Qinglong found a furry cushion next to the sofa he was sitting on, and then a cat grew on the furry cushion.

  The cat curled up, turned its head face down, and buried its face in the cushion.

  That is, it buries its face in it.

  Are you breathing through your ears?

  Qinglong didn't think that what he bought was a silly cat.

  He poked its head with his hand.

  The cat slowly raised its head.

  The cat's hair is neatly combed and has a fluffy feeling like a cake.

  It can be seen that Yukino Yukinoshita really loves it.


  The cat is still a little hazy.

  "Yukishita-san, what's the name of this cat?" Kiyotaka asked.

  Xuenuo is still talking with her sister here, and subconsciously replied, "May."

  "wait wait wait……"

  And Xue Nai is telling her sister about her request here, and she admits that she had the idea of ​​inheriting the family business.


  She felt that her sister would not listen to her, including her mother...

  It was only when she said that, she found Qinglong sitting on the sofa alone, and then started licking her cat.

  Directly touch its cat upside down, making the cat crazy.

  "Student Hikigu..."

  "you can not do that……"

  He was talking about something important just now, but Yukinoshita Cat Slave hurried over to protect his cat...  

  "Actually, it's quite happy." Qinglong said, "If you don't believe me, see."

  "May. What is the puppy doing?" Qinglong gave an order.

  Eh?Snow White blinked.

  The fluffy-haired May lay on the ground with both feet, and then opened his mouth, sticking out his tongue like a puppy.

  Then trembling.


  This is the first time Xueni has seen such a scene.

  "Look." Qinglong stroked the cat's head, "It's very happy."

  Then he put his finger on the cat's paw.


  The Maycat lowered its head.

  The claws didn't move, and the body was a little aggrieved and drooping.

  Koyuki doesn't usually want to press its paws at all, but it always asks for the appearance of cat's paws.

  Become super docile.

  Qinglong began to brush his hair normally.The cat did not protest.

  "..." Xue Nai.

  So why is this!

  Why is my cat so obedient to you than Qigu classmate! .

Chapter 489

  Closer to home.

  Qinglong returned the May Cat to Xiao Xuenao.

  He and Yang Nao were sitting on the same sofa.

  "That is to say, Xue Nai, you made up your mind to inherit the family business, isn't it a temporary intention?" Yang Nai, as an heir, really hates the status of an heir.

  But she felt that her sister still didn't understand.

  "Then, you will be transformed by me next." Yang Nai said. "You have to understand the weight of the four words inheriting the family business."

  "Then you consider whether you still have the will."

  Saying that, she looked into Yukino's eyes.

  Then she found that Qinglong was also looking at Xuenai.



  Yang Nai's brows moved, and he found that his gaze was not on Xuenai's face, but in Xuenai's arms.


  Yukino was holding the cat.

  So just looking at the cat.

  She knew that he had a cat named Kamakura at home.

  So this is the cat slave watching the cat.

  Yang Nai thought so.

  Kiyotaka watched Yukino's hand holding the cat.


  The hands are very white, and despite her physical impoverishment, the hands are great.


  Yukino didn't realize that she was being raped at all.

  She took a deep breath and nodded, "I also ask my sister not to underestimate me."

  "I'm also watching you, watching your mother grow up."

  In other words, does she actually know how to inherit the family business?

  "That's good." Yang Nai nodded, "As long as you have the will, I can pass it on to my mother."

  "Then, next, I can cede the heir to you."

  But Xuenuo raised her head in astonishment. "Sister, are you... completely unrepentant?"

  "Nostalgia?" Yang Nai rarely showed her true expression, "This is what I hate the most."

  "What I hate is what you want."

  "What you think you can't do is what I want."

  "The education in our family is really deformed."


  Qinglong grabbed Yang Nai's hand.

  "Ah... I'm sorry." Yang Nai only responded. After he said that, his sister's expression became dull.

  It seemed impossible to tell whether it was her truth or a lie.

  Yang Nai had no choice but to continue, "In short, being an heir is a very bad thing, and someone must do it."

  "If Xuenai is willing to take over this burden, then I will be very happy."

  "Really...my capable sister."

  "..." Xue Nai.

  This time, Yukino became sluggish again.

  Because my sister has always treated her strangely and never praised her.

  "However, I'm not a very excessive person." Yang Nai continued, "I'll let you be trained as an heir for a period of time. If you regret it, you can bring it up."

  "Anyway, as a sister, I can only deal with you behind you."

  "..." Xue Nai.

  Xuenai felt that her sister's speech was unpleasant, but she still nodded. "Thank you sister for giving me this opportunity."

  "I'll do a good job."

  "This is really full of mangosteen energy!" Yang Nai patted Xuenai's shoulder lightly. "Then, I'll leave today, the training plan form, I will arrange it according to your time."


  After seeing that Qinglong was going to go out with Yang Nai, Xuenai wanted to stand up and wanted to say something, but Qinglong had already turned around and her door had been closed.

  Make her feel empty.

  So, why did Hikigu-kun know her sister?And come here with my sister?

  Then, what was the matter with him staring at her hand all the time? .

Chapter 490

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