"……"Is it.

  Yang Nai has doubts.

  But she felt that she could believe it.

  Because although they have been together for so long, Qinglong didn't mean to force her to hug her.

  So, barely speaking, he is actually a good man.

  "Although I just thought you were maintaining the image of a sister." Qinglong said again. "But what you're doing now can't be a sister."

  "Then what is it?"

  "It's like a sister." Qinglong said.

  "Really..." Yang Nai's big eyes moved slightly, and then he hugged him. "Then Ernie-chan... will you be happy with this?"


  Qinglong suddenly felt that being called Ouni-chan by Yang Nai seemed to be not bad. .

Chapter 601

  "Second miss, welcome home."

  After Yukino separated from her sister and Hikigu-san, she went straight back to her home.

  There were also maids in the yard, who greeted them right away.

  But Yukino was a little absent-minded about their call.

  Because the mood is very complicated.

  She is not a person who can hide her heart very well.

  So my mind is very confused now.


  In front of my sister, I didn't show it for the time being.

  But sure enough.

  It's still a bit complicated.


  When my sister came to the apartment, she said that she married Hikigu-kun.

  But Bikigu-kun, isn't this a student of the same level?

  Although my sister is only two years older than her.

  But her sister is very mature, liked by everyone, good at communication, and insight into people's hearts, all of which she envies.

  And Hikigu-kun, her insightful mentor, um... looks very mature too.

  Maybe it's a good fit.

  But this feeling of calling a classmate a brother-in-law is really weird.

  and.Not just now, in the future, or beyond, to meet and become family.

  Is this how family is formed?

  Yukino, who has not thought about marriage and other topics in the future, has a complicated mood.


  "Is Xue Nai back?"

  The news that Yukino Yukino went home has been reported to Mrs. Yukinoshita.

  The wife, who has always been worried about the youngest daughter, trotted out on the clogs.

  Yukino raised her head quickly when she heard the voice.

  "Ah mother...no...sister..."



  Yukino stood obediently, and then looked at her mother a little blankly.

  "Mother mother?"

  Xue Nao asked with a little doubt.

  Carefully, as if very uncertain.

  And this made Mrs. Yukinoshita stunned for a moment.

  At the same time, the eyes will become complicated.

  "Xue Nai, am I still very similar to Yang Nai?" the wife asked hesitantly.

  "Uh..." So it is indeed the mother!

  By the way, is the mother actually so similar to the elder sister?

  This is Xuenuo's first discovery.

  And she also understood why her sister Yang Nai said that you should be mentally prepared when you go home.

  Isn't this just about to be frightened?

  That sister!


  And in this house.

  The wife kept thinking that Xuenai almost recognized herself as Yang Nai.

  In this way, she still can't let Qinglong enter Yukinoshita's house as Yang Nai's husband.

  She didn't want Qinglong to know that she once pretended to be her daughter to test him.

· · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · ·??????????

  Therefore, while waiting for her hair to grow long, she would never go to see Qinglong.

  But now my hair has grown a bit, but it still doesn't work.

  "Xue Nai..."

  Although I feel that my mood is very complicated.

  But the wife still found Xuena's absent-mindedness.


  Xue Nao didn't know whether to say it or not.


  say today


  Xue Na tentatively said. "What did my sister say to my mother here?"

  "What do you mean?"


  Mother's eyes became calm.

  And this is not something Snow can resist.

  "Well, I mean that there seems to be a boy chasing after my sister-"

  Xue Na changed her words.

  If my sister is married, if my mother doesn't know, she will be gg.

  And when it is said that my sister has a boyfriend, my mother will definitely take heart.

  So, does the mother know that her sister is married?

  "A boy's pursuit? Didn't Qinglong-kun stop it?" Mrs. Yukinoshita said.


  Xue Nai breathed a sigh of relief.

  It turns out that my mother knew about the relationship between my sister and Hikigu-kun.

  Then it will be fine.

  "Actually..." Xue Nai said.Four.

Chapter 602

  Xuenai just thought for a while and said, "Actually, on the way to my home, I met my sister."

  "Oh, Yang Nai."

  The wife nodded lightly.

  She always felt that Yukino didn't kiss her enough, so she could listen to Yukino's troubles like this and fulfill her identity as a mother, she still felt very satisfied.

  So the wife went on to listen.

  "Sister and Hikigu... brother-in-law are together," Xuenuo said.

   Although this matter has been confirmed, it really makes people feel very troubled to change the name of the brother-in-law to the same class.

  "Qinglong..." The wife confirmed.

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