"The matter that was delayed before has been resolved."

  "So come back to class for now."

  Qinglong moved his body away.

  Let Dango and Yumiko come out.

  "¨ˇOh." Miura was just curious, and he wanted to invite everyone to visit his house.

  Also, I feel that Hayato-kun seems to have become friends with Hikigu-kun in private.

  This made her a little concerned.

  And mention Hayato-kun.

  Yumiko noticed that on Hayama's seat, Hayama had a sullen expression on his face.

  He was indeed frowning.

  Yesterday I went to the meeting and saw that Mrs. Yukinoshita actually appeared as Sister Yang Nai, which was really frightening.

  And Bikigu-kun doesn't know yet.

  So what are the wife and Yang Nai playing (of Li's)?It made his father panic too.

  "what happened?"

  He noticed that the class was noisy, and then he saw Qinglong standing there.



  Immediately, Hayama felt like he was getting a life-saving straw.

  He ran from his seat at once.He directly held Qinglong's left hand. "Great, you're back."


  Miura-san looked here with a strange expression.

  The relationship between the two was so fast. .

Chapter 556

  Qinglong just suspended school instead of dropping out, so the school still kept his desk.

  His seat is by the window and is easily recognizable.

  And the students helped to do the cleaning, so the table was still clean.

  Qinglong put the textbook in.

  And the students were already curiously gathered around.

  "I dropped out of school after encountering some things before, but now there is a turning point, so I came back." Qinglong didn't talk to them that much.Just a simple introduction.

  "Then, the class schedule is the same as last month, hasn't it changed?"


  "Yes, I have."

  "History teacher is on maternity leave."

  "So her class changed to physics."

  "Like the first class today is physics."


  Qinglong thanked this classmate.

  But I also looked at my bag.There are no physics books.

  "I'm going to borrow a book." As he spoke, he stood up with his phone.

  Because the mobile phone has received a lot of information from the beginning.

  "Need my help?"

  Hayama asked. "I know a little more students from other classes as well."

  Hayato Hayama is really caring.

  But Qinglong felt that it was more like he had something to tell him.

  And Qinglong has always had little interest in cultivating relationships with boys.

  So it's better to look at the phone than to choose other.

  When I got back to my seat, my phone vibrated.

  He marked the number of the group with a special tone, which means that it was the group that sent him messages just now.

  "No, I have someone I know."

  Qinglong rejected Yeshan's kindness.

  Go straight to the outside of the corridor.

  Looking at the prompt on the phone, it really is the information of the group, and the content is also very direct.

  Ask him why he came to school suddenly, is the company okay?

  Was it fired by the company?

  Still something happened.

  Do you need her help?

  Please feel free to use her if she can.

  This last sentence is really misleading.

  However, Qinglong still gave her a reply.

  [Ms. Caizi said recently that you have no spirit. ]

  [I think you were bullied at school. ]

  [So check back. ]

  After editing, press the send button.

  On the other hand, Tuanzi picked up the phone immediately after seeing the message prompt.

  "Huh?" (cgae)

  "Well, what's going on here—+"

  The group probably didn't expect this to be the reason.


  Wouldn't it be like... wouldn't it be like caring about her very much, so she rushed over because of her a little abnormal?

  In other words.

  Hikigu-kun...this is...


  He likes her.

  Eh! ?

  It was obvious that Mama was still consulting her about love some time ago, but now, is she going to encounter such a thing herself?

  This made her mood suddenly become very complicated.


  And Qinglong also came to the classmates he knew to borrow books.

  Came to the first grade J class.

  That is, the excellent elite class with all girls in the class.

  He knocked lightly on the door.

  "Excuse me, is Yukino Yukino-san here?"

  He asked directly to the student sitting by the door.

  "Brother-in-law... No, Bikigu-kun?"

  Yukinoshita Yukino was standing behind him.

  At first, I thought of the news of [married] that [sister] came to stay at home and accidentally revealed, so Hikigu-kun should be her brother-in-law.

  But she also felt that Hikigu-kun in front of her was wearing a school uniform, and there was a strange feeling that a student of the same class was her brother-in-law, so she finally adopted the title of Hikigu-kun. .

Chapter 557

  Yukino's voice was cold with a little doubt in it.

  "Bikigu-kun, what's the matter with you?"

  "No, why did you come to school today—"

  Xuenai is still very familiar with Qinglong.

  After all, I have been in contact many times, and even took wedding photos.

  Of course, that's just what's being taught.

  As far as class is concerned, Xuenai still respects this classmate very much.

  Although she was surprised when she learned that Hikigu-kun was actually her brother-in-law when she was staying at the [sister], she didn't find it unacceptable.

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