It's just like a bunch of words written on it.

  "And now you're causing me a problem."

  She said, "Although my mother arranged my internship here, but if it is exposed, the cost of buying the company will fluctuate, so my mother will most likely find me back."

  "Then shouldn't you congratulate you for not having to work in this small company soon?"

  "Although it's only been a while, but you've found out that there are a lot of useless chores to do."

  Qinglong seemed very calm, "So it's better for you to go back obediently now."

  "It's ruthless."

  Yang Nai let out a sigh.

  But she doesn't seem to have any intention of going any further on this topic.

  Because for her, whether it is to come to this company for implementation or other things, it is something that needs to be done as the heir to the Yukishita family.She felt bored.

  "It's the same when you say that you are not ruthless. After all, Ye Shan is thinking of you."

  "And he probably won't tell your parents about it."

  "So it's okay for you to stay in the company."

  Qinglong said.

  But this made Yang Nai stand up and grab Qinglong's collar.

  "By the way, why are you saying good things about Hayama in front of me?"

  Yang Naidao.

  "Don't tell me, don't you want me? Are you going to push me out?"

  "It's so annoying."

  "People don't want it!"

  Yang Nao's expression seemed to become serious.

  "It was supposed to be an opportunity."

  Yang Nai said. "But now, I seem to be really interested in Biqigu-kun."


  Of course Qinglong knew.

  He also said that on purpose, just to arouse Yang Nao's disgust towards Hayama.

  Yang Nai hates Hayama.

  Her self-esteem won't make her turn to fall in love with Hayama, but it's okay to make her a little deeper.

  Yang Nai took a sip of the milk tea.

  Then in a very relaxed mood he said,

  "But you may be mistaken about one thing."

  "It's not me that Hayato Hayama likes."

  "That person, Ye Shan, just wants to be redeemed."

  "When she was a child, Yukino was bullied by her classmates at school and asked him for help. In the end, Yeshan didn't help her, so Yukino went to study abroad when she was in junior high school. And Yeshan has always been resented by me and Yukino for this matter. He himself is very clear. ."

  "So, saying that he likes me is a lie. He has always just wanted to be a good gentleman. The thing that this good gentleman is most afraid of is being hated by others.

  So what he really wants to do is, even if he doesn't like him, at least don't hate him. "

  "But I don't want it! How could I let Xiaoxuenao have the experience of being injured!"

  Yang Nai stood up as if he had won.


  So having said so much, are you still not a sister-in-law? .

Chapter 480

  Qinglong felt that Yang was a very mature person, and she had a deep understanding of people and things.

  So she should be very clear that Ye Shan's actions when he was a child can't be angered.

  Xiaoxue Nao was bullied and asked Ye Shan for help, but Ye Shan did not help.

  Ye Shan has her own reasons, and Yang Nai's anger is actually a kind of anger, she should be very clear about this.

  She also knew that Ye Shan regretted it, so she really hoped not to be hated.

  But she doesn't forgive.


  Kiyotaka probably wouldn't be angry if his Komachi was bullied, and his good friend Komachi chose to refuse after being asked for help.

  Everyone is cowardly.

  Worry about helping others to get in.

  It's true that people are selfish.

  Qinglong can understand this, but he will not accept it.

  He would probably let his sister break up with this person directly.So he should choose the same approach as Yang Nai.

  It's just that he's not as bad as Yang Nai.

  Seeing through the essence of others, and deliberately never giving them a chance.

  It's just that Hayama's actions are annoying and not annoying to Qinglong.

  What I hate is that he didn't help Koyuki in the past, but what I don't hate is that Hayama didn't help Yukino.

  Because if he helped Yukino, then maybe it would be another scene now.

  In the original book, when it was confirmed that Yukino was dating the big teacher, he gave Hayama a close-up.He said things like he lost when he was in the sauna.

  It means that everyone thinks he likes Yang Nai, but he actually likes Xuenai.

  Although the big reason here is because of the self-blame and guilt for not helping Yukino in the past, there should also be an element of liking.

  However, after she was rejected by Yeshan for help, Yukino completely cut ties with Yeshan.

  That's why I'm still single now.

  I should be thankful for Ye Shan.

  "Falcon-kun, thank you'~."

  Qinglong sent him a message.Thank you for your inaction.


  Ye Shan was at the station when he suddenly received a message from Qinglong and stayed for a while.

  But he still edits quickly.

  [I know that Sister Yang Nai has always carried a lot of burdens, so if it can make her happy, even a little bit please. ]

  [Please treat Miss Yang Nao well. ]

  [She is rarely interested in people. ]

  [I won't tell anyone about her at the company. ]


  Qinglong felt that Yeshan didn't understand at all, but he didn't understand.

  Qinglong looked at Xiang Yangnai.

  "So, are you going to follow me home next time?"

  "Or go to your house?"


  Yang Nai nodded lightly, but quickly responded, "¨ˇ Biqigu-kun, what does this mean... see the parents?"


  Qinglong Road. "Marriage is a matter of killing first and then playing, but in the end, it still needs the blessing of the parents to be perfect ten."

  "So it doesn't matter if you go to my house to meet the parents or to yours to meet the parents."

  "No, no, wait." Yang Nai blinked, "Isn't our marriage fake?"

  "It's not fake." Qinglong said, "The district office has been fully registered. Are you flouting the law?"

  "Because I don't have any money, I can't afford alimony such as divorce. Also, when I registered at the ward office, my name was changed to Kiyoshita Yukishita, so it stands to reason, This is a marriage, so if you get divorced, you will pay me alimony. I don’t want to ask you more, call me [-] every month!”

  "I am entitled to half of all your assets."

  "So, Miss Yang Nai, you have to support me for the rest of your life!

  "The world is dangerous."

  "Please don't trust others easily."

  Qinglong taught Yang Nai a lesson. .

Chapter 481


  BBQ area.

  Yang Nai took a deep sip of wine, "I'm about to vomit."

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