Qinglong found a taxi.

  There are two options for changing clothes.

  1. Go to Yukino's house.

  2. Go to his house.

  However, there are no boys' clothes when I go to Koyuki's house, so I pass.When going to his house, Koyuki can be dressed in Komachi's clothes.

  But Xuenai felt that it was strange to go to Qinglong's house like this, so she did not agree.

  So the two chose the third option.

  Go to the store to re-buy clothes.

  Neither of them were short of money, and they hit it off immediately.

  Because it is easy to be surrounded by people walking on the road, so I found a taxi.

  The driver wiped the rearview mirror with a cloth so that he could see Kiyotaka and Yukino both dressed up and sitting in the back seat.

  Keeping a distance of 20 centimeters, the distance is a bit strange, but both of them are dressed up, which makes people very concerned.

  And also handsome and beautiful, very seductive.


  "Are you going to the wedding?"

  "Or, is it the wedding of the two?"

  "It's not." Before Qinglong could speak, Xiao Xuenai immediately denied it. "Just coming out together. Then wearing the wrong outfit."

  "Oh." The driver felt different, then glanced at Qinglong.

  He found that it was Xiao Xuenuo who denied it just now, but Qinglong didn't.

  In other words, the man here actually recognizes his two weddings.

  In other words, the man is chasing the girl here.

  Please come on.

  The driver's eyes encouraged him.

  But Qinglong's mind was not here.

  He thought the plan was a success.


  It was his mother's masterpiece that he dressed up like this today, but it was not a bad idea.

  Because this kind of dress is almost certainly not suitable for walking around, so it is the three options he just mentioned.

  1. Go to Yukino's house to change clothes.

  2. Go to his house to change clothes.

  3. Go shopping for clothes together.

  When I went to Xiaoxue Nao's house to change clothes, I went to her house again.If he wants to pursue her, then it is a great improvement, because he went directly to the house of the opposite sex.

  When you go to his house, you can bring her to get acquainted with his house first, so that she can marry him later.

  As for shopping for clothes together.

  This is also acceptable because it can enrich her life.

  Kiyotaka does not think that Yukino has the experience of going shopping with the opposite sex.

  Shopping together between men and women can also be regarded as a date.

  However, he was surprised that Xiao Xuenao would dress up directly. He thought that as long as he endured the shame alone, she did the same.


  "By the way, have you eaten breakfast?" Qinglong asked.

  "I already ate it before I came, and I also ate it in May." Xue Nai answered honestly.

  May is her cat.

  But the opening is whether the cat has eaten or not, so there are no cat slaves anymore.

  "Yeah." Qinglong nodded, "Then I haven't. After buying clothes later, accompany me to dinner."

  "...Okay." Although Xiaoxue Nai felt that she was here to accept the class that Qinglong gave her, it was not good to let the other party go to class on an empty stomach, so she nodded.

  "Then let's start the class now." Qinglong said. "The so-called insight into people's hearts, you have to observe a person's subtle movements, and speculate on the meaning of the other person.

  This is insight.Of course, before these, you have to remember a lot of information about the other party. "

  "And take me as an example."

  Qinglong said. "I think you can take out your phone and take a note."

  "...Okay." As soon as she heard that she was going to class, Yukino immediately took out a mobile phone with a cat pattern from her lady's bag.Click on the memo.

  "First of all, my height is 174cm."

  "My favorite food is lemon cake."

  "My favorite is the reward and support of readers..."

  "The dream is to be a little white face."

  "And the birthday is December 12."

  "When I feel troubled, my habit is to touch my forehead."

  "My favorite color is blue."

  "Motor nerves are fine."


  "Slow, slow--"

  Koyuki is recording.Seeing that Qinglong was speaking very fast, he interrupted him quickly.

  "Pfft..." The driver suddenly burst out laughing.

  "What's wrong?" Xiaoxuenao looked over strangely.

  "No, it's fine." As an old driver, he reacted at once.

  Sounds like a guy trying to teach a girl how to discern people's hearts or something.


  Isn't this just deliberately throwing all of your information to girls, so that the other party can get to know you carefully?

  And love comes from mutual understanding.

  That is to say, by taking the opportunity of class, the boy deliberately let the girl know him passively.

  This guy is really a scheming boy.

  "Did you remember it all?"

  Although I think the uncle driver should have seen it, it doesn't matter, Xiaoxue doesn't understand people's hearts. As long as others don't tell it, she shouldn't know.

  So Qinglong's face is very thick.The face does not change color directly.

  "Yeah. I've already done it." Xuenuo nodded calmly.

  "Then, then tell me your information." Qinglong took out his mobile phone and clicked on the note.

  "I want to tell you my information too?" Xuenuo opened her eyes slightly.

  "Because this is a course for insight into people's hearts." Qinglong said without changing his expression. "And I need to teach you, I need to master some of your basics."


  The driver couldn't help laughing again.


  Koyuki looked over again.

  The driver quickly turned his eyes to the front and drove honestly. .

Chapter 494

  Although the uncle driver was more shrewd, he did not expose it, so Qinglong directly gave him an extra 5000 yen tip.

  After Xuenai paid the money, Tingting stood aside.

  "How much is the total, we make AA."

  "Or, because you're a teacher, I'm here to invite you."

  Snow is very calm.

  On the Neon side, girls and boys are basically AA when they go out.

  Even after becoming lovers, dating is still AA.

  But Qinglong is not a native of this side, and he doesn't like spending girls' money before marriage.

  "You don't have to pay." Qinglong said. "Your sister allocated me teaching funds."

  Then Qinglong shook a passbook in front of her.

  A cursory glance, there are 888 million.

  "Oh." Snow nodded.

  As the second lady, she knew very little about the family's business.

  So even how much money my sister can have is uncertain.

26 But this amount must be something that ordinary boys can't take out at will.

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