If she runs like this, she will die.

  She is very athletic, can do all kinds of ball sports, and has explosive power, but her physical fitness is very bad.

  Running down 800 meters is almost like dying.

  So 20 kilometers.

  Xue Na immediately denied it.

  As for holding a sign to work, I have never experienced this before. It is kind of fresh, and I can also get paid for my own labor.

  It just takes a long time to work.

  So it's better to follow Hikigaya to get in touch with the wedding experience hall.


  She has never really experienced it.

  "I understand." After thinking about it, Xiaoxue Nai nodded immediately.

  This made Qinglong laugh out loud.

  The current classmate Yukinoshita is really simple. She said in the taxi that she has poor physical fitness and has no working experience, so she deliberately talked about these two topics, and she immediately agreed to go to the wedding hall.

  It's too easy to control, Yukinoshita.

  "and also."

  Qinglong said as if he remembered it. "Never tell Yang Nai such a thing."

  "Why?" Xue Nai felt that her sister would definitely ask her what Hikigu had taught her.

  "This is a secret." Qinglong said. "You will inherit the Yukishita family in the future."

  "If you are casually exposed to enter the wedding experience hall with boys, won't you be questioned immediately?"

  "Oh," Xuenuo nodded, but she reacted. "Then wouldn't it be safer not to go with you?"


  "But this is in class." Qinglong said. "Also, I have no experience in contacting girls. I haven't received a love letter since I was a child. I don't know how old it is to go to the wedding hall with a girl."


  That's really pitiful.

  Xue Nai felt that she had seized the initiative for the first time today.

  "¨ˇThen, Biqigu-kun, I will help you to experience it with great compassion. You must remember my favor."

  "Okay." Qinglong nodded.


  But he sighed inwardly.

  Yukinoshita's classmate is too simple, no wonder Yang Nai wants to become a sister-in-law, that is, if he was her brother, he would not dare to let her out at will.

  It is too easy to be deceived by a scheming boy.


  Qinglong and Xuenai walked forward together.

  Both were carrying a bag.

  And Yukino was holding a bag in his hand.

  According to Yukino, this is a scratching board that I bought because I felt lonely at home in May.

  The scratching board is a bit heavy, so she looks a little bit struggling.

  "I'll take it for you." Qinglong said.

  "No, I can." Xue Nai shook her head gently.

  Qinglong said. "You don't have much physical strength. It's still a long way from the wedding experience hall."


  Yukino considered her physical strength, hesitated, and nodded.

  "So, Yukinoshita-san, have you ever held hands with a boy?"


  "That's it."

  Qinglong, in a posture of catching something, deliberately touched her hand the moment he took the bag.

  "..." Xuenuo's body seemed to stop for a second.

  "What's wrong?" Qinglong showed an innocent expression.

  "No, what." Xue Nai shook her head gently.

  It doesn't seem like it's annoying to touch a boy's hand. .

Chapter 496


  In the wedding experience hall, Qinglong received a call from Yang Nai.

  "Moses, Moses..."

  "Hikigu-kun, I'm sneaking out of the rest area to call you now."

  "What class are you going to teach my sister today...?"

  Yang Nao's voice sounded excited.


  For her, if her sister-chan likes to be an heir and has the ability to become an heir, then she will be completely relieved.

  And it's not a harm to her sister, but her own choice.

  Yang Nai felt that she could accept it.

  "Well..." Qinglong was about to answer the phone when the staff came over.

  "Sir, your groom's clothes are ready."

  "Miss Yukinoshita over there is also ready."

  "You can take pictures right now."

  ? ?


  ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?

  "and many more!"

  "Hikigu, where are you and Yukino now?"

  "Quickly send me the location!"

  Yang Nai was stunned for a moment, then rearranged the staff's conversations, and then arranged them again.

  Then you get it.

  Qinglong and her sister Jiang went to take a wedding photo! ? ?

  Her Qinglong is a legally certified couple.


  Hikigu Qinglong actually wanted to take a wedding photo with her sister?

  This kind of thing.

  "You are poisonous." Yang Nai immediately complained. "No, no, I can't let you teach Xiaoxueno."

  "Then come here." Qinglong said, "I was planning to give you a surprise. If you and I are officially married, you always need to go through such a formal process."

  "So I'll explore the way first."

  "Eh? Is that so?" Yang Nai became hesitant.

  On the one hand, she felt that she was cheated into marriage by Qinglong.

  But the direct divorce is blood loss.

(cgae) and continued, and kissed him, and said that it would end like this, it seems that I don't really want it.

  But if it continues, then it's a normal conversation about marriage.


  These things really have to be considered.

  "So you're coming over? Your sister still knows your taste."

  "Oh." Yang Nai became hesitant. "let me think again."

  "it is good."

  Qinglong fooled Yang Nai.

  But as expected, it was strange for a man who registered for marriage to take a wedding photo with his sister-in-law.

  Although the purpose at the beginning was to take the opportunity to take a look at the appearance of Yukino's wedding dress, and then take a photo of the two, you can use the photo as a weapon.

  Become the handle to catch her.

  But considering Yang Nai's mood, this is indeed too much.So treat it like a normal class.

  are you ready?

  Yukinoshita-san, a forced education from Sparta who raised a high school education master!

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