"..." Yang Nai.

  "..." Yang Nai.

  At the moment when Qinglong stretched out his hand to withdraw it, someone suddenly grabbed it.

  "Okay." Yang Nai took his hand at once, "I see, Bikigu-kun, let's get married."

· · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · ·??????????

  In the afternoon, Qinglong and the newcomer, Miss Kinwei Yangnai, took leave.

  Now outside her house, holding her phone in a corner.

  [By the way, Hayama, what kind of person do you think Yukinoshita Yono will like? ]

  "She likes it? It's probably hard for her to like someone else."

  "I don't think she'll ever even like anyone else."

0 0 0

  "I don't have a chance, so do others." by Ye Shan.

  "But Bikigu-kun, why did you suddenly ask this?"

  "You don't have to comfort me, I know. But I'm always struggling inside and don't want to give up."

  "I think it's fine if it goes on like this."

  Hayama's mood became lost.

  Qinglong calmly looked at the dog-licking words from Hayama on the screen.

  I just want to shake my head after reading it.

  Therefore, if you put yourself in different positions, you can reach different heights.

  If Qinglong also thinks that Miss Yang Nai is beautiful and that she is very attractive, then he can't see her essence at all.

  Naturally, there is no way to get in touch with her.

  Because what Hayama saw was the identity of Yono under the snow, and what Kiyotaka saw was Yono himself.Four.

Chapter 473

  Qinglong did not lie to Yangnai.

  He and Yang Nai are in a similar situation, they were both cultivated by people.

  If Qinglong didn't resist in the real teaching, then he would probably be captured back and become a pawn of the old prime minister's father.

  Action for his ambition.

  Everything is done in the service of the father.

  And this is no different from Yang Nai's actions for the name [Yueshita Yang Nai].

  The current Yang Nai seems to him to be empty.

  There is only a shell that matches the name [Yueshita Yono], but nothing inside.

  is empty.

  The reason for this certainty is that the system sent a push.

  [A specific character, Yono Yukino, was detected.

  Get gratitude from her for a lot of time units. ]


  Although it is only a system prompt, but think about it and know it.

  Being able to get gratitude shows that her troubles are very big.

  And the big incident shows that she has serious psychological problems.

  So, for this kind of mentally ill person... um, based on Qinglong's experience in the real teaching, of course, it is to give her direct medicine.

  And this kind of people who feel emptiness in their hearts and express emptiness can use some physical methods to target them.

  For example, let her experience suicide.

  Or be killed.

  Although this approach is a bit morbid, it works.

  It's just that the consequences of doing so are more serious, and it may make her morbidly like the feeling of dying.

  And then trying it out on your own, unattended, is very dangerous.

  Therefore, this method was chosen by Qinglong to give up the moment it jumped out.

  So, a gentler approach was chosen.

  Break her existing peaceful false life.

  Then it's a stimulus.

  Apply to her for marriage.

  It can be said.

  This kind of thing is deviant.

  It can be said that Yang Nai never thought of such a thing.

  It can be said that this kind of thing will make her feel novel.

  It can be said that this kind of thing... is to get rid of the responsibility she has to bear now.

  The system prompts that she can get gratitude from Yang Nai, indicating that she has always been in a state of hope that others will rescue her.

  So, a person who needs to be rescued, you give her a rope to pull her up, will she?

  Yang will do it.

  Even if it was just fake, she would want to try it.


  Completely free from the burden of the eldest daughter of the family, something that you choose by yourself.Even if only for a moment...  

  "You marry me, and then you get divorced the next day."

  This is Qinglong's promise to Yang Nai.

  In other words, it's actually fake.

  But for Yang Nai, it was something to experience arrangements that did not belong to the family.


  Home under the snow.

  "By the way, what have you been looking in that direction for?"

  A voice came from Qinglong's side, but what followed was the touch of something hitting his cheek.

  Yang Nai seemed to take out her seal and poked his face.

  After the discussion between the two, they all asked for leave.

  Back to Yukinoshita Mansion.

  Qinglong did not enter the house, but stayed in the corner.

  Looking at a black car from a distance.In the car sat a young lady.

  Blue silk, plain face.

  "Your mother must be too young."

  Qinglong Road.

  "Really? It should be because she takes good care of her. Mother often said that she wants to show her image of Yukinoshita in front of others, so she pays great attention to maintenance and goes to bed at 9 o'clock every night."

  "And." Yang Nai seemed to be struggling to pronounce words, "Ten years are like one day. Then..."

  "Makes me sick.".

Chapter 474

  Makes me sick.

  Yukinoshita Yono directly said words that did not match her current cute appearance.

  But it's good to hear that.

  In the past, as a test product in the white room, Qinglong knew very well that the current Yang Nai was a waste product.

  She was identified as the heir to the Yukishita family at a very young age.

  Under the status of the heir, everything she had from childhood to adulthood was properly arranged.

  From clothing, hairstyle changes, etc., to academic etiquette, even hobbies, ways of speaking, etc., all must conform to the identity of the heir.

  She represents the heir to the Yukinoshita family.Since it is an heir, it no longer represents you personally, but the face of the entire family.

  And Yang Nai has been burdened with such a big burden since he was a child, and it is good that it is not broken.

  However, there are three ways to save Yang Nao.

  1. Yukinoshita's family has died. Since the family has perished, there is no need to continue to maintain the status of the heir. Because the throne is gone, why do you need a prince?

  2. Let Xue Ma have another child, and cultivate this third child from an early age.As for the work ahead, let Xue Ma resist first.

  However, this is unlikely. According to what Yang Nai just said, the mother's ten-year insistence on going to bed early is disgusting.

  It shows that the mother and she are of the same type, and they are both cultivated people.

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