"So sir, do you still want to take pictures?" the staff asked.

  "No more." Qinglong said, "I will shoot with my wife later."


  are you married?

  The staff was stunned.So is the current bride a fake?

  At this time, another staff member came over. "Mr. Hikigu, Miss Yukinoshita is ready."


  Qinglong nodded.

  Put on the groom's clothes and follow the staff.

  Xuenuo changed into a bridal gown, with a light tulle on her face, giving her a hazy feeling.

  Plain hands, slim waist.


  For Qinglong, this was also the first time he saw a bride.

  Qinglong walked over gently.

  The left hand took her hand.

  If you are experiencing marriage, it is normal to shake hands.

  Xue Nai's eyes fell on him for a moment, then nodded.

  "This is really beautiful, Yukinoshita-san."

  "So are you satisfied now? Have you ever had a wedding experience with such a beautiful girl?" Yukino seemed to be quite interested.

  Today she has been pushed away by Qinglong, but now she is in control of herself.

  "Then allow me to ask the beautiful bride to make a kiss me?"

  "Just move."

  "Of course you don't have to really kiss."


  "That's too much of a request. Okay, it's a reward for you."

  Yukino nodded, just a gesture.

  She put her face close.

  "Then. Then the core of today's class." But Qinglong raised his phone directly, "That is, you have to learn to figure out the goodwill and malice of others."

  When Xueluo was stunned for a moment, Qinglong suddenly set the phone to selfie mode, and the flash came down.

  Qinglong raised his phone, "And this photo. No matter who looks at it, it's the picture of you wanting to kiss me, but I have already obtained the certificate with your sister, that is to say, I am your brother-in-law. And you are wearing a wedding dress facing your brother-in-law. do this,

  Yukinoshita classmate. "

  "Just this photo can ruin your reputation."

  "In other words."

  "You are my prey now, Yukino Yukino-san."


  Meow meow meow? .

Chapter 497

  District office.

  Yukino has changed back to her normal dress.

  Her expression became serious.

  Or become annoyed.

  He frowned, trying to get angry, but he couldn't.

  "Can you repeat your words again? Hikigu-san." Yukino tried her best to control herself and said calmly.

  "absolutely okay."

  Qinglong was not afraid of her at all.

  "I'm your brother-in-law."

  "..." Xue Nai.

  "Miss Yang Nai and I got the certificate."

  "..." Xue Nai.

  "My name is Kiyotaka Yukinoshita now. I'm married to you Yukinoshita family-."

  "..." Xue Nai.

  "And here is the operating system..."

  "Trouble—" Qinglong looked at the staff.

  The staff thought it was a bit strange for the couple, but Qinglong asked her to inquire about her marital status, so she gave the answer directly.


  "The marriage was registered the day before yesterday."

  "The object of marriage is Yono Yukinoshita."

  "There are signatures on both sides."


  The staff were still talking, but Xuena couldn't hear them anymore.

  She was pulled by Qinglong to the resting area.


  She sits down. "My sister and you are already married?"

  Qinglong took out his phone and showed a photo.It was in an izakaya.The photo taken when Yang Nai closed his eyes to be kissed by him.

  "..." This is indeed a photo of my sister.

  As a younger sister, Xue Nao will not admit wrong to Yang Nao.

  "Then, are you going to threaten me with the photo just now?" Xuenai said.

  Qinglong's mobile phone is not only a picture of this, but also a picture of kissing her during her wedding photo just now.


  If Hikigu-kun is his brother-in-law.

  But the photos of her kissing him in a wedding photo spread out, and Yukishita's reputation would be ruined.

  Don't talk about high society, it will become a laughing stock.

  And my sister is the same.

  It's very bad that your husband and sister-in-law have an affair.

  "Yes." Qinglong nodded. "I liked you very much at school. But I couldn't get you."

  "..." Xue Nai.

  "So do you want me so sickly?" Xuenai said again.

  As the flower of Gao Ling, she has been confessed by others, but no one has ever been as morbid as Qinglong.

  It can be said that it is simply exhausting.

  Now it can be very terrifying to speculate that the reason why he married his sister was not arranged by him, or that he also lied to his sister.

  Thinking about it like that, Xue Nao was horrified.

  "Yes, I approached Yang Nai for you in the first place."

  "And now."

  "You can't avoid me."

  "..." Xue Nai. "How are you going to leave your sister?"

  Qinglong raised his eyes. "Are you saying that you are willing to sacrifice yourself to let me let go of Yang Nai?"

  "Do you think I still have a choice?"

  Snow said. "The photo is in your hands."

  "Then... if you don't give anything, you won't give it to me. And you've worked hard, my sister is innocent."


  "Very good eyes and very good consciousness."

  Qinglong nodded. "Yes. As long as you belong to me, I will let your sister go and divorce her."

  "..." Xue Nai.

  Xue Nai felt that her sister's reputation would also get worse after the divorce, but it was better than being with a horrible scumbag.

  "Why is that?" Xueni said. "Hikigu-san, you're still a high school student...how can you be so scary."

  "Terrible people don't look at their age. If you want to survive, you have to be vigilant." Qinglong said. "Also, Yukinoshita-san."

· · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · ·??????????

  Qinglong stretched out his hand.

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