Is it.

  Qinglong's expression changed when he looked at Yeshan.

  He retracted the evaluation just now.

· · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · ·??????????

  Hayama's acting skills should be above Kushida.

  Therefore, he changed the subject halfway through, probably confirming that Yang Nai was under the table.

  So I don't want Yang Nai to know.

  Knowing this fact, Qinglong said without changing his face, "How would you feel if I said that this couple Parfait was ordered by me?"

  The translation of this sentence is, Yang Nai and I ordered a couple parfait, and Yang Nai and I became a couple.

0 0 ......

  "...this is..."

  Hayama's expression changed. "Probably..."

  "Although it's a bit unacceptable, it should bless you all."

  But it was very painful to say.

  "Then congratulations."

  Qinglong Road. "It's not my initiative."

  "Oh, I see!"

  And Hayama's lost expression recovered in an instant.

  In other words, he felt that Yang was a person who likes to tease people very much.

  So if the Parfait was ordered by Yang Nai, then Yang Nai might just be playing tricks, because Qinglong also said that he didn't eat a single bite.

  So this can only be a joke.

  Ye Shan suddenly stabilized.

  Looking at his appearance, Qinglong felt that he should not tell him that he had just registered his marriage with Yang Nai an hour ago.Four.

Chapter 478

  Hayama is a very gentle person.

  He had already determined that Yang Nai was under the table.

  And what I talked with Kiyotaka on the table was basically about Yukinoshita Yukino.

  "The chances of seeing Yukinoshita at school are getting rarer recently."

  "But she doesn't seem to be what she used to be."

  "Sometimes when I went to school with Hubu, I saw her on the side of the road watching wild cats stop and move."

  "But this kind of situation is really rare recently."

  "Every day feels like a rush."

  "After school, it's like going home straight away."

  "So I doubt it."

  "She may have a cat."

  Yes, yes, looking at Ye Shan's serious reasoning, Qinglong's heart was very calm.

  Because this cat was given to Yukinoshita Yukino by him.

  He personally selects and pets the cat so that the cat will become docile and will not bite. At the same time, the smarter will take care of himself before giving it to Yukino Yukinoshita.

  So of course he knew about her raising cats.

  And Qinglong can get Yukino's information from the school, that is, Yubihama and Shizuo, and now it is good for Hayama to provide clues.

  "Have you settled on the list of third-year students who needed Mitsuhashi University?"

  Yeshan said again.

  Qinglong nodded.

  "May I ask what's the matter?"

  And Hayama asked curiously again.

  "This one."

  Kiyotaka's left hand was placed under the table.

  He turned his hand towards Yang Nai.

  Immediately found that his palm was caught.

  There was an itchy feeling in the palm.

  Someone wrote on it.

  [Don't tell him. ]


  Yang is this idea.

  He withdrew his hand, then dipped his right hand on the table with Yeshan's milk tea and wrote.

  Your goddess has come to work in my company.

  I used a fake identity, I don't know if it's real or fake, so I checked.

  "I see."

  Ye Shan did not speak, but also learned to communicate with Qinglong by writing on the table.

  However, the words he wrote, Qinglong, didn't look right.

  [That means there is something important. ]

  [Sister Yang Nai likes to joke, but she won't joke about this kind of thing. ]

  [Bikigu-kun also asks you not to expose her. ]

  [She must have her reasons for doing so. ]

  [So I probably understand why Hikigu-kun was entangled by her...]

  [It must be that the information about her has been leaked. ]

  [So got caught here. ]

  [I'm so sorry, Hikigu-kun. ]

  [Please believe that Sister Yang Nai is not malicious. ]

  [I apologize to you here. ]


  Ye Shan's handwriting is beautiful and fast.

  But to write and write, I still write directly with my fingers dipped in water.

  The table vibrated slightly immediately.

  While Hayama was writing, Kiyotaka's left hand under the table was caught by Yang Nao.



  The table is shaking.

  A super smart person like Yang Nao instantly understood that the bad guy Kiyotaka was writing with Hayama on the table.

  So bite him.

  "Be careful I bite you."

  Qinglong withdrew his hand and deliberately said to the bottom of the table.

  Ye Shan suddenly became embarrassed.


  "I'll go first."

  He took the initiative to carry the schoolbag, then quickly ran to the cashier, and left quickly without disturbing him.

  Leave the space for Yang Nai and Qinglong. .

Chapter 479

  "Cough cough...Bah!"

  After Hayama left, Yono's activities suddenly became active.

  She quickly crawled out from under the table.

  Then sit back in your seat.

  On the other hand, Qinglong shook the hand that had just been bitten by her.

  "Bikigu-kun just went too far, and he clearly agreed not to tell Hayato that I am here." Yang Nai said.

  Obviously, she had guessed that Qinglong and Yeshan used milk tea as a pen to communicate on the table.

  Because the table is wet now.

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