"Everyone can be a hero. Even if it's just to put a coat on a child and let him know that life goes on."

  Kiyotaka knows that this sentence comes from [Batman: The Dark Knight Rises] and is the line inside.

  The status quo, however, is the opposite of this statement.

  So hot.

  Who would dare to put a coat on him on such a hot day, then he would definitely scold her!

  In short, from this sentence, we can know that the owner of this diary has a bit of taste.

  Qinglong naturally turned to the second page.

  The words above are ugly all of a sudden.

  Not only that.

  "Ayako, that Bichi, winked at the senior in the basketball club again."

  "Always let me go together to cheer each other on."

  "But he meows. After these few times, the other party thinks that I am interested in him."

  "Ayako, you're a pig. Miss Ben is prettier than you, so the other party will definitely like me first."

  "The senior of the basketball department will confess to me next week..."

  "Nima, it's annoying."

  "I really want these people to go to hell."

  "Get out of this stupid place."

  "I want to take the general Wu Gao exam. Go to a place where they can't even pass the exam."

  ? ? ? ? ?

  It was followed by a huge page of complaints.

  ? ? ? ?

  what is this?


   Qinglong was holding a diary.

  "Fat da--"

  At this time, there was a rapid upstairs sound from the stairs.

  And Qinglong continued to look down.

  "What shameless call me Iroha...name, your sister's—"

  Still complaining here.


  Qinglong felt that the name was familiar.

  A color feather?

  When he thought so, he saw a girl with short blond hair looking at him in astonishment.

  To be precise, he looked at the open notebook in his hand.



  A color feather immediately turned around and left.

  Anyway, the diary didn't write the name.

  "Iroha-san, this is your book, right?" Kiyotaka held up the book that would directly disqualify his classmates if it was exposed.

  ps: If there is a shortage of books, I recommend a few books.

  A large amount is full.


  [Comprehensive Man: Adopting Qiongmei at the beginning] [Protagonist Halo] [Myth, I am not Yi Xiaochuan] [Comprehensive Man: Signing in at the beginning of five equal points].

Chapter 584


  "Excuse me?"

  "I'm called Ishiki World..."

  "Have you admitted the wrong person?"

  Ichika Yu was carrying a brown backpack and looked at Qinglong with a surprised expression.

  It was as if he really had mistaken him.

  "Seaside High School."

  "My sister is a second grader," Kiyotaka said. "I saw you when I took her to school yesterday."

  "..." A color feather.

  "..." A color feather.

  "Give me back the diary!" After the expression froze, Ichiro Yu trotted over immediately.

  But Qinglong dodged gently.

  "The negative energy of this thing is too high."

  "I can't give it back to you."

  "after all……"

  Qinglong pushed his glasses, "This can make you disqualify in interpersonal relationships in an instant."

  "Like this Ayako, if she knew you wrote these things..."

  Qinglong paused and did not continue.

  But everyone knows that interpersonal relationships will collapse, and Ichiro's image will plummet, and may even be bullied because of it.

  "Ah... I hate it...'~..."

  "People are also bullied and can't help-"

  And Ichika Yu rubbed his eyes lightly with his left hand in an instant.

  As if about to cry.

  "..." Qinglong.

  This girl is amazing.

  Qinglong began to admire her a little.


  At first, it was discovered that the incredible diary was in the hands of others, so he immediately denied his identity.

  When forced to admit his identity, he wanted to take it back by force.

  If you find it can't be done, show weakness and cry.

  Awesome this guy.

  Too sly.

  "If it's such an important thing, don't take it outside at will, just leave it at home and write it."

  Kiyotaka said so, and then handed the notebook to Ichika Yu.

  A color feather subconsciously took over.

  The notebook was back in her hands.

  "Eh eh?"

  "You gave it back to me directly?" She looked surprised. "Didn't you use this notebook and threaten me to do this or that? At the very least, do you want to be in a relationship?"

  "What kind of Pika book are you looking at." Qinglong said, "And I have a wife. I won't do anything to you."

  "Oh." One color feather nodded.

  Liar ah.

  "But I just took a picture of the contents of the notebook with my phone," added Qinglong. "So it's useless to take your notebook back."


  A color feather's expression solidified.

  "You, you are too bad!"

  "I just want you to learn a lesson, don't write these things casually, and then if it's exposed, it's over."

  For example, his Kushida classmate.That's how gg is.


  And Ichiro's expression solidified again.

  But soon a cute smile appeared.

  This is probably the way to deal with it.

  Ichiroha's behavior is similar to Kushida's, but she may be smarter and better at acting.

  So what is she going to do?

  Qinglong was a little interested.

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