So I went to say hello to my classmates right away.

  This made Qinglong a little hurt.

  Because after all, he was the one who carried her over on a bicycle!

  Looking at his sister from a distance, Qinglong was about to leave by bicycle.

  But the speed has slowed down.

  Qinglong felt that he had just seen the figure of a girl with short blond hair.

  And that figure, if he is not mistaken, then it is the shadow of a color feather.

  And that one color feather was walking alone with his head down, looking like he was in no mood.

  But just thinking about it, she found that someone patted her lightly, and she immediately sorted out a cute and lively look.

  It seems that he has friends, so he doesn't need to worry.

  Thinking so, Qinglong rode to Zongwu Gao by bicycle.


  He was wearing the black student uniform of the General Wu Gao, and he had a natural feeling of being protected.

  Always wear a suit these days.

  And also began to work like a social person, and even traveled with the general manager.

  This kind of time when he was back in school, as long as he was in charge of the class, made him feel a sudden feeling.

  "What are you doing. Hikigu!"

  "Speaking of which, you are really here!"

  At the school gate, Qinglong just pushed the bicycle and immediately found a female teacher squatting at the gate smoking a cigarette.

· · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · ·??????????

  When he found Qinglong coming, he stood up and stepped on the cigarette holder with his foot.

  Very uncle style.

  If you just look at her face seriously, you will confirm that this is a pretty and straightforward royal sister.

  Hiratsuka-sensei, you are really a good teacher.

  Qinglong was convinced.

  Just a random message to the teacher last night.


  [I want to go back to school tomorrow, maybe come back to study for a few days. ]

  The teacher didn't reply at that time.

  He thought it was nothing, looking at her appearance, looking at the ground, there were obviously several smoked cigarette holders.

  It means that she was guarding here early in the morning.

  "Do you think it's too hard to step into society now?"

  "So you want to come back to exercise yourself again and learn some knowledge?"

  "School is such a place."

  "Welcome back." Hiratsuka-sensei walked over directly.

  She smelled of a lady's cigarette and a little alcohol.

  It's a downside, but it's hot inside.

  This is to persuade him to go back to school again.Four.

Chapter 553

  "I'm just a little tired of working." Qinglong said. "And then I want to go back to school and have a look."

  "It doesn't mean to continue studying."


  "You can be tough now."

  "You'll be back here soon."

  "After all, it's still the age of school,

  Teacher Hiratsuka thought that Qinglong had encountered a setback here, so he obediently came back to study.


  "Then teacher, how are you doing recently?"

  Kiyotaka walked into the carport while pushing the bicycle, and Hiratsuka Shizuo followed him directly.


  "It's still the same as before." Hiratsuka Shizu stepped on high heels.

  "Really. But I always feel that the teacher is too worried about the students." Qinglong had already stopped the bicycle at this time.

  "That's because other students are not as worrying as you are." Teacher Xiaojing complained.

  This is true.

  There were very few students who suddenly asked to drop out.

  "And your home—"

  "Oh..." Qinglong remembered that the reason why he applied to Teacher Jing to drop out of school was because his family was too poor.

  And now that she has gone out, there is no need to keep hiding from her.

  "Actually, the debt has been paid off."

  "The father at home won the lottery."

  "That's why I can come back to study."

  "Oh... eh? Are you so lucky?" Hiratsuka-sensei's eyes widened. "Ah, of course I didn't mean anything else, just said, so lucky?"

  "That's it, so I can go back to school," Qinglong said. "There is also no financial pressure, so the teacher doesn't have to take special care of me."

  "You know it's a special care. Then, if there is something missing in the course that you can't understand, I can barely make up the course for you as far as I can." Teacher Jing said.

  This is a really good teacher.

  "I know."

  "But it shouldn't be necessary." Qinglong said. "Because I probably won't be in school for a long time."


  "It's mainly because I'm already married, and I'm probably going to join the family soon to inherit the other's family business, so I don't have much free time."

  Ah this...

  So when your father won the lottery to pay off the debt, it turned out to be a rich woman.

  and many more!

  Shizuo Hiratsuka was thinking in a very relaxed mood.

  Suddenly found a blind spot...  

  "and many more……"


  "you are married?"

  "You are already married!"

  Teacher Hiratsuka grabbed Kiyotaka's tie with both hands, and the whole person was very excited.

  "Eh? Don't you know? I thought she had a good relationship with you and would tell you first." Qinglong said. "Miss Yang Nai and I have already gone to the district office to get the certificate."

  "..." Xiao Jing.

  Xiaojing took out her phone and sent Yang Nai a message.

  [Eh?Why does Xiaojing know?Did Hikigu tell you?

  I'm sorry, because it's a matter of killing first and then playing, and there is no wedding yet——] by Yang Nai.

  Although Yang Nao wrote a series of messages later, Mr. Hiratsuka could no longer read it.


  is that a lie.

  Even though he is a teacher, he is still a senior, but at this moment Hiratsuka-sensei feels small.

  Even the students are getting married earlier than they are.

  Followed by.

  Qinglong found that his teacher squatted down directly, as if he was about to cry.

  And in his mouth, he murmured self-defeating words like "Sure enough, I just can't get married." .

Chapter 554

  Near the vending machine near the parking lot, Kiyotaka handed a bottle of matcha green tea to Mr. Hiratsuka who was sitting down.

  "Give you."

  "Although it's not good to drink ice early."

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