"Really." Qinglong seemed to be a little bit shocked. "It just shouldn't be right. No one who has kissed me said that they didn't feel it, and even those who were indifferent didn't object."

  "..." How many people have you kissed?

  How skilled are you!

  Yang Nai wanted to get angry.

  Just not.

  Because Qinglong held up her face.

  Wow ah ah ah.

  So is this going to happen again?

  But Yang Nai noticed only Qinglong's magnified hateful face. "Do you think I'm going to kiss you again? Nope. My restraint is fine, but I'm worried you won't."

  "..." Yang Nai was speechless.

  It's like she's a kiss maniac.

  "In my eyes, you are like a child." Qinglong said again.


  Yang Nao's lovely brows rose immediately.

  Then, because Koyuki was going to freak out in the apartment if they continued to do it, the two quickly settled the bill and headed to Marine Corps Makuhari together.

  Marine Corps Makuhari.

  This is a high-end apartment complex here in Chiba.

  Not only is the access control system grounded and modern, but also because the prosperity is often used as the background of some movies and TV series.

  Sometimes you can also see the shooting scene nearby.

  Being able to buy a house here shows that Yukinoshita's family's financial resources are still worth seeing.

  And Qinglong went with Yang Nai, looking left and right and felt nodding.

  You can buy a house for Komachi here for a holiday.

  ps; The latest volume of real teaching, Kushida's wife was actually taught to be a human being. .

Chapter 487

  Yukinoshita Yukino's apartment is 1307.


  Because of the use of the room card, Qinglong and Yang Nai went upstairs smoothly.

  Then, Yang Nai rang the doorbell.

  "Why do you have to ring the doorbell when you have a room card... oh..."

  The door was opened, and a rather slender girl stood there.

  With a slight anger on her face, she looked over.

  But she should only be looking at Yang Nai.

  It was only after she turned her eyes over that she realized that there was a boy standing beside her sister.So I was stunned.

  When she looked over, Qinglong was also looking at her-.

  This is quite a beautiful girl.

  It should be said to be a handful.

  She is a slender lady, and every move has the style of an honor student or aristocrat.

  He has a correct appearance, delicate facial features, fair and transparent skin, pink lips of just the right size, long black hair over the shoulders and a face that is cute and foul.

  The pupils are ice blue.

  "You are..." Xue Nao froze for a while.

  "This is Hikigu classmate, Xiaoxuenao won't [forget] it." Yang Nao said.


  Although Qinglong knew that Yang Nai clearly liked his sister in the original book, but he liked to speak to his sister in a strange tone of yin and yang, which is really very obvious now.

  Yang Nai was bound to the status of the heir and felt very bad.

  But Xuenai still wanted to be like her, she felt even worse, she felt that her sister was stupid and loved her.

  But look now.

  Some people are interested in something, and it doesn't make sense for you to stop that.

  That's why she followed Qinglong's advice and came to Xiaoxuenai for a showdown.

  "...Hikigu-san. Didn't he drop out of school already?" Koyuki's gaze fell lightly on Kiyotaka.

  She is used to shielding her sister.


  Qinglong suddenly took a step forward and held her hand before Yukinoshita Yukino could react.

  Both hands held hers.

  "Great, or it's really too happy, you still remember me." Qinglong said.

  "..." Xue Nai.

  Xue Nao was directly shocked.

  Because, when someone speaks directly, they hold each other's hand, it's still the opposite sex.

  She didn't know that there was a person called Kushida in the world.

  "..." Yang Nai.

  Yang Nai wants to scold people now.

  what's wrong with you?

  Didn't I bring you here to help her get rid of her heir status?But you're messing around now, you're touching my sister's hand!

· · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · ·??????????

  "Just kidding." Qinglong let go of Yukinoshita Yukino's hand. "It's just that someone taught me to do it and wanted to do it."

  "..." Does anyone teach?

  Xue Nai instantly looked at Yang Nai.


  Yang Nai's eyes widened.

  And when Yukino looked at her sister, she used a condemning look.

  Hey Hey hey.

one . ...

  She didn't teach Bikigu-kun at all, and at the same time, she didn't do anything.

  Yang Nai felt wronged.


  But Xue Nao has already recorded this on her sister Yang Nai's head.

  She is now thinking of letting Qinglong and her sister in because of politeness.

  It's okay to be indifferent to my sister, but Hikigu-san, she doesn't know her very well.

  The only two things I know, 1. When I was in school, my car hit the other party because of the driver's improper operation, but the driver has taken full responsibility.

  Then the second point, this Hikigu classmate dropped out of school with a high profile.

  "Actually, we're here today." Qinglong said proactively. "It's about what I learned from the hacker about Yukino Yukino's future expectations when she graduated from junior high school."

  "..." Xue Nai. "Please come in."

  Xue Nai moved out of the way.Four.

Chapter 488

  Although as the second young lady, she was not expected as much as her elder sister.

  But Yukinoshita Yukino still hopes to inherit the family business.

  However, this idea has not been discussed with the family.

  So being brought up by Qinglong here, she couldn't care less.

  Yukino's apartment is 120 square meters in total and has three rooms.

  The living room is spacious.

  It's just that the decoration is the kind of expensive decoration, which is a bit lacking in vitality.

  But no one cares about that.

  Finding that Yukino simply opened the door and let them in.

  "It seems so~" Yang Nai smiled. "Xiao Xuenoi, you really want to be like me——"

  "Inheriting the family business, if you have this idea, I will listen to you for the time being."

  Because this was Xiaoxue Nai's family affair, Qinglong didn't discuss it further.

  And he just used the excuse that he learned from the hacker, so it is normal to appear here.

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