliberately paused, and the supervisor who brought her introduced her directly, "This is Hikigu-kun, very young."

0 0 0


  Yang Nai smiled, revealing her cute dimples, "Hello, although you are younger than me, you are also my senior in the company."

  Then he called sweetly, "Senior Hikigu~"

  Qinglong stretched out his hand.


  Yang Nai seemed to be stunned for a moment.

  But she quickly reacted and raised her hand.

  And Qinglong directly held her hand.

  Then he said with a blank face, "Although I have just joined the company, I think it is reasonable to arrange the seniors and juniors in the order of entering the company."

  "So, junior, hello."

  "My name is Kiyotaka Hikigu, and I hope you will remember my name." Four.

Chapter 468

  "Speaking of the director-"

  Qinglong stood up directly. "I haven't arranged anyone to bring Miss Konwei to familiarize myself with the business."

  "Hikigu ah..." The supervisor dragged his chin with one hand, and there was a hint of hesitation in his eyes. "Then it's up to you—"

  As soon as he said that, he was stopped by the lovely Yang Nao. "That, supervisor, can Mr. Nakano take me?"

  Mr. Nakano is the older man from before. Although he is a bit sloppy in his dress, he is also really capable.

  "Mr. Nakano?" The supervisor nodded. "Also."

  "Thank you." Yang Nai showed a cute smile, and when the supervisor was about to turn around, he deliberately glanced at Qinglong.

  Qinglong is very clear.

  Yang Nai knew his identity from the time he entered the company and found him.

  Know that he is Hikigu Kiyotaka.

  Knowing that he was the one who was hit by a car on her sister's first day in high school.

  And Qinglong just deliberately shook hands with her, obviously knowing her identity.

  So Yang Nai deliberately wants to change the belt now, probably because he wants to give him a slap in the face and don't talk nonsense, or he doesn't know how much he knows, so he wants to keep a distance and investigate.

  Ha ha.

  Regarding Yang Nao's intentional coldness to you, Kiyotaka just expressionlessly changed the address book name of Brother Shota's phone number from Mitsuhashi University that he had just saved to Yukinoshita Yukino.

  Then pressed the call button.

  Let the screen display the words that Yukinoshita Yukino's phone is being broadcast.

  Then show this screen plot to Yang Nai.

  "..." Yang Nai.

  "..." Yang Nai.

  Yang Nai's face originally had a fake smile, but now this smile has become a bit fake.

  She hurriedly stopped the supervisor, "I think about it, I don't need it anymore."

  "Mr. Nakano is so busy."

  "It's better to let Bikigu-kun lead me."


  "That's it... ok."

  Because of Yang Nai's cute appearance and some other reasons, the supervisor nodded immediately, "Then Hikigu-kun, Miss Konoe, I'll ask you to lead me."

  "it is good!"

  Qinglong responded immediately.

  And after Miss Yang Nai finished greeting everyone, she sat down at Qinglong's desk.

  She found that Qinglong had prepared a small chair for her.

  That's kind of sweet.

  Then I found a stack of documents on the table.

  "Then, Miss Konoe, you are a newcomer to the company today, so start from familiarizing yourself with the business."

  "First of all, let's integrate these materials."


  Yang Nai opened the data and saw a lot of reports.It looks very troublesome.

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