It was the longest, worst, most ineffective, most speechless meeting he had ever been through.

  I feel that even if the wife is playing Yang Nao, her level needs to be considered and doubted.

  because. .

Chapter 530

  "Then this is the end of today's meeting..."

  All the section chiefs walked out of the general manager's office, but the wife directly leaned on the chair.

  It was as if her soul had been sucked out.

  Although she was playing the image of the unqualified daughter who deliberately exposed various problems, this meeting was indeed about to die.

  "Why does Minister Yuzhi have to talk for so long? When he raised his hand, I thought he was going to make an opinion, but he just said some empty flattering words."

  "Also, Minister Yamamoto, he talks in a lot of circles. If you don't listen carefully, you won't understand what he's saying at all."

  "Senior Jintian, who is in charge of finance, refused to mention a word, and only answered a word or two casually when he clicked on the name."

  The wife is complaining here.

  Because it's not the same as her past contacts.Yukinoshita started out as a construction company, but has since expanded into many industries.

  So every month professional managers report to her.

  But never has that meeting been as bad as it is today.

  "I don't think there's any problem with these." Kiyotaka said. "It's a better solution."


  The wife looked at her.

  She deliberately held this meeting, and also hoped to see Qinglong's reaction.

  "As long as you get the initiative, it's fine."

  Qinglong said.

  "..." The wife looked at him. "The initiative?"

  Qinglong nodded.

  "First of all, you came in as an intern."

  "Then jumped up and became general manager."

  "There must be some people who are wary of you."

  "Although you're acting like a rookie today, you're playing."

  "But they can't figure out your character either."

  "But these have no effect on me." Qinglong said. "Even good things will happen."

  "A good thing?" The wife was puzzled.

  "Because I don't know what you are going to do. So they will definitely invite me to dinner, or give me some favors." Qinglong said. "Isn't that a good thing?"


  So is this the treatment of the close ministers beside the emperor?

  "And Yang Nai." Qinglong suddenly pressed his wife's left shoulder.

  "Do, do what?"

  After the 3-hour meeting, my wife felt that she did not have much physical strength.

  So there is no resistance at all.

  "If this Xueguang Toy Club is an exam, do you want to give your mother-in-law a satisfactory answer sheet?"


  Let her hand over the answer sheet to herself?

  In fact, this answer sheet has been smashed today.The only effect is that the test is out, and the conclusion that Bikigu-kun is not suitable at first needs to be overturned.

  But the wife still nodded. "Then will you help me?"

  "Of course." Qinglong smiled. "Don't couples just need to support each other at this time?"

  His smile is like the warm sun.

  It was as if (the good Zhao) just watched and gained power.

  But when his wife was a little stunned, Qinglong suddenly hugged her.Let her cheek rest on his shoulder.

  "I will support you."

  He whispered softly in her ear.

  This is a male hug.The boy's breath would completely surround her.


  The wife looked at the ceiling, because she was not a daughter.

  Your Excellency son-in-law. .

Chapter 531

  "Then let's get off work today."

  "Remember to send me a message to report safety when you get home."

  Qinglong said.

  And now the time is 19:22 in the evening.

  Having said that, Qinglong waved his hand to say goodbye after seeing that his wife had already sat in the taxi.

  This is good news for my wife.

  The reason why it is said to be.

  It means that although the two have registered their marriage, they have not crossed the line.

  So they didn't live together.

  On her side, her hair was cut off, and when she returned home, Yang Nai would probably ask about it.

  That's not a good answer.

  Let's go to the house I bought a long time ago.

  That was when she was still about the same age as Yang Nai, and she bought the property directly for convenience, but it has been useless since then, but she also arranged for someone to clean it up regularly, so it should be able to live in it.

  With that in mind, the wife told the driver where she was going.

  "Okay. But congratulations, you are finally together, although I think this day should come soon.

  After all, the man is too strong. The driver complained. "But little girl, it's a pity that your long hair is cut off." "

  This is the driver who pulled Qinglong and Xuenai before.

  "Huh?" The wife looked over.

  A puzzled expression appeared.

  The driver adjusted his rearview mirror.

  "Oh sorry." He quickly apologized. "I got the wrong person."


  What the hell?

  What's with the long hair?

  And her long hair was cut today, so this driver knows her?

  "Sorry sorry." The driver hurriedly drove.

  The wife was puzzled, but the driver responded immediately.


  He got it wrong.

  The scheming boy is still the scheming boy, but the woman has not only changed, but also has a seven-point similarity with the girl with long black hair before.

  So is this guy a sister-in-law?

  Terrible news.

  Qinglong didn't go home directly, but turned to the side of the road, where a beautiful girl had been waiting for a long time.

  "How does it feel to be the (cgae) first secretary?"

  Miss Caizi waited for a long time.It should be said that I drank two cups of milk tea.

  "It's okay, the salary has doubled." Qinglong sat down and found that there was still a little bit of her milk tea, so he drank it directly.

  "However." Qinglong was a little curious. "Why don't you ask me why I can be the first secretary or something."

  "For example, Miss Yang Nai likes me or something."

  "Aren't you worried about this happening?"


  "I have self-knowledge." Miss Caizi said. "Qinglong-kun is very good and has been very popular, so I just ask myself not to get bored so quickly."

  "You don't need to be so inferior at all." Qinglong kissed the back of her hand. "I like you very much."

  "...This kind of behavior is not convincing at all." Miss Caizi sneered, "You always say things like this, but I won't let you go home."

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