
  Are you really not making a statement?

  Because it's too good for her.


  "Now we're going to talk about the Riemann hypothesis..."

  "The hypothesis goes like this..."

  "It's about prime numbers—"

  On the podium, the teacher started the class.

  And these contents are simply lullaby for Qinglong.

  After the exchange of the system, he does not need to learn.

  The atmosphere here is very similar to the class.

  The teacher is in class, and then the students take notes, and this kind of environment is the most likely to make people want to sleep.


  Bi Qigu-kun really fell asleep directly.

  Yui observed the other party's performance in school yesterday and found that he slept in class.

  And when it comes to the cram school, it's the same.

  And he fell asleep, with one hand on his chin, then leaned there, and then maintained his movement.

  It's like watching Sleeping Beauty.

  Yuihama Yui was also in a daze.

  "Then here is the point, it's very important and needs to be remembered."

  "It's the focus of the exam," the teacher said on the podium.

  "Ah...note note..."

  Yui quickly responded.

  Then I found that the teacher's notes were about to be erased.

  Quickly started to take out the book.

  She came to study, not to see men!


  "Are you going home at noon?"

  The teaching time is only 2 and a half hours, which is not too hard.

  And only half a day.

  So it's very leisurely now.

  Some students had already packed their schoolbags to go home, and Yubihama spoke to Kiyotaka, who had been lying down for two classes.

  She wondered if she could invite him to a meal to express her gratitude.

  "let me see……"

  "Then go on a date."

  Qinglong Road.

  "..." Yubihama.

  So you guys are weird.

  He didn't say anything, but he always asked her out, and he went back to school for her business.

  So what is going to happen!

  ps: If there is a shortage of books, I recommend a few books.

  A large amount is full.


  [Comprehensive Man: Adopting Qiongmei at the beginning] [Protagonist Halo] [Myth, I am not Yi Xiaochuan] [Comprehensive Man: Signing in at the beginning of five equal points].

Chapter 583

  "I'll go to the toilet and wait for me for a while."

  Seeing that Yui had already packed her backpack, Qinglong said immediately.

  "Yeah." Yui was fine.

  Saying that boys would say such things directly.

  She complained in her heart.

  But if it's a girl, she'd definitely be embarrassed to say go to the toilet and so on, and they'd all find an excuse to leave.

  Yuihama Yui was thinking about whether there was something or not.


  Qinglong walked outside, looking at the mobile phone information.

  My sister, Komachi, sent 3 messages of schadenfreude.

  The content is nothing more than, is the class fun?You are in class, I can sleep.

  Our Kajun is super cute, feels super good and so on.

  It's the temperament of a child.

  Qinglong only made one sentence.

26 [If you say, I won't buy you the mocha cake from the Yuchen Cake Shop near the Marine Corps Makuhari. ]

  "Ah ah ah..."

  "Oni-chan, I was wrong..."

  Komachi begged for mercy immediately.

  Then there is the safety message from Miss Caizi that I arrived home 3 hours ago.

  Qinglong is used to letting familiar people post messages and take photos when they get home.

  But it was three hours ago that he also replied.

  So the information is already processed.

  On the other hand, Miura was very quiet and there was no information.

  But Hiratsuka-sensei sent an invitation.

  "Would you like to go for a ride together on the weekend?" by Xiaojing.

  What to say for a ride.

  In fact, I still feel that he came to school yesterday, so I feel that my mood has improved, and I want to do his ideological work. ,

  Qinglong admits that Teacher Xiaojing is a good teacher.

  So immediately gave the other party a good teacher card.

  But I'm sorry, Hiratsuka-sensei.

  The problem on Sagami Minami's side was resolved, so he wasn't going to go to school these days.

  To get in touch with dango, this kind of cram school with a very short time is enough.

  After all, he is not someone who likes to learn.


  Then next is...


  Qinglong came back from the toilet. He and Yubihama's Class 3B were on the third floor, but the toilet was on the second floor. When he was about to go back to the third floor, he found a diary dropped in the corridor.


  Probably some student forgot.

  For the cram school, the diary is a treasure.

  Because of all kinds of notes to be made.

  It will be more detailed than in school.

  Because the cram school is specially designed to deal with the exam.

  For example, physics problem solving will say so.

  "Don't say you don't know when you see the title."

  "First write the solution, and then write down all the known conditions."

  "In this way, even if you don't know how to do it, you can get one and a half points."

  But in school teachers don't do that.


  The notebook is blue leather.

  There is no name on the cover.

  Qinglong picked up the notebook.

  Open the first page.

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