"Almost." Qinglong said. "Let's meet relatives first today."

  "Because the real ceremonies haven't been done yet."


  It turned out to be the case.

  "Then you are very busy." Xiao Jing said. "There are many people in Yukinoshita's house."

  "I have experienced this." Qinglong nodded lightly.

  Because as soon as he turned his head, he saw a relative of Yukinoshita come to the door and seemed to be looking for something.

  You don't have to think about it at all, you know it must be looking for him.

  "Then I'll go first." Qinglong said. "and also."

  He turned around and said as he turned around. "Hiratsuka-sensei, you are very beautiful."

  "¨ˇ That's why I don't want to call you teacher."


  Xiao Jing was stunned for a moment.

  But Kiyotaka had his back turned to her, and then trotted to the relative of the Yukishita family.




  and so.

  Xiao Jing stood there.

  Was she just praised by a boy for being beautiful?

  "Xiao Jing."

  "Why are you so late!"

  However, Xiaojing stood there for a while, before her parents came out.

  My father is a high-level executive of the (Ded) company, and my mother is an entrepreneur.So although as a teacher, she can also afford Armaston.

  "I've already agreed with your second aunt. Later, when she throws out a bouquet, you'll pick it up."

  "She will toss to the right." Inside:

  "You stand on the right."

  "Then the next one to marry is you."


  Desperate to think about this.

  She has already received bouquets from her relatives 10 times.

  Thinking of this, Teacher Xiaojing hurriedly followed. .

Chapter 640

  Host: "Would you marry this woman? Love her, be loyal to her, whether she is poor, sick or disabled, until she dies. Doyou?"

  Groom: "Ido (I do)!"

  on the steps.The newlyweds are taking the oath.

  Relatives sent their blessings and applauded responsible for the atmosphere.

  And Qinglong and Yang Nai stayed together.

  "You look tired." Yang Nai finally found Qinglong.

  "Yeah, I regret a little." Qinglong said.

  I thought it wouldn't be too much trouble even if I inherited the Yukishita family, but the relationship between relatives and the like is really scary.

  "Then you want to regret the marriage?" Miss Yang Nai opened her eyes wide.

  She slept with him.

  And now he just felt a little bit so he wanted to run?

  "I still can't do this."

  "Besides, isn't my wife very beautiful. I won't regret the marriage." Qinglong said. "But in this way, you will experience it more deeply. How tired you usually are."

  Yukinoshita's relatives are in trouble.

  Some people like to gossip, but because they are elders, they have to listen to her gossip.

  And then, beating around the bush, hoping that the niece who just graduated and the like can join the company.

  And asked about qualifications.Again nothing.

  So it's all about wanting to go.

  And dealing with such a person is very troublesome.Satisfying the other party will make you feel unhappy, and if you are not satisfied, the other party will be chatty again.

  Therefore, Qinglong takes it directly. If you can come, I will give you work first. If you can't do it, if you can't finish it, then you (cgae) will quit it yourself.It's not that I don't want you, it's that you are too low, but it's more troublesome to supervise the other party.

  And it's a waste of manpower.

  So Qinglong decided to let Mrs. Yubihama take charge.

  It's just that I can give her a little more vacation on behalf of the public and private.

  Qinglong thought.

  "If you go back, I'll give you a reward!" Yang Nai didn't know that Qinglong had already begun to give public services to private individuals, but felt that the other party was doing a good job.

  So I nudged him lightly with my shoulder.


  Speaking of which, he is not tired.

  So, the two continued to attend the wedding together.


  The important swearing-in session of the newlyweds is over.

  On the other hand, Qinglong was looking for people everywhere.

  "Who are you looking for?"

  "I saw Hiratsuka-sensei," Kiyotaka said.

  "Ah, Xiaojing." Yang Nai was in a good mood, "Xiaojing should be forced by her parents to pick up the flowers at this time."

  This is really pitiful.

  "The mugs will be handed out later."

  "You can choose the pattern you like." Yang Nai said.

  "Do you like the pattern—"

  Qinglong started walking towards the gift area.

  However, she saw the beauty in the red gorgeous dress glanced here, but she moved quickly and wanted to blend in with the crowd.

  "..." Qinglong.

  Qinglong walked in her direction.

  She seems to be walking faster.

  Qinglongka looked to the side, turned around, and found that the other party had stopped.


  Isn't that just avoiding him?

  Qinglong ran directly and quickly.

  The other party was wearing a dress and couldn't run at all.

  was stopped immediately.

  "Ah, Hikigu-kun."

  Hiratsuka-sensei noticed that there was only a wall behind, so he had to start talking.

  "By the way, Hiratsuka-sensei, why have you been avoiding me—" Kiyotaka was expressionless.She then grabbed her wrist to prevent her from running away again.


  Suddenly being held by the wrist, a hint of pink appeared on Teacher Xiao Jing's smooth cheeks.

  But it's not heartwarming.

  "how to say--"

  Teacher Xiaojing said, "This is the first time someone has praised me for being good looking."

  "I don't know, I don't know how to deal with you."

  "So I chose to run away."

  she said honestly.


  All right.Her performance was really heartwarming. .

Chapter 641

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