"?...Hmm." Xuenuo was a little puzzled.

  Because the mother's tone seemed to be no stranger to Bi Qigu-kun.

  And also called the other party's name directly, as if they were very familiar.

  "That's it, then seeing my sister on the street, I took the initiative to hug Hikigu... brother-in-law's hand."

  "And then, there was an excessively affectionate move." Xuenuo said considering the words.

  After all, my sister is very good.

  If you kiss a man directly on the street, if you say it directly, you will definitely be scolded by your mother.


  However, to Xueluo's surprise, the wife just snorted and said that she knew and then nothing happened.

  In other words.

  Even if the elder sister is disregarding her image, in the eyes of the mother, does the elder sister still have sense?

  My sister is really valued.


  "Ma'am, I have your phone number—"

  At this time, Miss Yamae, who was serving at home, was sitting at the door and knocked on the door softly.

  "it is good."

  The wife stood up gently and walked over.


  But somehow, he hit the wall all of a sudden.


  Xue Nao stared blankly at her mother.

  So, isn't this serious?

  My mother's steady sense of proportions was lost.

  So, sister, your actions are really unreasonable.


  Does she have to remind her sister here to pay attention to her image?

  And the other side.

  Qinglong was dragged to the mall by Yang Nai.

  But he was standing at the door, not wanting to go in.

  "I think I'm fine here."

  "What do you like, I'll give you the card and swipe it yourself." As he spoke, he wanted to open his wallet...  

  But Yang Nai suddenly held his hand.

  "What's the point of me going inside alone!"

  "Or, what do you have to hide?"

  Yang Nao instantly activated her stunt - an insight into people's hearts that Yukino couldn't learn.

  "..." Qinglong.

  Not even invisible.

  It's just that Yono, who was dressed up with Mrs. Yukinoshita, just came here recently.

  And there are so many things to buy, so it is likely to be remembered by the waiter.

  "I just think this kind of place is boring, so I don't want to go in." Qinglong tried to rescue him.

  Because he found that the waiter standing in the lobby on the first floor seemed to recognize [them].

  "You also know that there are very few places for rich people to go after they have money." Yang Nai said softly.

  Then he took Qinglong's hand regardless and walked inside.

  "Welcome, Miss Yukinoshita."

  "Did you bring your boyfriend with you today?" the waiter greeted immediately.

  "..." Yang Nai looked over instantly. "Have my mother and you shopped here?"

  "Qinglong," she said. "Can you tell me what happened?".

Chapter 603



  Qinglong just felt that this kind of thing might happen, so he didn't want to come in.

  "It's very strange to say that." Although he was complaining in his heart, Qinglong said immediately, "Isn't it normal?"

  "It's one of the few places where the rich can shop."

  "So it's normal to come here."

  "Oh." Yang Nai stared at him. "Then let's just pretend that's the case."

  In fact, there is a reason why she didn't pursue it.

  That is, to know that it is her mother.She did not think that her mother would fall in love with others so easily.

  So it is probably normal to buy clothes.

  For example, the vision of Qinglong in the examination school and so on.

  Hmm...that's fine if you think about it.

  "Then since it's here."

  Yang Nai said, "I'll choose a set of clothes for you."

  As she spoke, she took Qinglong directly to the men's clothing area.

  "Your skin is fairer..."

  "If it's brown, it doesn't quite match, but if it's a blue shirt..."

  "It's quite suitable-"

  So does this mother and daughter have the same taste?

  I wrote down this meaningless knowledge point in my heart, but Qinglong still accepted the gift from Yang Nai.

  Finally, the two walked around.

  The waiter was also carrying large and small bags.

  However, when he walked out of the shopping center, he was dressed in a white shirt, black trousers, and a dark tie.

  With his already pale complexion, he has the temperament of a delicate and noble boy.

  This made some waitresses who were also working in the mall raised their heads and looked in his direction a few more times.

  It's just that Yang Nao hugged his arm tightly, so no one else had a chance.

  "Then I will accompany you back to the company." Qinglong said. "There's still a part of the work left to do, right, I'll do it."

  "No, I'm going back to school today."

  Yang Nai said. "I also have a dormitory at school."

  Universities are very liberal, allowing you to study day or to live in.

  And the type like Yang Nai, naturally has both.


  Yang Nai smiled lightly, "I'll leave the work today and tomorrow to you, Bikigu-kun."

  "Or my first secretary."

  "" Qinglong.


  Kiyotaka took her to a taxi, contacted Komachi first, and then went to the company.


  "Better afternoon than Qigu-kun-"

  "By the way, I haven't come to the company recently-"

  "Sorry, I'm on vacation." Qinglong went to the general manager's office while talking to his former colleague.

  On the general manager's desk, a large number of processed documents are stacked.

  Qinglong sat on it and began to check.

  It should be said that Yang is excellent or lazy.

  Qinglong at least found that 1/3 of the file content needs to be corrected.

  It's a little unimportant, but it's still a bit of a hassle to review, so he redoes everything.

  After doing this, I realized that it was six o'clock in the evening.

  Originally, he called Komachi to leave him a meal, so he would bring her her favorite bread when he went back, but now, he can only cancel it.


  "Well, tell my mother for me, I won't go home for dinner tonight."

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