And from the perspective of level, these are all the old employees who have worked for more than three years.


  "Let me do this now?"

  Yang Nai asked cutely on purpose. "I'm still a newbie."

  "Didn't you come for an internship? Internships are for learning."

  Qinglong said, "But I haven't been to college, so I don't know."


  Yang Nai's expression seemed to freeze for a moment, and then she nodded. "Okay, I know."

  After Qinglong threw her a pile of documents, he walked to the rest area.

  Mrs. Yubihama also asked for leave today, so she seemed a little lonely.

  Qinglong drank coffee silently, but counted in his heart.

  After about 100 strokes, he knew that Yang Nai was here too. .

Chapter 469

  The company has set up a rest room for employees, where they can come and take a break when the work at hand is difficult or has been completed.

  And the long sofa is more likely to be used as a bed for people who work overtime.

  Overall, the company is still good.

  Kiyotaka was drinking coffee without hesitation, and after he counted to 100 in his heart, he knew that Yukinoshita Yoshinori was coming.

  Because the rest room used to have a dysmenorrhea Miss Yamanaka resting, and she just went out.

  Yang Die walked in immediately after waiting for Miss Yamanaka to leave.

  "Then 26, Hikigu-san, why are you here?"

  It should be said that it was Yono Yukinoshita. After realizing that there was no one else, she immediately attacked with a straight ball.


  When Qinglong showed her the words Yukinoshita Yukino, she knew that her identity was definitely exposed.

  With her eyesight, she could see the words on Qinglong's mobile phone, and she could also confirm that the phone number marked by Qinglong was not her sister's.

  However, whether it was or not, Qinglong knew that the words Yukino Yukinoshita were a threat to her.

  Her name is Yono Yukino, and she studies at Yahashi University.

  Not Konoe Yono, nor Mitsuhashi University.

  The surnames of Yukinoshita and Konoe are very different, and they can still talk in this area of ​​Chiba.

  And Hachibashi University is a top-ranked university, and Sanqiao University is only third-rate.

  So, then why did she conceal her identity or even fake her graduation school to come here?

  This is very questionable and questionable.

  So now Yang Nai knows that his secret has been exposed.

  There is a high probability that he will stop Qinglong's mouth.

  "call out--"

  Qinglong drank coffee without any hassle.

  Yang Nai stared at him and found that Qinglong's attitude was calm, so she also took a disposable paper cup from the side and poured herself coffee.

  "The coffee here is very good. Compared with Ruixing Coffee and the like, it is a little weaker, but I like it very much." Qinglong said.

  But he knew that Yang Nai was expressionless now.

  Because Yang Nai is about to shoot straight, it would be too much for him to still be playing Tai Chi.

  So Qinglong continued, "Miss Yukinoshita, don't be too nervous."

  "It should be said that you are relatively unfortunate."

  "I can know that you are Yono Yukinoshita because I became friends with someone."

  "And he sent me a picture of you. Said you were her goddess. Then he said something about you. That's why I found out that you were in the company all of a sudden and lied."

  Saying so, Qinglong pointed out the profile of Yang Nao sent by Yeshan.

  Yang Nai also looked at 000 Qinglong's mobile phone after hearing the words.

  "... Hayato?" Yang Nao's tone was a little sarcastic.

  "Nice tone."

  Qinglong stopped the recording, "I can confirm that you are not interested in Yeshan-kun."

  "Then I will accept this recording, and I can send it to Ye Shan-jun at any time, so that he can be rescued from his tragic dog-licking career, and let him know that his goddess really has no interest in him at all.

  Continuing to lick won't help. "

  !! ?

  "You are—"

  Yang Nai suddenly showed an abnormal look, "It's very strange."

  ps: Push a friend's book. [Comprehensive: Adopting Qiongmei at the beginning].

Chapter 470


  Yukinoshita Yono sat across from the small table, opposite Kiyotaka.

  "On behalf of Yukinoshita's family, I apologize to you."

  "Three months ago, the traffic accident that you were injured in was caused by my family's car, and my sister Yukinoshita Yukino was in the car."

  "Although the compensation for the accident is given, the driver is basically asked to see you during the period..."


  "I know that."

  "Also, this incident is the responsibility of both parties. The driver failed to brake, and I also ran out to save the puppy."

  "So it's a matter of benevolence and righteousness for your Yukinoshita family to make compensation." Qinglong said.


  "You are very clear." Yang Nai looked at Qinglong with some surprise.

  Because anyway, at that time it was indeed Qinglong who came out to save the puppy, but it was indeed her car that hit him.

  Morally impossible.She was ready to hold Qinglong accountable.

  Because she disguised her identity to come in and be seen through by him is already very bad.

  So if you can seal up this secret, then you can find another useless secret and call it out to fool Qinglong.

  As a result, Qinglong quickly solved the secret she used to fool.

  This surprised her.


  "Yeah, but clear distinction and acceptance are two different things" ~."

  Qinglong said, "I'm a junior in middle school."

  "So I thought, one day, I'm going to get in that car as the owner. See if it hits me," he said.

  "Well, this is really an interesting idea, wait..." Yang Nai wanted to smile, but soon found out that it was wrong.

  ! ? ? ?


  Yang Nai's brows moved, as if mocking, "Are you trying to buy that car?"

  "But I'm sorry, my car probably won't be sold."


  She deliberately paused before she finished speaking.

  And Qinglong looked at her with a smile and helped her fill it out, "It's another possibility, for example, I'm also a member of Yukinoshita's family."




  The person who became Yukishita's family either bought out the Yukishita family, or... entered the Yukishita family.

  "You guy..."

  Yang Nai once again showed a surprised expression to Qinglong. "Do you want to marry my sister Yukinoshita Yukino?"

  "I won't allow this kind of thing."

  "And I haven't heard Xiao Xuenao say that she has a boyfriend or anything like that."

  "¨ˇ Or, in the past three months, you actually deliberately approached Xuenuo..."

  "And then maybe it's because..."

  Yang Nao's brain is running very fast.

  But the proposals made by Qinglong were too exaggerated, almost beyond her calculation possibilities.

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