All this made Qinglong shook his head.

  "You're wrong."

  Qinglong said, "First of all, I want to be a member of Yukishita's family. This idea appeared at this moment."

  "So it has nothing to do with (of) Yukinoshita-san."


  It has nothing to do with Koyuki, so it has something to do with other Yukinoshita family members?

  Like with your mother?

  Oh, this is absolutely impossible.


  It's just something to do with her.

  Yang Nai stood up at once, pressed his body towards Qinglong, and put one hand on his shoulder.

  "Student Hikigu."

  "You mean, you want to marry me!?".

Chapter 471

  "Hikigu-san, are you saying you want to marry me?"

  Qinglong was immediately questioned like this.

  Miss Yang Nai put her hand directly on his shoulder, and she looked surprised.

  It can be said that as the heir to the Yukishita family, she is the eldest daughter. She should have learned a lot and knew how to deal with various strange situations.

  So what scene did she not see?


  I really haven't seen this scene today.

  Qinglong took another sip of coffee unhurriedly.

  "If nothing else, then it's possible."

  "..." Yang Nai.

  Yang was speechless.

  "Why... suddenly have this idea."

  Yang Nai said 000 words.Rather than saying that she was asking, she was actually mumbling to herself.

  "Aren't you Hayato's friend?"

  "I also know about Hayato, I know Hayato likes me, and then he wants to marry me."

  "Could it be that you want to avenge Hayato, that's why you have this strange idea."



  Qinglong gave a gentle smile. "First of all, Miss Yang Nai, your idea just now is quite interesting."

  "But that's not what drove me to marry you."

  "...Then it's because I concealed my identity and entered the company?"

  "No." Qinglong shook his head. "When you came to the company, I didn't respond the first time, but now I understand."

  "Your Yukinoshita consortium probably wants to acquire this company. In addition to the sales of toys, it also undertakes the sales of some real estate buildings."

  "So you can get in touch with your consortium's business."

  "It's just that the company's report is too beautiful, and even the data in the economic crisis of the previous year looked very good, making you a little worried."

  "So come here to investigate."

  "Originally, you didn't need to come for this kind of thing, but you wanted to increase your experience, so you sneaked in yourself."

  "Then the supervisor has probably been bought by you."

  "The reason is that among the three newcomers who joined here yesterday (cgae), Mr. Fujii is a top student at a well-known university, but he didn't greet you all one by one as if you were so attentive."

  "So, although this matter is more complicated, it's not what I want you to marry. :"


  "..." Yang Nai.

  Yang Nai almost showed the expression of that cat frying.

  Her eyes almost only revealed a word [in?Dismantled the camera in my house].

  Because Qinglong's speculation is correct.

  My mother will delegate power to her this year, and let her officially start to hone the company, so she decided to buy a small company and let her airborne to become the general manager.

  Let her practice.

  But from her own personal consideration of the company to the future development, these are very hidden things.

  Why, why would Hikigu Hikigu know that?


  She felt like she was being seen through now.

  This is a very bad state.

  She herself has always been absolutely rational, so it is easy to see through others.

  But now, he has been seen through.

  She had never encountered such a situation, and she didn't know how to deal with it.

  Qinglong took her right hand and grabbed his shoulder and made her sit down again. .

Chapter 472

  "First of all, you said that I was acting for Hashan, so to speak. But the weight is not heavy enough."

  "Yeshan-kun is a little annoying, but I need his help today. He didn't say a word to help, just to make me care."

  "So what I said just now is also for him."

  "But only here."

  "Then I repeat that I want to marry you, but it's my own idea."

  Qinglong sipped his coffee again.

  This time the speed is slower, but Yang Nai has begun to face her seriously.

  This is the first time she has encountered such a difficult situation since she became Yono Yukinoshita, who fits her identity as Yono Yukinoshita.

  Can't find the entry point at all.

  It can be said.

  She felt that her trump card was completely exposed to Hikigu-san.

  But Bikigu's classmates are perfect and can't find any flaws at all.

  "First of all, Miss Yang Nai, I think we might look alike."

  Qinglong said, "It's all, empty."


  "Yes, it's empty."



  Qinglong put his hands on the table, "Empty here means, it's a marionette, it means there is no self."

  "If I didn't fight, then I'd probably end up with the same thing as you."

  "..." Yang Nai.

  Yang Nai smiled softly. "Can you be more specific? Hikigu-san. It's like you've experienced a lot."

  "of course."

  Qinglong was very gentle to her, "If you promise to marry me, then I will tell you slowly."

  "Hehe, but this kind of thing might..."

  Yang Nai wanted to refuse.

  Then I heard Qinglong continue.

  "First of all, I have a sister named Komachi."

  Is it.

  Yang Nai also has a younger sister named Xuenai.

  "As the eldest son in the family, I will take care of Komachi."


  As the eldest daughter in the family, she is also responsible for her younger sister.

  "Then we get married, and I can also act as your brother and take care of you." Qinglong said, "This is the closest opportunity you have had to find yourself in the past [-] years. I hope you don't give up."

  It seems that she has been lying and deceiving people for the past nineteen years.

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