Going to Hikigu-san's house, Yukino hesitated.

  Go pet his cat.


  It doesn't seem to require much consideration.

  "I understand."

  Snow nodded.

  So the two took a taxi back together.

  Qinglong took Xuenai to the door of the house, she stayed in the yard, and he used the key to open the door.

  After opening the door, Qinglong found that Xuenai was holding a mobile phone.

  "Yukishita-san, what are you doing?"

  Qinglong discovered that Xuenai had taken a photo of his yard.

  People have the right to portrait, but the yard seems to be wooden.

  "I'm going to send it to my sister." Xuenai said. "Report the whereabouts to my sister."

  Then you're so cute... no.

  "I think it's better not to post for the time being," Qinglong said. "Because now we just play cats instead of taking classes.":

  "..." Xue Nai.

  "It seems to make sense."

  If it's in class, then it's okay, but it's really not good for her to be absent from class now, and then come to play with cats and so on.

  "Kamakura...Come out!"

  Qinglong came to the house.

  "Oh, she's on the fridge!"

  Qinglong found his cat.

  Kamakura is tricolor.




  "Kamakura used to be an abandoned cat," Kiyotaka said to Yukino, who was already staring at his cat. "It was scalded with boiling water by the original owner and then thrown on the side of the road."

  "¨ˇ This kind of thing is too much." Yukinoshita-san immediately showed an angry expression.

  Love the house and Wu.

  She's a cat lover.

  "Then it was picked up by Komachi." Kiyotaka said, "After taking care of it, Kamakura slowly accepted humans again."

  "Yes, that's right." Xueluo looked at the three-color cat that had jumped from the refrigerator at Qinglong's call, showing an expression overflowing with sympathy.

  "Also, Komachi is..."

  She has a very good impression of this Komachi.

  "It's my sister."


  Snow nodded.

  "Come here, Kamakura!"

  Qinglong greeted the cat, and then took out the glove that Yukino bought.

  Put your hand in and tie it up.


  Grabbed the cat's neck.

  Relentlessly grasping the hair, the big hand brushed down its hair.

  "I always feel..." Xue Nai was amazed. "It seems to be very happy.".

Chapter 511

  Snow is a real cat slave.

  At first, she thought that the special cat gloves that Qinglong asked to buy was a bit cruel, how could she brush so much cat hair.

  But when she found that the cat was being petted, she was so cute again, she became tempted again.

  Maybe you can also take a look at her family's May.

  It's 12 o'clock.

  After kicking the cat, Kamakura was placed on the steps in the yard to bask in the sun, and Kiyotaka hoped that Yukinoshita could cook with her.

  That is to say, let her eat.

  Snow was about to go back.

  But Kiyotaka said she could let her play with Kamakura again, or take Kamakura to her family's May, and she stayed again.

  "I didn't eat successfully last time, but Yukishita-san is really good at cooking."

  Qinglong praised.

  What Yukino was cooking right now was just a temporary meal of the ingredients she had in the refrigerator.

  Grilled steak with a light aroma.

  Then there's the gorgeous Spanish Fried Rice.

  Plus the creamy soup.

  Looking appetizing.

  "Also." Qinglong paused and said. "It looks cute in an apron."

  "..." Xue Nai.

  "Student Hikigu-"

  Xue Nai suddenly thought of something.

  In the last class, Qinglong used the black heart class to say that he likes her.

  But he later denied it.

  And now.

  So what was said at that time was actually false?Maybe he likes her...

  Xuenai is not an idiot, going out today is like a date.


  Xuenuo was thinking, and suddenly found that Qinglong's left hand had a shining thing.

  That's a ring.

  Wear it on the middle finger of the left hand.This is a sign of engagement.


  Then this is fine.

  "Thank you." Yukino calmly accepted Hikigu-san's compliment.



  "Hurry up."

  "Not enough time for lunch break..."

  "Why did you forget to bring your sportswear-"

  Outside the door, Hikigu Komachi hurried back.


  While thinking about it, she looked at the car parked outside the yard.

  "Mr. Driver, wait a moment."

  "No problem." The driver gave her an OK gesture.

  It should be said that this is also very profitable.

  It is from the junior high school to the residential building and then back to the school from here.Although taxis are very profitable, they will be very distressed if they can't get customers for a long time.

  So I like this kind of round-trip guests the most.


  Kamakura in the yard found Komachi and meowed.Then he ran towards Komachi.

  "Sorry, Kamakura, now is not the time to play with you." Komachi opened the door and walked in.


  Hikigaya Komachi was stunned for a moment.

  Because she found that there was an extra pair of women's shoes in the entrance.

  Her eyes snapped to the right.


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