In the past, Yukinoshita's home company participated in the construction, which is a place with a relatively long history.

  And this time the main purpose is two.

  One is to participate in the wedding, congratulate the newlyweds.

  Another aspect is to introduce Qinglong to relatives.

  However, Yukinoshita's wife was not present.

  Yang Nai felt that this was a test of her mother's ability, so she was fully responsible for it.

  Qinglong knew very well that Xue Ma didn't dare to come.

  First of all, Xue Ma's current appearance is very close to Yang Nai's, and it is easy for people to think that they are twins.

  Yukinoshita's wife's temperament will be damaged.

  Also...she can only watch Yang Nai introduce him to others.

  It feels weird. 26

  So, it's better not to come.


  Now Xue Ma didn't dare to see him directly.


  This was also the first time that Qinglong dared to steal his mother-in-law.She is in a relatively passive position. Naturally, Xue Ma wants to escape, so she will cooperate with her.

  Although for him, the system is a prop for him to realize his dream.

  But they have all crossed, and if you are not bold, it is obviously better not to cross.

  So if Mrs. Yukinoshita had the courage to confess to him, then he would definitely bear everything, and Xiang Yangnao would also confess.


  "Miss, and young master—"

  "It has arrived."

  The driver said with a hint.

  The driver's mood was complicated, because the teenager who had hit him before became his master now.

  Although it wasn't intentional, it was somewhat scary.

  Although Qinglong had met with him several times, he didn't pursue it once, but he really felt very uneasy inside.


  "Well, I'll get out of the car first." Qinglong pushed open the door and went out.Then he reached out his hand gently into the car.

  Hands in thin white gloves reached up.

  And here in the hotel, some relatives of Yukinoshita's family have already paid attention.

  Yang Nai directly caught Qinglong's hand, and then directly hugged Qinglong's right hand.

  "Nakano-kun, this is my fiancé. Kiyotaka-kun."

  "It has been determined that we will join our Yukinoshita family next." Yang Nai introduced.

  Following Yang Nai's introduction, Qinglong also greeted others politely.

  "It's so-"

  It was the first time the relatives heard about it.

  But Qinglong knew that this was just the beginning.

  Because the relatives introduced one by one, it is a very complicated procedure.

  Because you have to be prepared to be harassed by all kinds of questions from the other party.


  After half an hour.

  It took more than half an hour to get out of the car with Yang Nao to finally being freed from being surrounded by relatives.

  "Sir, do you need anything?"

  Qinglong came to the door of the hotel, and the doorman serving here came over immediately.

  "No." Qinglong shook his head gently.

  Thinking like this, I suddenly found a red luxury car stopped.

  The doorman hurried over to help drive the car.

  The red Almaston stopped and the door was opened.

  The girl walked down.

  This girl is very interesting.

  She was wearing a gorgeous red dress with a streamer on her body.

  The feet were wearing flat shoes.

  But when I got out of the car, I started to change my shoes again.

  Then come down in high heels.

  Pay attention to traffic safety, but also pay attention to etiquette.

  And dressed beautifully.

  The red dress looks like a skirt, and a string of silver-white pendants hangs around her beautiful neck.

  Not cheap.

  And her long hair is tied, there is a dazzling feeling.

  Delicate facial features, just lightly painted with light makeup, but there is a sense of dazzling beauty.

  If she doesn't speak, then she must be a real beauty.


  If you don't speak.

  Because this is the single female teacher of Sobu High School that Kiyotaka knew, Hiratsuka Shizuo. .

Chapter 639

  Hiratsuka Shizuo, the golden single female teacher of Sotake High.

  She looks like a beauty, and if she dresses up, she will be called a great beauty.

  But it's a pity.

  She is now a sad beauty who can't marry.

  If you are young, then everyone will only look beautiful.

  But she is close to collapse, so she will face a very realistic life after marriage.

  In the original work, Hiratsuka Jing still likes to drink, eat ramen, be an uncle, and smoke, so she has been unable to marry.

  Although she is beautiful, she always makes people feel sad.


  Marriage is the life of two people, and it takes decades to live.

  If there is such an attribute, neither ordinary nor elite men dare to ask for it.

  That's why she's still single.

  But to say the least.

  Hiratsuka is absolutely beautiful.



  Qinglong originally just came out to breathe, but now he feels that his heart has been healed.

  He walked directly towards Hiratsuka-sensei.

  "Xiao Jing, good evening'~."

  "Ah, good evening... ahhh!"


  "Why are you here."

  "And you still call me Xiao Jing!"

  "Could it be that……"

  The beautiful-glamorous beauty immediately turned into a simple and unpretentious female teacher. The quiet temperament when she was not talking disappeared instantly, and she turned into a nervous female teacher who looked left and right.

  "Is Yang Nai here?"

  "Also, don't call me like her," Hiratsuka-sensei said.

  "Well, I think Xiaojing sounds pretty good." Qinglong said. "And we're all here today as guests."

  "It would be bad if the points were so clear." Qinglong said.


  Xiaojing looked at Qinglong carefully. "So, Yang Nai brought you here today?"

  She still knew about Yang Nai and Qinglong getting married.

  It just hasn't been announced yet.

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