"But you have to calm down now."

  Hiratsuka-sensei sat there, taking the bottled tea from Kiyotaka with both hands.

  "It's just exaggerated—"

  she said. "I've always felt like I was young."

  "I felt that it was a test for young people to be pressed for some more troublesome jobs at school, but now... my students are getting married earlier than me!"


  Hiratsuka-sensei showed signs of crying again.

  Hey Hey hey.

  Teacher, do you want to be so cute?

  Because she is very cute, Qinglong decides to comfort her.

  "First of all, the teacher knows Yang Nai."

  "Then it should also be known that her marriage must be very unusual."

  "So especially if it's marriage, it's better to say it's the replacement of the burden on the shoulders, so this is not something that will make people feel happy." Qinglong said.

  "That is to say..."

  Teacher Xiaojing turned her head gently, "Did you get married by Yang Nai?"


  Why do you and Mrs. Yukinoshita all think the same way, thinking that Yang Nai will deceive people?

  Ming Yang is the victim.

  "It's not a cheating marriage. It should be said that I still like her quite a bit." Qinglong said. "Also, I also know that she has a great burden on her shoulders."


  "I know too."

  Shizuka Hiratsuka held the bottle with both hands, "I always felt that her state was dangerous, but she was very strong, or if she was not strong, no one could help her."

  "It's just that she couldn't take it anymore."

  It seems that Xiaojing is Yang Nai's true friend.

  Yang was a student of the previous Souwu High School, and Xiaojing was also her teacher of nature courses, but Mr. Hiratsuka saw at a glance that Yang Nai's usual actions were all masks.

  Just to be the perfect mask for the heir to the Yukishita family.

  So I talked to Yang Nai, and the two eventually became friends.

  It's just that Xiaojing is also very clear that with Yang Nai's family status, she can't help her.


  Yang Nai did not persist in the end.

  It's sad and happy.


  The burden fell on the person she chose...that is, Bikigu-kun.

  "Will you feel pressure?" she asked softly.

  Being able to be selected by Yang Nao and register for marriage, Xiaojing felt that Qinglong should have already understood the matter of Yukinoshita's family.

  "No." Qinglong said. "As of now, I just passed Mrs. Yukinoshita's test."

  "So it will probably be arranged to take over the Yukinoshita family soon."

  "But it's also good for me to have that identity."


  "What do you mean?"


  "Because I want to run for political office."

  "Become Prime Minister."

  "Or being a supporter of the current or the next prime minister and getting the prime minister to say what I want to say."



  Hearing this, Teacher Xiaojing hurriedly looked at Qinglong, his words were exaggerated, but looking at his profile, there was an inexplicable confidence that made people trust.

  "So what is there to say if you want to be the prime minister?" Xiao Jing was a little curious.

  "I want to be polygamous and marry Yang Nai. I also want to marry her sister. I like her sister."


  Xiaojing felt that she was fortunately not drinking tea.


  Your declaration is very dangerous.

  However, looking at Qinglong's energetic appearance, this also made Teacher Jing feel a little relieved.

  ps: Push your other books.

  [Comprehensive: Signing in at the beginning of five equal points]

  [Comprehensive: Adopting Qiongmei at the beginning].

Chapter 555


  "You have a good fighting spirit."

  "However, young people still sleep well and don't dream all day." Hiratsuka Jing gently patted Kiyotaka on the shoulder.

  "Does that mean the teacher doesn't believe that I will succeed?" Qinglong said, "Then if the day I achieve the plan, if the teacher hasn't married yet...well, if there is no one I like."

  "Then can you marry me for free then?"


  This time, Shizuo Hiratsuka was really drinking the tea that Kiyotaka bought for her.

  And then directly sprayed out.

  "and many more……"

  "Hikigu-kun, what are you talking about—"

  "Please don't say such heart-pounding things to your teacher."

  Does this make your heart beat faster?

  "Teacher, you have to know one thing." Qinglong said. "You're not married, you just haven't met the right person."

  "So it's not that I don't have charm."

  "Although the behavior of drinking and smoking will stop the boys, but the teacher's heart is very beautiful, which can completely make up for this."

  "So please don't be humble."

  "At least, in my heart, the teacher is very attractive."

  wow wow wow...

  After Kiyotaka finished speaking, he found that Hiratsuka-sensei's cheeks blushed directly.

  It should be that he could not listen to his words in the middle.

  This situation directly caused this single female teacher to become insatiable today.

  Qinglong felt guilty.


  After Shizuo Hiratsuka separated, he carried his schoolbag and went to Class F of the first grade.

  Class F's teaching building is on the third floor.

  He had to go through a long and wide staircase, and Class F was in a relatively inner position. Just as Qinglong was about to enter through the back door, he suddenly found someone walking out.

  "Feel sorry--"

  It was a girl who came out and almost ran into him.

  The other party instinctively apologized, but suddenly froze for a moment.


  As if frightened.

  "Yuyi, what's wrong?"

  There was a girl behind her.Seeing her motionless, her pretty brows moved slightly.

  "Ah...that's not..."

  "What's that called—"

  Yumiko Miura's voice sounded, "Hikigu-san?"

  "Didn't you leave school?"

  A word stirred up a thousand waves.

  Originally, the class was very small. In addition to studying, I was studying every day, so the news would make people feel curious.

  When Miura said that, everyone else looked over.

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