
  The two chose the Liutianma shopping mall.

  The second floor is a clothing store.

  The first thing you enter is a store that has both men's and women's clothing.

  "Aren't you going to choose?" Qinglong found that Xiaoxue Nai was just standing at the door, as if waiting for the waiter to come.

  "I used to buy clothes from my sister or my mother."

  "It was the first time for me to be in the store by myself."

  "Then, if I come to buy, I will only consider the material and durability, and these probably won't be on the table."

  Where can't get on the table, there is no table at all.

  You are really good.

  Qinglong felt that the goat milk guy was too meticulous in protecting his sister.

  Even though Xiaoxue is so tall, she is still protected like a chick.

  "That's good then." Qinglong said. "You first help me choose my clothes and practice my hands."

  "Today's Insights class, first of all, let you look directly at yourself."

  "And if you want to communicate with other people in place of your sister in the future, then you will definitely encounter shopping in the store with other eldest ladies."

  "So let me see your taste first."

  What Qinglong said makes sense.

  Snow nodded.


  "Which area is the men's clothing in?" Xuenai called the waiter.

  Then go in the direction indicated.

  After a while, Qinglong changed into clothes according to her choice.

  Stand in front of the mirror.


  Qinglong felt that what Xiao Xuenao said just now that she had no taste was right.

  Because wearing the jeans and cowboy hat she chose, it really doesn't have much taste.

  First of all, why do you put some strange silver ornaments on him?

  "Don't you wear it?" Xuenai found that Qinglong came out of the dressing room with his own tuxedo dress.

  Not her outfit of choice.

  "Yeah." Qinglong nodded. "Because it's too rude."


  Xue Nai pursed her lips and said nothing.



  General Wu Gao.

  Now is the time for the first get out of class to end.

  "Math class is really hard-"

  Yui wanted to talk to Yumiko and the others, but found that her phone vibrated.

  "There will be a small test tomorrow, Yui, are you ready... eh?"

  Yumiko found Yui looking at her phone.

  "A boy's connection?"

  "Is it a topic of love?"

  When talking about topics that were not studies, Yumiko's interest suddenly increased.

  Immediately came to Yuihama Yui.

  "Wum... it's not." Yui said because the information had already been seen by Yumiko, "It was a boy I knew who asked me how to dress well.

  But I'm not very good at it.Because I don't pay much attention to boys. "


  "I'm good at this!"

  Umiko sat down beside Danzi and said, "First of all, what color does this boy like?"

  Danzi: "He said it was blue."

  "Well, then how tall is he?"

   Danzi: "He said it was 174cm, but he usually wears leather shoes, so it should be 176cm."

  "Well...then, will you get fat?"

  Dango: The body type is similar to Hayama-kun.

  "I know this."

  Hayato Hayama, whose name was mentioned, looked over and said, "It's Hikigaya-san, right?"

  "..." Umiko.

  Yumiko glanced at Yui's phone screen, and the other party's note was indeed Hikigu.

  "As for Hikigu-kun, although he likes blue, it's better for him to wear bright colors." Ye Shan said, "I recommend him to wear an orange plaid shirt."

  "It's really good."

  Miura recalled the appearance of Hikigaya-san who had seen him once. "He should be the kind that is more popular with girls. It would be better if there was more sunshine."

  "Right." Hayato Hayama nodded. "Bikigu-kun is very handsome."

  "..." Miura.


  Why does Hayato-kun know so much? .

Chapter 495

  On the orange plaid car, straight blue trousers and a red tie immediately showed Qinglong's image.

  "Although I don't want to admit it," Xuenuo said. "It is true that what you are wearing now will be more suitable."

  "Yours is not bad." Qinglong said.

  His taste is also of the poorer kind, so in the past, when he was in a school where strength was paramount, he always asked Kushida, a little bitch, to help him choose.

  Her taste has always been good.

  But Snow is really bad here.

  Qinglong just did it well, even if it was worse, he didn't laugh at her, but he really couldn't wear it.

  But Koyuki was just wearing a dress he chose at random.

  A very random choice.

  But she stood there with her long hair down, and then put on white stockings, which immediately made people feel like their hearts were racing.

  Can it be repaired.

  Girls are like that.

  Look good and look good in anything, even without it.

  "Is there any place you want to go?"

  After having breakfast together, Qinglong said. "It can be prioritized."

  "Hmm..." Xue Nai shook her head gently. "I want to study quickly."


  This guy really thought he was teaching her a class.

  You know whoever sees them thinks it's a date.

  And Yukino may react quickly no matter how inexperienced it is, so such a calm date is a big loss.

  Qinglong decided to deceive the big ones again and not to deceive.

  So immediately said. "Then let's go to the wedding experience hall."


  "..." Xue Nai.

  ? ? ? ?

  "Why go to such a place?" Xuenuo asked strangely.

  She felt that the learning process seemed to have really changed.

  "Let you touch things you don't usually encounter." Qinglong said. "You have to have experience in adapting."

  "Or, do you want to increase the experience that you usually don't encounter by going for a 20-kilometer jog, or holding a sign to work for a day?" Qinglong said calmly.

  "..." Xue Nai.

  In other words, Hikigu-san wanted to expose her to things that she would not normally encounter.

  Jog 20 kilometers.

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