This is becoming cheap labor.

  Being a capitalist is labor that can be saved.

  Know that this is not a small company.The total number has exceeded 100, and one person deducted 10, which is [-] million in running water.

  But more serious is the job retention.


  Job retention means there is no competition.

  Whoever occupies the seat occupies the seat.will not move forward.

  And those who want to climb up have no seat on it, so they don't move.

  and so.

  For a new company, it's like dying.

  Motivation and competition can make people move forward.

  And these are the mistakes that inexperienced rookies make.

  and so.

  Can you see it?


  Can you see it?

  If you are the heir to the Yukishita family, or want to inherit the Yukishita family, then you must see these situations.

  Instead of flirting with the big sister next door over there.

  Qinglong came to [Yang Nai], that is, Mrs. Yukinoshita's side.

  "Then, I will be the first secretary of the general manager, Hikigu Kiyotaka."

  "First of all, General Manager Yukinoshita, have you decided where to use your office?"


  "Just use the original general manager's office," said the wife.

  "Okay, I will immediately arrange for someone to change the table for you. . . . Clean it by the way." Kiyotaka looked at Fujii-kun, "Can Fujii-kun come to help?"

  "I, I understand."

  Fujii-kun, who is also a newcomer, nodded immediately.



  Hey, hey, Hikigu-kun, I just told you to see something and react, but you're acting like you're flattering.

  Quite the feeling of being a villain.

  Then after half an hour, regardless of the discussion in the office, Kiyotaka and Fujii-kun went to deal with the new general manager's office.

  "Bikigu-kun, I really didn't expect it."

  Fujii-kun said in a low voice, "You are really lucky. You had a good relationship with Miss Yang Nai before, but I didn't expect her to have such a background."

  "Fortunately, although I thought she was beautiful before, I definitely couldn't chase her, so I didn't do anything."

  Fujii-kun was a little scared.

  He just set the table and touched the clasp. He wanted to say something, but he was shocked when he found that the general manager was at the door. It is very dangerous to be heard gossiping in the workplace.

  He was so frightened that he quickly said goodbye and went out first.

  And the wife came to Qinglong.

  But before she could speak, Qinglong spoke first.

  "Yang Nai, I am very disappointed in you."


  The wife was stunned for a moment, because why did Bikigu-kun steal her lines? .

Chapter 529

  The wife was very disappointed with Qinglong's actions.

  It happened that Fujii-kun left, so he wanted to tell Kiyotaka alone that he had failed.


  "Yang Nai, I am very disappointed in you."


  Why did Bikigu-kun rob her of her lines?

  Qinglong said, "Although it is the first time you have taken control of the company, I have to say that what you have done is really bad."

  "For example, it is said that the position is still the same, and then the salary is the same."

  "It's really not capitalistic."

 26 "When Yukinoshita's mother-in-law comes to check, she will definitely be scolded."


  Her mother-in-law is here now.

  And Qinglong continued, "You did such a bad job, I really don't know what my mother-in-law would think."


  That's what her mother-in-law did.

  Qinglong continued talking.

  However, these statements are just statements, and Qinglong is observing his wife's expression.

  It could be seen from the look in her eyes that the things she said didn't seem like things she hadn't considered.

  Sure enough.

  As the heir of Yukinoshita's family, the wife must have learned these things, so she just deliberately pretended to be Yono's level.


  Yang Nai, are you so weak in your mother's eyes?

  Qinglong decided to play Yang Nai with his wife.

  "First of all, after the acquisition, why let the minister speak?"

  "It's become the minister's family talk."

  "Then, in terms of layoffs, at least 1/4 of the people must be laid off. First of all, there are indeed people who are messing around in this company, and these people will not be efficient if they are not laid off.

  And it’s okay to lay off your new acquisitions directly. If you let them stay for a long time, then layoffs will need to start over.

  will become troublesome.Even hinder the progress of the company. "

  "Then, where else can you be worse, and then let me correct it?" Qinglong said.

  These words are a bit aggressive though.

  But the wife understands that Qinglong is very smart, and she should have seen all the weak points she deliberately revealed.

  From this point of view, it is excellent.Almost full marks.


  His words, his tone.




  It's hard to tell.

  The wife felt that now it seemed that she really had to pretend to be Yang Nai, and then do something according to the standard of behavior just now.

  "In this case……"

  said the wife. "Let's hold a meeting directly in the afternoon."

  "Okay. I'll let you know."

  Qinglong nodded.

  "So where is the conference room? I didn't see any conferences when I was in this company."


  In other words, Bikigu-kun has no experience here.

  "For the time being, just use my office," said the wife.

  Then it was afternoon.

  All deputy section chiefs, section chiefs and above all gathered in the office for meetings.

  "First of all about the future direction of development..."

  "And then some knowledge of the previous toy company..."

  "Minister Yuzhiben... do you have any ideas?..."

  3 hours have passed.

  As the first secretary, Qinglong was by his wife's side and needed to take notes for the meeting.


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