After Komachi agreed, Kiyotaka sorted out the documents to be processed tomorrow and the things needed for the meeting, and then arranged it.

  To do this, it is already eight o'clock in the evening.

  "Go to Kamakura—"

  Qinglong sat in the taxi, but just wanted to take a break.But his vision suddenly stopped.

  "Wait a moment."

  He stopped the taxi directly.

  Because he found that the car of Yukinoshita's house was parked on the side of the road, and the driver went out, holding a wrench and trying to repair it.

  In this case, it should be... broken down. .

Chapter 604

  Yukinoshita's car is a black Rolls Royce.

  Generally speaking, if a Rolls-Royce can be regarded as a car, then the family property should not only be several hundred million, but at least one billion. According to the current understanding, the Xue family's assets are probably around 10-30 billion.

  But now is not the time to infer how much money the Xue family has.


  Qinglong immediately stopped the taxi and stood by.

  And he got out of the car himself.

  The driver is Yukinoshita's private car driver called Tsuzuki.

  At the same time, he is also the person who bumped into him in the original book.

  The world is really small.

  Qinglong didn't think it was Yang Nai who was in the car. Yang Nai went back to school, so he shouldn't go to the family car today.

  So is it Snow?


  She said she wanted to go back to her home, so she might not be staying there when she went back, so she might be on the way back to the apartment by car.

  Qinglong really felt that Xuenai was unlucky.

  As long as you are sitting in your own car, there will be problems.

  So he got out of the car directly and prepared to take the other party to leave first.

  However, he got out of the car, approached the black sedan, came to the back seat, and opened the door, but Qinglong was stunned for a moment.

  And the person sitting in the car was stunned.

  The eyes of the two met each other in the air.

  The air seemed to freeze for a second.

  The eyes of the woman in the car are quite clear, but wearing a purple kimono has a unique charm.

  She is quite a beautiful woman.

  The other party and Yang Nai have nearly the same face.


  This is Mrs. Yukinoshita.

  Qinglong instinctively wanted to re-close the open car door, but he stopped his actions.

  Then he kept the door open, "If the car doesn't start for a while, do you want to come with me first, I'm just in the middle of a hit here, you can take you to your destination first" ~.

  "..." Mrs. Yukinoshita probably didn't expect to see Qinglong here again.

  Her cherry blossom-like lips opened slightly, as if she wanted to say something, but Yu pursed it.


  The driver, Tsuzuki, was repairing the car at the back, and when he found someone opened the door, he hurried over with a wrench.

  But when he found out that it was Qinglong's face, his expression immediately became subtle.

  He recognized it, it was Bikigu Qinglong.

  The boy he bumped into earlier.

  At the same time, he also recognized that this is the young man that Mrs. Yukinoshita is very concerned about, and even went directly to the door of the other party's house to wait for the rabbit.

  So he walked over and immediately retreated.

  As if nothing happened, continue to repair the car.

  And Qinglong leaned on the top of the seat with one hand, "¨ˇYangnai, what do you think?"

  "If I don't speak, I'm going back."

  "It's been a busy day today. In other words, I haven't seen you since noon." Qinglong said. "Have you been busy for so long?"



  "Probably..." The wife finally said.

  "What?" Qinglong said, "Be louder."

  "..." Mrs. "I mean, it will be fixed soon, so no need."

  "(Money is good) is it?" Qinglong said. "Judging from the oil stains on the driver's hands, it has been repaired for at least 10 minutes, so can it really be solved quickly?"

  "I think you are in a hurry today too."

  "..." Of course it was urgent.

  to negotiate a contract.And now it's almost too late.

  But the wife obviously didn't expect to see Qinglong here, and she didn't know how to get in touch with him.

  Because, from the other party's words, isn't this still taking her as Yang Nai? .

Chapter 605

  "Okay, let's be polite between us."

  As Kiyotaka spoke, he directly grabbed the wrist of Mrs. Yukinoshita's right hand and pulled her up.

  Then got out of the car.


  At this moment, the driver just turned his head on the side of the engine, trying to wipe his sweat, but he saw his wife being grabbed forcibly.

  He was immediately startled.

  But trying to rescue him, he found that his wife... had no resistance at all.

  "Then that's it." Qinglong said. "I took her away first."

  "Just find the tow truck and take the car to the repair shop for repair."

  "I won't be picking her up tonight, I'll take her back." Qinglong said.

  As he spoke, he directly shoved his wife into the back seat of the taxi he was driving, and he leaned out half of his body and told Tsuzuki, and then let the taxi driver start driving.

  By the time Tsuzuki reacted, there was only exhaust gas left from the taxi.


  Didn't he lose his wife?

  Tozuki's forehead immediately burst into sweat.

  However, the phone vibrated at this time.

  He quickly opened it.


  It was a message from Mrs. Yukinoshita.

  [After you send your car for repairs, go back to rest today.I need to contact you tomorrow. ]


  Madam, does she agree with what the boy did just now?


  Regardless of what the driver thinks, Qinglong felt that he was a little bold today.

  Is it because he directly kidnapped the current owner of Yukinoshita's house?

  Although Yang Nai has a fragrant smell on his body.

  But the quiet atmosphere of Mrs. also makes people like it very much.

  However, now the wife probably still thinks that he regards her as Yang Nai.

  Mingming and Yang Nai had already agreed with her, but she did not see him formally.

  In other words.

  The wife is probably troubled by this relationship, so the ostrich has never seen him formally.


  And Qinglong found that his wife suddenly raised her cheek at this time, "I'm not..."

  The guts are pretty good.

  Is this to directly say that she is not Yang Nai?

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