
  Koyuki's voice came from the phone again. "What am I going to do today?"

  "It's very simple." Qinglong said. "Insight into the heart."

  "Today's class is about insight into people's hearts. The content of your approach survey in junior high school."

  "..." Xue Nai. "Is this the information obtained by your hacking technology?"

  "If you want to learn, I will teach you later." Qinglong behaved calmly.

  "..." Xuenai seemed to be silent for a while. "I see."

  "Also." Qinglong added, "When you come out today, remember to dress up nicely."

  "..." Xue Nai.

  Xue Na tilted her head.She felt that Qinglong was still reliable.but.She felt as though something was wrong.

  Actually very wrong.

  Because Qinglong is completely selfish.

  For Kiyotaka, Yang Nao's request was that he could help Koyuki to develop the qualities and abilities that [the heir of the Yukishita family] should have.


  Such an opportunity to study instead of dating?Was the brain kicked? .

Chapter 492


  "Oni-chan is so strange today..."

  In the morning, today is Friday, and Komachi still has to go to school.

  But she found her brother spent a long time in the bathroom.

  "He actually took a shower this morning." Komachi reported to her mother-.

  "What's so strange about this," said the mother. "As a serious professional, it's important to keep it clean."

  "Especially to squeeze the tram. If you smell bad, it will affect others, because other social animals are not easy." The mother said very calmly.

  But Komachi shook his head gently. "Oni-chan also borrowed Dad's perfume to spray."


  Mother was stunned. "Are you sure...he took dad's perfume to spray?"

  "Well. I saw it, and then he felt that the smell was not good, and he was disgusted. So he took a shower again."


  The mother became silent for a moment.

  Because it's so weird.

  Even being a professional and then being polite to others, so taking care of your own personal hygiene shouldn't be so fussy.

  It's like going to meet someone important.

  It reminded Mrs. Hikigaya of the scene when she and her husband first dated when she was young.

  I was worried about the smell, so I even shaved my armpit hair.

  "Ah... my brother is still in the mirror." Komachi said again.

  And Mrs. Hikigu looked over quickly, and then saw her son in front of the floor-to-ceiling mirror, looking left and right.

  Then he seemed to be dissatisfied with the shirt he was wearing, so he changed to another h-color.

  "...Do you really want to go on a date?" Mrs. Hikigu stayed at the door with her daughter and looked in.

  Then I found that Qinglong had taken off the clothes he had chosen, and finally replaced them with very casual jeans and T-shirts.

  "It's not a big deal."

  "There's no need to dress up."

  Qinglong murmured.

  oh oh oh.

  Isn't that very stubborn?

  It's just that Mrs. Hikigu wants to say now that if she really wants to get in touch with girls, it's better to be better.


  Qinglong is very tasteless.


  The wife walked over, "I think you should do this..."


  The time arrived at the agreed 9:15.

  Qinglong waited at the agreed place, and the phone vibrated.

  It's Koyuki's phone.


  Yukino Yukino's voice came from the phone. "Do you need a dress like this?"

  No one has arrived yet, but she seems to have seen Qinglong from other places.

  Then I found that Qinglong's dress was a little too elegant.

  Comb her hair into an excellent rich second generation style, and then wear a dress, fold the square scarf and put it in the pocket of the suit, looking elegant and gentlemanly.

  Even with gloves on the hands.

  It's a very formal and handsome look like you're going to someone's wedding ceremony.

  "I think you're about the same." Qinglong complained.

  He sits here at the fountain, the water spray from the fountain will splash on his body, and the thin water droplets make people feel cool.

  So you won't get bored if you stay there all the time.

  But what caught Qinglong's attention was the figure across the water from the fountain.

  The water spray has stopped and continued to spray at this time.

  So the figure on the opposite side has been revealed in front of him.

  It was a girl with beautiful black hair.

  Wearing a blue evening dress, a lady's hat, and knitted gloves.

· · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · ·??????????

  She looks elegant like a young wife from a certain family.

  Because of her overly beautiful face, coupled with such a costume, she immediately attracted the attention of many people.

  But in the eyes of this crowd of boys and girls, old and young, she looked very calm.

  Stand tall.

  There is a sense of picture of the flower of the high mountain.

  Qinglong continued to complain about her through his mobile phone. "Your dress is similar."

  "Didn't you tell me to dress better?" Xuenai said. "I thought I was going to a very solemn occasion."

0 . . . . .

  "Then." She paused, "I was immediately surrounded by people after coming here."

  Qinglong said, "After all, no one would dress so formally in such a casual place."

  At this time, he had walked from the end of the fountain to Yukinoshita Yukino's side.

  There was a peaceful orchid scent about her.

  Make Qinglong feel quite comfortable.

  It should be said that this is worthy of the world's first heroine.

  Even with a barren figure, it is still attractive.

  Qinglong said, "But I think what we are doing now is the same thing, and the first lesson of today's insight into people's course, guess what we are going to do now."

  "What is it? What wedding venue are you going to?" Xiao Xuenao speculated.

  This made Qinglong shake his head slightly.


  Yukinoshita Yukino-san.

  You really don't understand people.

  "Of course I'm going to the store to change my attire."

  "Or do you want to be watched like this all the time?"

  "..." Xue Nai.

  Indeed, if it is not for some important occasions, neither she nor Qinglong will turn back 100%.Four.

Chapter 493

  The time is 9:33.

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