The guest slippers are gone.

  That is, in use!

  Is there a girl at home?

  "Euni sauce-"

  Komachi didn't care about putting on her shoes, so she immediately walked up and went directly to the kitchen.

  Then I saw a beautiful black-haired sister holding a spatula.

  The performance of a housewife's elegant and expensive wife.

  Yukino also saw Komachi at this time.

  "Wow ah ah-"

  Komachi was shocked. "So, Ernie-chan, this, is this the sister-in-law?"

  "Oni sauce, you are going to marry!".

Chapter 512

  My family's Oni sauce is getting married!

  Kiyotaka stood by and watched Yukishita-san cooking, and when he heard Komachi's voice, he immediately looked over.

  Today is school day, and there is no one at home.

  But now that Komachi is back, it's not what he cares about the most, but that sentence.

  Oni-chan is getting married.

  Not to mention that she admitted the wrong person, even this expression is very problematic.

  "This is my little sister Komachi." Kiyotaka introduced Xueluo.

  "And this is, friend."

  When Qinglong introduced it, a lot of words appeared in his mind, such as Yukinoshita classmate, like the object, want to protect the object, want to deceive the object, sister-in-law, future wife and so on.

  Finally got a friend.

  "Friends... what?" Xuenuo was not a friend yet.

  "Hello." Because I just heard the story of Komachi picking up a cat, Yukino still has a good impression of Komachi. "I'm Hikigu-san's friend, Yukinoshita Yukino."

  "Oh. Hello."

  But Komachi's heart was still shocked.

  "Really not, isn't it sister-in-law's?"

  "Sister-in-law?" Xuenai glanced at Qinglong's left hand.To be precise, look at the ring. "Ah... not oh."

  "Although your brother is handsome and deep."

  "But I'm sorry." Yukino felt that there should be no misunderstanding in this matter, so she immediately said in a clearly explained tone. "My standard of taste is not his."

  "In the end, the person who likes Hikigu-san must be a girl with a strong heart."

  "Well, Hikigu-san used to be called Hikigu Insect, so people who like him must also be related to insects."

  This is a very ruthless statement.

  Almost to the point of being friends.

  "Oh." Komachi nodded. "Then I'm relieved."

  "Brother, I came back very late two days ago, and then dressed up very seriously to pick up the girl, making me think that Oni-chan was going to marry." Komachi nodded lightly. "Ah, I forgot."

  She ran upstairs quickly. "I came back to that tracksuit, and I have gym class in the afternoon."

· · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · ·??????????

  As she spoke, she came down quickly. "Then Ernie-chan, I'm going out."

  "Be careful all the way." Qinglong waved at her.

  The door slammed shut again.

  "Hikigaya-san's younger sister is so cute. But looking at her, it seems that she doesn't want to know about Hikigaya-san's engagement."

0 ... 0

  Yukino looked at Komachi and said.

  "Probably." Qinglong nodded. "Because this is brother control."

  "Then Yukishita-san, how would you feel if your sister got married?" Qinglong asked temporarily.


  "Probably or definitely will bless her." Xuenuo said. "Because I actually like my sister very much in my heart."


  So it makes sense that your sister is a sister control.


  Qinglong didn't forget the remarks that Xuenai just said to leave the relationship.

  In this way, she had to be turned into Yukinoshita Yukino.

  After half a year, Hikigu Qinglong took out a small notebook to record again.Four.

Chapter 513

  "Oni-chan came back with the girl at noon."

  During dinner in the evening, Komachi kept talking about the sister he met at noon.

  What long black hair.

  What a super beautiful, absolutely beautiful.

  What kind of figure, oh, no figure but super good-looking and so on.

  "Is that so?" Dad pushed on his glasses, "Qinglong, you... um. You have to know who you are."

  Dad was actually trying to say that you have to know that you are already married.

  Yukinoshita's house is so thick and big, you have to hug it well and don't capsize.

  But being stepped on by his wife, he immediately reacted, and his daughter was controlled by his brother.If you know that your son is getting married, you will definitely cry and cry.

  As a daughter control, my father is also very hard.

  "It's a pity," Komachi said. "The other party seems to have directly excluded Oni-chan from the opposite sex."

  It's not just the opposite sex, but even friends can't do those words.

  In the face of his parents' questions, Qinglong answered honestly.

  "The girl's name is Yukino Yukino."

  "It's Miss Yang Nai's younger sister."


  "Oh." X2

  Both parents are meaningful at the same time.

  The parents understood immediately.

  What Kiyotaka showed them was marriage information with Yono Yukinoshita.

  On the day they bought the ring, I took them to the district office to confirm it.

  So they all knew that Qinglong's marriage partner was Yang Nai.

  And my father was just poisonous, and he went to squat yesterday morning and watched Yang Nai from a distance.

  Then took pictures.

  This caused Yang Nai to send him a message saying that it seemed that he had been photographed secretly.

  And Yang Nai Yang Nai, this is the eldest young lady of Yukinoshita's family.

  The parents don't believe that Qinglong is going to join the family and then support the entire Yukinoshita family. In their understanding, Qinglong is going to have a meal.

  And eating idle meals is what the big family hates the most.

  After all, she was married to a wealthy family, so perhaps she still hadn't obtained the permission of the adults of Yukishita's family.Then I want to take the easing route.

  First get permission from Yang Nai's younger sister or something.

  It's not easy to have a meal.

  "Then let's talk more." Father immediately agreed and suggested...  


  The mother also agreed.

  She also felt that the two must have been secretly married, and they hadn't waited for the permission of the elders of the Yukinoshita family.

  the other side.

  Home under the snow.

  "Then I'll go back to Marine Corps Makuhari." The second lady of Yukinoshita's house chose to leave after having dinner together.

  Now this is the main house, and she also has her own room.

  But she basically won't stay.

  Like now, after calling

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